08:19:46 Not sure who has access at this point <-- me and fluffypony 08:20:02 or anyone if the specific email is greenlighted 08:37:15 I think on monero-announce we should send something once new binaries are available so there can be immediate practical actions from readers 09:06:40 ^ i agree this would be the best course of action, it's also consistent with what we did in past 11:41:13 My thought was notifying then as well but notifying now so people can be aware of it and keep an eye out 11:41:33 For the same reasons we published this blog post now 12:19:24 in general I agree to inform people as much as we can of the HF intention, but for monero-announce list we try to keep it a very high S/N ratio, so preferable when dates are closer and confirmed, and binaries available 12:24:03 Understood! Will update the checklist to reflect that approach.