01:48:14 date updated on the post, and site deployed 01:50:40 I have some local changes on the Gemfile.lock file, due to more recent jekyll and other gems on the server. Should I commit these changes? Or rather we should git ignore that file going forward? 01:50:59 repeating my first message since bridge is shit "date updated on the post, and site deployed" 01:57:38 thanks for deply, ErC 01:58:31 s/deply/deploy - the repeat of 1st message was needed thx <3 bridge 06:06:21 binaryFate better commit them IMO. There are going to br more dependecies issues going forward 06:06:52 I opened an issue on matrix' repo about the problem with the bridge. Seems to be a known bug 06:49:46 The IRC and matrix rooms are temporarily unbridged. I asked matrix' team some support because there is something broken somewhere 07:23:18 this is the issue btw, in case somebody wants to track it: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/issues/1721 07:25:00 it's not only us btw. Multiple rooms are having the same problem. From the discussions on matrix support channel seems like they are close to resolve