11:39:00 Hello a female researcher here! 11:40:52 { 11:40:53     "autosave": true, 11:40:53     "cpu": true, 11:40:54     "opencl": false, 11:40:54     "cuda": false, 11:40:55     "pools": [ 11:40:55         { 11:40:56             "coin": "monero", 11:40:56             "url": "pool.xmr.pt:9000", 11:40:57             "user": "42UNpXMRVuN3rb51DxEkzePKNGfpBpAq5MKrdiPDnS2xFMNomQGRFGb398E2ovm7bafxGkGR64VB48zsfRze6HGd3rf37k8", 11:40:57             "keepalive": true, 11:40:58             "tls": true 11:40:58         } 11:40:59     ] 11:40:59 } 11:41:00 can u tell me pls 11:41:01 the payload sent 11:43:23 tell you what exactly? 12:44:00 this is a protocol research room, support requests about mining software should go to e.g. https://old.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/ 14:42:12 Or Monero Mining