04:00:44 sech1. (??) 04:02:07 Rucknium what's the status of OSPEAD research? Latest was that draft, no? 15:50:59 rottenwheel: Right now it looks like FCMP++ R&D is going smoothly enough that the next hard fork will implement FCMP++. The original FCMP++ specification would need "decoy" elements when a wallet communicated with a node to construct the input proofs. The "decoy" elements wouldn't appear in the final transaction that would be broadcasted and confirmed on the blockchain, but a mali cious remote node would still see the decoy elements combined with the real spend. The wallet wouldn't provide the real/decoy labels in the query, of course, but a malicious remote node could perform statistical analysis to guess the real spend. So proper selection of decoys that OSPEAD provides would be important for the privacy of wallet-node interactions. 15:52:27 jberman and maybe dangerousfreedom are working on an alternative wallet setup that would cache the elements that wallets need to construct input proofs so that even the "decoy" request protocol between wallet and node wouldn't be necessary.