06:54:07 our initial trademark application (through the SFLC - Software Freedom Law Center) was rejected because of that Moneero crypto thing that was in South America 06:54:19 when they went bankrupt and their mark got deregistered we filed for a new one 06:54:26 last year 06:54:58 and yeah the Monero Distribution Corp is the vehicle we use for stuff like our Apple Developer Account which is used to notarize the core software to run on Apple devices 06:55:05 so it made sense to just use that same vehicle 07:25:04 "we can fix it for mobile but you..." <- You are making a change that was asked for a long time (and only a small portion of the changes the community has asked) only now that things blew up and you risk a reputation damage, but you call the people calling you out bullies. Infuriating. Your entire marketing strategy is to be the friendly buddy of the community, stick to that please. 07:42:26 monero.com will be constantly confused with the official website. 07:43:00 well, by newcomers, at least 07:45:01 I just took a look at the website and it is _slick_, but the first section of the page does not make it clear at all that this website is for a wallet. Also see the "Recommended wallet app" section, which implies that this is the recommended wallet of Monero community, not that the website is specifically for promoting the wallet 07:45:16 well. Now that it's clear Monero is trademarked i'm sure they will be much more careful. They are in a very precarious legal situation. 07:46:14 so yeah not surprising they want to sell the domain now. This move is yet another crack towards the trust on Cake 07:47:34 but now that people are being loud is a good moment to pressure them into making all the changes that people requested, not just the banner on top. They were noting all requests diligently not long ago, i hope they also plan to implement them 09:13:08 "but now that people are being..." <- a banner that can be removed 09:14:32 "well. Now that it's clear Monero..." <- if thats the case they should be treated like any other entity attempting the same, no pass should be given just because they shower (briber) the community with "sponsorships" 09:14:43 s/briber/bribe/ 10:45:38 "but now that people are being..." <- I believe vik has good intentions in this chat 10:47:09 And I dont doubt the changes will be made. 10:47:09 Morpheus designed the website, if I have to I can get with him to see if we can get it fixed properly 10:48:27 Btw the rendering issue on mobile blocks the "exchange" button. (Roll back your website. Its broken) 10:51:52 Of course, i don't think he/Cake has any intention or interest in being malicious. Some of the answers they have been giving are quite upsetting tho and make me doubt their complete good faith. Also, the fact that they are listening to criticism is appreciated, but doing it when you are cornered is not a good look for them. 10:53:42 * r4v3r23[m] uploaded an image: (41KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PdOWxRtcrlrCCLRdMBfrqwAb/photo_2022-08-11_13-51-49.jpg > 10:53:47 "good intentions" 11:03:28 Binance blocked withdrawals again 11:03:51 Time for a pr to remove / warn against binance... 11:26:01 did they reinstate and then block it in the past 24 hours or is it the same block that has been going on for the past 2-3 days 11:26:15 regardless, agreed 14:14:26 Just to make sure I understand the Monero trademark discussion...... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/8ab40a7d49024c71a8c81f0ff91d1ea183d2ed6d) 14:16:04 yes it's defensive 16:12:56 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> And I dont doubt the changes will be made. 16:12:56 > 16:12:56 > Morpheus designed the website, if I have to I can get with him to see if we can get it fixed properly 16:12:56 thank you. A thief thinks everyone is a thief. 16:13:40 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> And I dont doubt the changes will be made. 16:13:40 > 16:13:40 > Morpheus designed the website, if I have to I can get with him to see if we can get it fixed properly 16:13:40 I actually want to do a radical change to the website, which was already under design/discussion internally. 16:16:35 > <@john_r365:monero.social> Just to make sure I understand the Monero trademark discussion...... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/f2ca26ababdf8a0987a57536fd6fe003ba68feb6) 16:17:14 * It was an application filed in January as I understand. It won't apply to us as long as we aren't impersonate the official site, which we are not. Anyway, we want to change the site to look radically different and be more wallet focused. 16:18:28 +1 for being more wallet focused 16:19:55 * It was an application filed in January as I understand. It won't apply to us as long as we aren't impersonating the official site, which we are not. Anyway, we want to change the site to look radically different and be more wallet focused. 16:20:47 * It was an application filed in January as I understand, not granted yet. I hope it does get granted to the community. It won't apply to us as long as we aren't impersonating the official site, which we are not. Anyway, we want to change the site to look radically different and be more wallet focused. 17:03:25 "I just took a look at the..." <- notd 17:03:28 > <@mesaoptimizer:libera.chat> I just took a look at the website and it is _slick_, but the first section of the page does not make it clear at all that this website is for a wallet. Also see the "Recommended wallet app" section, which implies that this is the recommended wallet of Monero community, not that the website is specifically for promoting the wallet 17:03:29 * noted 19:02:17 https://teddit.net/r/cakelabs/comments/wls6wx/cake_pays_privacy_policy_and_terms_of_service/ 19:02:28 Update on cakepay privacy policy 19:16:26 https://ionia.docsend.com/view/jaqsmbq9w7dzvnqf 19:16:26 ^ direct link to the policy 19:21:46 I updated the website with v0.18.1.0 release