01:38:55 How does one register at monero.social. I've created an account, but when I message an individual I receive the response: "User is blocking messages from unregistered users, and you are not registered." 01:54:35 which channel? 01:54:49 direct message 01:55:28 is this person on IRC? 01:55:33 Was trying to reach out to pigeons about fider. 01:56:08 He's at libera.chat not sure how cross matrix node registration works. 01:56:52 look into how to register your matrix account on libera chat 01:57:08 ok 01:57:18 will look if I find a tutorial 01:59:05 t-900-a[m]: https://kparal.wordpress.com/2021/06/01/connecting-to-libera-chat-through-matrix/ 01:59:09 this explains it 02:17:48 ty 12:55:05 binaryfate: hold on the update please. More stuff got merged and i don't know if i have time to check it today