18:38:21 Hello to everyone, 18:38:22 I'm new to this chat. I know the Monero cryptography, and your idea of using the Curve-Trees-based FCMP++ approach as a replacement for CLSAG looks extremely interesting to me. 18:38:24 Recently I had an idea of a minimalistic efficient signature 18:38:26 https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/921 which also can drop-in replace CLSAG. 18:38:28 I've tried to make announcement of it at Monero's reddit, however reddit filters block it. If the FCMP++ solution audit is expected to take a long time or if you continue to consider different possible options, could it be of interest to you to take a look at my draft? If this is the case, I'd be happy to hear your feedback or opinions. 18:41:54 C19th-adm: Welcome! You are in the right place. 18:42:34 kayabanerve , kayabanerve : Do you have any thoughts about the paper^? 18:44:08 nineteen_century_man: Can you link your Reddit post please? 18:44:12 I can approve it 18:47:53 Yes, here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1ecye8r/logarithmicsize_signature_lslsag/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 18:48:23 Could you repost it first please? 18:48:40 The thread is 2 days old and will not get any visibility, even if it is approved 18:48:46 A new thread that is directly approved will though 18:52:44 Done https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1ef7i2e/logarithmicsize_signature_lslsag/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 18:55:09 Approved and upvoted :-P 18:55:26 See it, thanks a lot! 18:55:37 Your account is new and therefore the thread was filtered, if you leave a few comments (people probably will have questions), you should be over the threshold for comment and post karma fairly quickly 18:55:41 np! 18:56:32 Clear, thanks) 19:07:06 I believe I remember reading this :) 19:07:06 I believe FCMP++s are on track for the next hard fork (which is up in the air, yet the FCMP++ effort has gone very well so far). If it was still a ways out, I'd agree this likely would be worth future review. 19:08:09 So while I don't personally believe it's worth the excursion (review, implementation, audit, and PR) at this time, I do want to say it's quite interesting work and I appreciate the submission :) 19:09:43 *I do want to explicitly note FCMP++s are log size and log time, as despite using a O(n)-time proof, its program is of log size to the statement. 19:15:10 Is this an unlucky case of being late? I guess that 5 years ago or so we could have switched to this, with nice benefits, if it really holds? 19:26:51 FCMP++ is shorter and faster, no questions. One possible objection that I can think of may appear during the audit is the additional EC introduced by FCMP++, Helios&Selene, as it's currently proposed. Helios&Selene is shown having >120bit security in theory, however it is new. Compared to the current state with only one underlying EC, the time-tested Ed25519, the system became no more as secure as Ed25519. Thus, my guess is that a cautious way might be to test Helios&Selene+Ed25519 as they come in FCMP++ in a smaller solution. Namely, in a smaller system with high insetives for hackers, e.g. DEX, which can be turned off in the case of emergency. 19:29:45 Simple solutions come last, paraphrasing Einstein))) 19:44:52 Assuming it's all valid, it'd be Triptych-comparable. 19:44:54 Speaking of, I'd have to check the feasibility for MPC protocols of it. 19:46:00 IMO, which isn't that of an expert, curves are trivial to prove secure. If you ignore single-coordinate ladders/uncompressed points, it really comes down to the MOV attacks and embedding degree. 19:46:36 There's a bunch of other factors you can consider, see the list of SafeCurves criteria, yet most of them I'd argue egregious/not modern day relevant. 20:08:18 I'm not a big expert in curves either. Leaving this question to judgement of more experienced people. I still perceive a difference between triviality of being to proved secure and having a practical record of being secure for a long time... So, it's good that your're going to check it with various protocols.