05:58:14 What getmonero needs is updates to the content. There are many things that can be improved visually and i understand that that's the fun part to work with, but it's also useless if the website is outdated 05:59:43 moneroguides: you keep ignoring every single suggestion i give about the website, in public and private. Feel free to work on whatever you want, but please don't contact me asking for opinions if you end up ignoring all of them anyway. 06:01:39 Working on a redesign now is a waste of time and resources. 11:59:22 i'm slightly confused, i thought i had taken on almost all your suggestions. there are a few i can think of which i haven't, so far, but that doesn't mean i won't in the future 12:05:13 the one which i haven't done so far is make individual issues for each change. i haven't done that because i want to flesh out the idea as a whole. but you can quite clearly see from the text that i have labelled issues and noted is they are menu or content changes 12:05:23 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/1900#issuecomment-990948872 12:05:52 you said yourself that this would require discussion 12:08:16 s/is/if/ 12:17:34 "What getmonero needs is updates..." <- I am not trying to make visual improvements, i thought i had made that clear a few times 12:18:55 i think the website itself needs a much clearer and logical layout. from this, updating information should be simple. what would be the point of updating information first, just to chop and change it around? 12:21:10 arguably, those in power and those who care, should be working together to find a common solution. if no one thinks my idea is worth anything i'll stop working on it and throw it in the trash. the reality is i've seen a lot of complaints about the website for many reasons. i'm interested in one, content structure 12:22:16 * i think the website itself needs a much clearer and logical layout. from this, updating information should be simple. updating information first, then chopping and changing it would take more time and effort than the other way around 12:22:45 * i think the website itself needs a much clearer and logical layout. from this, updating information should be simple. updating information first, then chopping and changing it would likely waste time and effort than the other way around 12:22:59 * i think the website itself needs a much clearer and logical layout. from this, updating information should be simple. updating information first, then chopping and changing it would likely waste time and effort 12:38:30 * make visual (graphics, javascript or whatever) improvements, i, * few times. if you consider visual improvements to be structure related then can we continue referencing structure and not 'visuals' 12:43:35 * interested in helping with one, content