11:02:24 Springproofs: Efficient Inner Product Arguments for Vectors of Arbitrary Length 11:02:42 https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings-article/sp/2024/313000a067/1RjEaDExPJS 11:03:24 “Experimental results show that Springproofs preserve the succinct proof size of Bulletproofs, and Springproofs can achieve an almost 2 times speedup compared with Bulletproofs, when the length of the witness vectors is only marginally larger than a power of 2. Digital curren- cies such as Monero may also benefit from Springproofs. Compared with Bulletproofs based Monero, Spring 11:03:24 proofs based Monero only takes 59.7% and 65.5% of time cost to generate and verify a transaction with 9 outputs respectively. Moreover, Springproofs increase the range of parameters on which the performance of privacy computing supported by Bulletproofs exceeds that of Groth16, for instance privacy computing on the statistics like expected value and variance.” 11:54:07 Does it mention a comparison with BP+ (or BP++) ? 14:12:33 It mentions BP+ but I believe the comparisons are only to BP. I reached out to the authors for clarification and to see if they would open source the c++ code