10:43:51 Btw darknet admins have taken up actively counter spamming 10:44:34 At least they claim to be doing so 11:01:14 Do they claim any numbers? tx/day? 11:01:29 The spam seems to have stopped now 11:07:00 i know its difficult to identify the spam over the ham, but the 1/2 transaction qualifier seems a bit much. I mean, a user that's aware of the effects of output aggregation would generally try and get to a point where they can perform 1/2 transactions. 11:07:32 but i guess that knowledge may not fall in the general user category..... 11:08:48 perhaps wallet2 (or the GUI or whatever does it) should automatically push the fee up to the higher levels. I forget the reasoning behind stopping at level 2. 14:27:59 Yes but if one sees a sharp increase in 1/2 without a corresponding increase in other transaction types especially 2/2 as was the case here, it is reasonable to assume a centralized source. 14:40:58 They only have to match the ham, and the spammer has to double the spam. It is a very effective deterrent. 14:40:58 Still we do not need a war between BS companies and dark net markets bloating up the blockchain. So we need to proceed with the ring size increase and related changes. 14:57:29 I'm still skeptical that this was a BS company. It started and stopped way too abrupt, causing everyone in the ecosystem to notice that something is going on. BS companies usually try to hide what they are doing, not announce it to everyone. 15:11:20 no that the extra txs have subsided it seems that ~1/2 of the current txs are 1in 2out 15:16:33 selsta do you want BS company to send you a memo before they do it ? its clearly a weak point which needs to be fixed 15:25:30 that's literally the opposite of what I said 15:31:37 selsta, they don't need to hide their transactions. You can assume it's not a BS company, like what you're doing right now, as there is no way to differentiate between transactions except for 1/2, which is the cheapest for them to own recent outputs. Anyways, I don't want to argue with you here. Let the statisticians decide what it is. 19:55:48 Which is the historical norm