13:23:43 Townforge game based on monero Blockchain 13:23:43 Overview 13:23:43 Townforge is a blockchain based game where you create buildings which will provide you with income. 13:23:44 Buildings and land cost a one off sum as well as regular maintenance costs. Payout is earned at every game tick, which happens every 720 blocks. A portion of the block rewards go to the game, to be redistributed to players. A research "tech tree" allows players to improve their buildings' efficiency. Peer to peer trade allows players to exchange goods and money. A 3D world view al 13:23:44 lows players to bring their buildings to life, and a decentralized chat is available in game. 13:23:45 Every game action is stored on a blockchain, ensuring that what you own cannot be taken away from you unless the game rules allow it. No exit scam, no central database corruption, no rules change at a whim without notice. The game state is stored on every game user's copy of the blockchain. 13:23:45 In game currency is gold and its mined. Not issued my the developer 13:23:46 For full documentation 13:23:46 https://www.townforge.net/ 13:23:47 To join the community 13:23:47 https://t.me/townforge 13:48:27 Oh my. Spammed about my own stuff. The mind boggles. 17:19:53 On the MRL agenda tomorrow is how to confirm the security of Monero's multisig implementation, i.e. how to remove its "experimental" label: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/928 17:20:35 U​koeHB: You may be interested in attending