06:42:23 BP++ had a massive rewrite https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/510.pdf 09:35:20 ive sent an email to the author asking about changes and if this is the "full" / "final" paper (that would address the issues raised by cypherstack reg "offloaded arguments") 12:46:31 "BP++ had a massive rewrite https..." <- Looks like they also released code with the paper. BP++ written in rust https://github.com/sanket1729/rust-bulletproofs-pp 12:46:49 great news 12:49:13 The paper changelog also indicates that they fixed a vulnerability and added security proofs 14:00:22 +an ack from the author that its the full version 15:06:13 xmrack: I thought the paper acked a C++ impl 15:11:50 waves 16:45:31 kayabanerve: They did and linked to this https://github.com/sanket1729/secp256k1-zkp/commit/785f9d728086dd5b9c697ca4d452c517b8243a85#diff-6b32699f39e7833bfbed1712bd76069c7da22cd2ce27ee6046baf02faa218c89 16:46:20 Its not really a C implementation though. Maybe I'm just confused 16:47:54 Ahh, so the C code is only for their benchmark. I found the link to their rust code here which is also linked in the paper "We have since made improvements to the implementation to prepare for a potential merge into the secp256k1-zkp library" https://github.com/BlockstreamResearch/secp256k1-zkp/pull/207 16:48:32 https://github.com/sanket1729/secp256k1-zkp/tree/bp%2B%2B/src/modules/bppp 16:49:31 Or yeah, that bpp_final branch seems proper 16:49:37 Yea 16:49:41 Despite the name being inconsistent with the PR 16:49:56 The one I linked is older 16:50:01 https://github.com/sanket1729/secp256k1-zkp/tree/bpp_final