02:33:49 I replied to jeffro256's post https://gist.github.com/kayabaNerve/0e1f7719e5797c826b87249f21ab6f86?permalink_comment_id=5027713#gistcomment-5027713 02:41:02 Thanks for the feedback 11:22:31 Hey all, as you know we usually cover ~1/3rd of "fundational" (whether dev or research) CCS proposals, from the General Fund. 11:24:00 I'll be happy to do the same for the MRL slush funds being discussed. Any opinion on this? 11:26:25 It sounds much nicer if you use the phrase "discretionary funds" instead of "slush funds". Slush sounds nefarious while discretionary does not. 11:26:56 And yes, it would be nice to have discretionary funds available. I'm all in favor of it. 11:30:25 sorry, not a native speaker, no intention to sound anything negative. 11:31:48 so if we do as usual, a CCS proposal must be put forward and the GF is then funding some of it, but not replacing the proposal. 11:34:19 Glad to hear you will support the effort as you have other proposals in the past. Great! 11:39:20 Great move from the General Fund 11:40:23 Would this change the structure of your fcmp ccs kayabanerve? 11:41:08 kayabanerve (because I'm not sure its pinging through IRC) 11:42:23 Would be good to "pre fund" things after aproval so it goes to funding at a reduced amount with the funds earmarked / staying in the GF wallet(s) instead of shuffling funds around needlessly, just a thought 11:53:16 plowsof: If we do that, it puts a continuous duty on me to pay the earmarked funds or not. Imagine something goes horribly wrong with the proposal and a large part of the community lobies for not paying. In such a case I would be left to decide without the backing of the CCS rules, processes and known practices. 11:54:13 I prefer to leverage the CCS system whenever possible to facilicate decision making 21:46:38 binaryFate: I am a native speaker and I called it a slush fund so don't worry :p Turns out "earmarked" is the better term here. 21:48:40 plowsof: The point of the CCS was stability and reduced latency. Even if the GF starts funding 33% of proposals, that doesn't cover the 67% nor the latency. 21:49:43 Re: decision making, if core wants to reject my proposal for circumventing the CCS flow (albeit via a CCS), I would be forced to concede there and remove that R proposal for solely the D proposal. I'd then have to make several shifts in discussions :/ 21:55:01 To be clear, I would accept the above and do my best to work around it. It's just more problematic IMO. 23:46:24 There was a lot of gas lighting for FCMP, seraphis is out of reach for the next few years 23:46:25 You need to show something if you want their support 23:46:26 Like the recent donations to GF 23:47:31 You're gonna lose all of that if you cancel it after all of that hype and donations