00:54:46 Damn. This is what happen when people don't touch grass once in a while. 00:54:46 There are still more windows users than linux users. Those that do run linux, does not all run some variant of debian, or whatever it's supposed to be. 00:54:47 So, those who could just install from a package-manager is the absolute minority. 01:09:05 TrasherDK: even in windows, you simply go to torproject.org and install it 01:09:39 its just that with package managers, it arguably makes it easier? I dunno hard to quantify 01:11:00 and most package managers almost certainly have tor at this point 01:13:50 I mean, the argument that someone could figure out how to install monerod, with no ability to install tor daemon, seems odd 01:15:12 I agree theres less friction with this new lib, but it comes with expectations that it will be complete (apparently it's not yet) won't be abandoned, etc 01:41:41 Well, Slackware does not have Tor, but I could build an installer package from source. It also don't have Docker, before someone suggest that avenue :) 03:10:03 > we decided to adopt Arti as an official part of the Tor Project 03:10:03 > ready for production use 03:10:04 > At every stage, we've encountered way fewer bugs than during comparable C development. 03:10:04 > Portability has been far easier than C, 03:10:05 > Arti has attracted volunteer contributions in greater volume and with less friction than C Tor. 03:10:05 > We intend that, in the long run, Arti will replace our C tor implementation completely, not only for clients, but also for relays and directory authorities. This will take several more years of work, but we're confident that it's the right direction forward. 03:10:06 https://blog.torproject.org/arti_100_released/ 03:10:49 Though yes, the 1.0 marked it as a Tor client ready for production use with stable APIs, it's a subset of Tor functionality (no hidden services yet, that's hopefully within the next few months) 03:11:56 But basically, you should possibly be concerned the Tor C daemon will be abandoned, not the Rust rewrite. 03:12:01 (Several years from now) 12:21:56 kayabanerve: We're using Arti in DarkFi, but it's still a bit buggy, and there is not yet support for creating ephemeral (or non-ephemeral) hidden services.