16:16:41 Rucknium: Do you you have examples of wallets that produce the defects in your paper? Exodus I think has there own implementation, maybe others 17:56:22 compdec: It's easier to see the evidence of nonstandard transactions on chain than it is to discover which wallet implementations may be creating them. About 10% of recent transactions have nonstandard fees: https://github.com/Rucknium/misc-research/tree/main/Monero-Nonstandard-Fees 17:57:18 isthmus has identified some nonstandard txs, too: https://github.com/Mitchellpkt/monero_fingerprinting_pipeline 17:58:38 If you look at the nonstandard fee data, almost all txs had standard fees for about a week after the August 2022 hard fork. Many Monero wallet implementations were nonfunctional during that period. 18:00:16 There are a lot of closed-source Monero wallet implementations. That makes it harder to figure out what is making these txs. Some of them could be coming from centralized exchanges, too. 18:01:26 We know that MyMonero and lws used to produce nonstandard fees, but the issue is supposed to be fixed now: 18:01:49 https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-core-cpp/pull/35 18:01:58 https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-core-cpp/pull/36 18:02:09 https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws/pull/31 18:04:16 Users of different wallets and services could test them to see if their wallets are producing nonstandard fees. 21:39:58 I'll try some things too then. I made distributions over the Wasserstein distance for those persistence diagrams of rings I produced. There seems to be a short term, medium term, and long term structure to it.