18:30:06 This is an example of advances in Physics that can have a profound impact on Quantum Computing. https://scitechdaily.com/mit-unveils-exotic-matter-breakthrough-set-to-revolutionize-quantum-computing/ At a high level this can lead to more stable Qu bits, which in turn can reduce errors, and magnify the impact of the work reported by Google. 18:40:00 It does in my view further strengthen the case for the development of a post quantum Monero protocol, and the proposed moratorium after FCMP++ on the classical protocol 18:46:08 We only need logical 1536 qubits (meaning qubits with 0 error rate) to break the security of curve25519, which monero relies upon. Biggest quantum chip is 1000 physical qubits with shitty error correction. Google willow is 105 logical qubits with an error correction of 95%+. It's very worrying ngl 18:46:19 1536 logical qubits* 18:47:02 just need a collaboration from all these breakthrough and advancement and a cryptography breaking quantum computer could appear in less than 10 years 19:30:22 If I understand correctly, the Willow chip is 105 physical qbits that they used to build logical and error-corrected qubits, in groups of 3*3 up to 7*7 physical qubits. That would mean that the result was between 10 and 2 of "good" qubits. Progress, yes, but still a quite modest number of qubits. 19:30:56 Oh, Matrix cheated: That's 3x3 and 7x7 19:35:18 And those logical qubits weren't spectacularly better: "Google scaled from a 3×3 to a 7×7 physical qubit lattice while reducing the error rate by a factor of 2.14, effectively doubling the lifespan of logical qubits compared to its earlier Sycamore chip." 19:35:33 (From here https://www.forrester.com/blogs/googles-willow-chip-quantum-leap-or-quantum-hype/) 19:54:13 >A couple weeks ago, the Google group announced an experiment that achieved net gain from the use of Kitaev’s surface code, using 101 physical qubits to encode 1 logical qubit. 19:54:15 >With superconducting qubits, one is (alas) still limited by how many one can cram onto a single chip. On paper, though, they say that scaling the same setup to a distance-27 code with ~1500 physical qubits would get them down to an error rate of 10^-6, good enough to be a building block in a future fault-tolerant QC. 19:54:17 https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=8310 19:57:22 >We’re still some ways from that milestone: after all, in this experiment Google created only a single encoded qubit, and didn’t even try to do encoded operations on it, let alone on multiple encoded qubits. But all in good time. Please don’t ask me to predict how long, though empirically, the time from one major experimental QC milestone to the next now seems to be measured 19:57:23 in years, which are longer than weeks but shorter than decades. 19:57:25 https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=8525