15:21:13 Hey all, my friend Awa from Anoma is organizing a panel for the Shielding Summit on 10 July in Brussels (parallel to EthCC): https://shieldingsummit.org/ 15:21:14 Zooko's currently on board for the panel, rest TBD. 15:21:16 Does anyone directly working on full-chain membership proofs happen to be in Europe during that time and would also be keen to represent the Monero side of the discussion? 15:21:18 I'm sure Monero in upcoming FCMP territory would be fun & spicy to discuss with Zooko. 17:46:42 jeffro256 kayabanerve @kayabanerve:matrix.org 17:48:36 I was already offered and declined as I leave Europe in the next few days and refuse to fly the Atlantic again a week later 😅 17:49:27 The only other direct dev is jberman. tevador presumably knows enough they could speak on it. jeffro256 could speak on the ecosystem and effects. 17:51:12 jberman is doing the integration to be exceptionally clear. I am the sole dev thus far of the FCMP++ libs. 17:52:09 So "directly working on" is very strong criteria and a bit difficult to suffice 17:56:18 Agree would be nice to have someone speaking on Monero fcmp progression there -- I have a prior engagement unfortunately, won't be able to make this one 18:38:43 Will they allow remote participants? 18:39:16 I'm available on that day, but will not be in Europe 20:59:53 Same ^ 21:17:12 I mean, I'd go to appear in person if it's a big deal, but that sounds expensive and lengthy 21:58:34 Cypher Stack has released its FCMP++ report: https://github.com/cypherstack/fcmp-review/releases/tag/final 21:58:45 The PDF is available at that release, and the repository contains the TeX source for it 22:03:37 Aaron Feickert: Thank you! 22:04:35 Thank you 22:07:39 In the notation section: "Transactions consume existing outputs and generate new outputs. Output 22:07:40 keys are of the form O = xG+yT , where x is a signing key required to authorize 22:07:42 a transaction consuming the output, and y is arbitrary." This is probably overly nit-picky, but knowledge of both x *and* y need to be known to create a valid composition proof and spend an e-note, correct? I only bring this up this distinction since we plan to have outgoing view keys where a scanner can recover x, but not y. This way, they can calculate key images, but cannot spend 22:10:39 Yes, that's correct. I had intended to update that language, but simply forgot to do so. Good catch! 22:11:09 I'll update and re-issue using the same tag, so that release link will continue to work. (The change will be visible and tracked as a commit and PR for transparency) 22:12:15 It shouldn't affect any of the analysis, which accounts for this 22:20:58 Updated! 22:29:02 (kudos also to kayabanerve who pointed out the poor wording; the failure to update is my fualt) 22:29:27 ^ the misspelling of fault as fualt is also my fualt... 23:31:29 Loo. 23:31:43 Lol.