06:05:13 @rucknium:monero.social thx (sigh - its not flat!) i actually tried to compare your R code to the source :) that would be a job for an AI bot. 07:59:35 implementing a uniform dist for >DEFAULT_UNLOCK_TIME was unfortunate (a simple normal dist would have done better). Anyway, matching real world distributions is a never ending story. Want to emph that adding time-variance to the dist is a critical component in hardening DSA. Doesn't need to match O-day exactly, but it may not be static. Some entropy will do. 12:30:51 Eclipse Attacks on Monero’s Peer-to-Peer Network 12:30:52 https://www.ndss-symposium.org/wp-content/uploads/2025-95-paper.pdf 12:31:06 Rucknium: vtnerd 12:34:31 > In addition, we have ethically reported our investigation to Monero official team. 12:34:43 Another H1 report for the W 14:57:10 Привіт усім українцям. 14:57:12 Хочу запропонувати вам послугу по викупу китайських товарів з внутрішніх сайтів Китаю. І доставкою в Україну. 14:57:14 Вигідна ціна ,пошук товару по фото 14:57:16 Проходьте в telegram 14:57:18 https://t.me/+Ieeop6eb1D5kMDhi 16:37:44 implementing a uniform dist for >DEFAULT_UNLOCK_TIME was unfortunate. Anyway, matching real world distributions is a never ending story. Want to emph that adding time-variance to the dist is a critical component in hardening DSA. Doesn't need to match O-day exactly, but it may not be static. Some entropy will do.