09:04:13 https://docs.astro.build/en/reference/directives-reference/#client-directives 09:04:13 "By default, a UI Framework component is not hydrated in the client. If no client:* directive is provided, its HTML is rendered onto the page without JavaScript." 09:04:14 Astro only adds client-side JS when explicitly told to with a directive like client:load 09:45:33 I realized that if we want light/dark mode themes without JS we have to build two versions of the website, and having the theme in url query param 09:47:14 Imo the current Figma dark theme is slick but light mode is more welcoming. Monero is scary enough, I would not emphasize that. 10:37:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not wearing sunglass for a webpage 10:44:09 light mode is fine, just link to this for tuose who preffer dark: https://darkreader.org/ 12:14:11 Lite mode is not fine 12:14:47 Lite mode works great, dont get me wrong, but i cant look at that stuff all day 12:20:43 https://nerva.one/ heres a website of another monero copy paste 12:23:13 is that supposed to be a good example? Looks like yet another corpo coin 12:36:32 No, just an example of dark not being scary 12:36:49 I agree Light mode is more agressive when you have to stare at it for hours, like coding. But for websites I usually prefer Light mode. 12:36:50 Anyway, my point is that it would be cool to have both. The only thing is that to do that without client-side JS we need `?theme="dark"` in the url 12:37:57 I see this website in Light, don't know where to change the theme 12:40:27 I see this website nerva.one in Light mode, don't know where to change the theme. I suppose it is based on user system preference. And that's an other way of doing it, where we can deliver themed content without adding the theme in url, but without JS we can't change the theme. 12:41:05 Or user have to change its system pref 12:43:59 Probably fine if it detects user sys prefs, or have a little 🌛 button to manually toggle it 🤷‍♂️ 12:45:28 To toggle manually we either need JS, or a dedicated HTML page 12:46:06 System pref is the easiest way 14:00:11 The font used in Figma is Gilmer, and is not open source. https://piotrlapa.com/fonts-gilmer/ 14:00:11 I would choose an other one. 14:01:44 Also I didn't find a variable format 14:02:06 Google "variable font" if you don't know what I am talking about 14:05:47 I like https://rsms.me/inter/ 14:07:55 Yes it's a popular one. 14:08:08 https://fonts.google.com/specimen/League+Spartan 14:08:08 https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Outfit 14:10:24 https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Maven+Pro?query=Maven+Pro 14:11:43 Please vote with thumb up! 14:13:25 cant thumb up from irc 14:13:44 Okay haha 14:14:04 No thumb, no vote! 14:14:08 joking 14:14:24 Still banned on matrix - this is too annoying 14:14:52 :/ 14:15:40 yo @plowsof 14:15:51 Unban me in this room you fkn asshole 14:16:08 Erc banned me in here and tl and self destruct. This isnt even sgp's bullshit ban 14:16:30 Erc is gone, and i was unbanned on irc (since erc banned me here) 14:17:05 What a way to appeal a ban! 14:17:21 lololool 14:17:22 "appeal ban" 14:17:34 Sounds like you think im asking 14:18:00 Crooked cops get shot, they dont get medals. Rip erc 14:18:23 You will be unban, chill 14:18:48 No i wont lmao 14:18:55 Oh, he is not asking! He is demanding! 14:19:00 Right 14:19:09 He is the boss here, get your shit together! 14:19:29 Im jot the boss, but neither is erc 14:19:31 Now he's saying crooked cops get shot! Watch your backs! 14:19:56 Such a welcoming environment for the new faces. We ought to be proud of our lovely, inclusive communities! 🦄 14:26:06 Go troll elsewhere 14:26:41 I need to be unbanned. This asshat even blocked me from reviewing prs 14:27:05 Imagine! How are you going to live with this! 14:29:09 Btw: close 2221 14:29:50 Dupe of 2184 14:30:16 Yes boss! 14:30:27 and rotten - dont cry to me anymore. Youre on your own 14:31:07 Oh no! What am I gonna do now! 14:31:51 Next time these guys want to cancel you and stop you from eating for 2 yrs (revuo still would be cancelled if erc was still here) 14:32:19 Revuo still cancelled on @monero. Idk, what are you goinf to do? Are you cancelling revuo as you said? 14:34:13 It's very sad. We need more builders. 14:34:20 Its not "yes boss", im asking you to stop spamming everyones email with updates to a pr that is a dupe 14:35:33 Ok boss. 14:43:21 Figma is also using MoneroGothic for titles. Can't find this font 14:44:25 ofrnxmr ofc you can thumbs_up from irc 👍 14:45:08 Sent from android 14:45:38 moneroguides do you remember what is the matrix username of redesign OP? I think you mentioned you were in contact with them on here before... 14:45:59 Nobody has PM'd him on reddit yet, I bet. 14:46:14 We were counting on you 14:46:38 Damn, don't count on me for anything. I am a zero to the left. 14:47:01 Arrh 14:47:48 I guess I could find the font here if the website was working :( https://www.monerooutreach.org/monero-typography.html 14:49:14 chch3003 https://archive.is/sn9qE 14:49:28 https://archive.is/o/sn9qE/https://static.monerooutreach.org/font/MoneroSerif/MoneroGothic_v3.zip 14:49:46 https://archive.is/o/sn9qE/https://static.monerooutreach.org/font/MoneroSerif/MoneroGothic_v3_web.zip 14:49:52 Nice 14:55:03 It works, thanks 18:13:32 Does someone knows what should be the video in the home page? 18:13:58 Same as current website? 18:23:11 Also we have a title above it saying "How does Monero work?" 19:03:02 For now probably mirror getmonero 19:03:49 Update the video when the time comes. There are potentially a few more yet to be made 19:06:27 yes I added the same as now 19:18:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So has there been a repo made yet for it? 19:18:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or still waiting on luigi buffon ? 19:19:00 I started working on it today but I didn't push 19:19:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I wouldn’t spend too much time. Cause more then likely either nothing happens or 1 yr time something happens 19:21:17 Then it will be the unofficial Monero website 19:22:31 PS: there is no real official website 19:23:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah getmonero 19:24:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> They have an hardware⊙eo 19:24:36 I mean there is no real boss 19:24:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah fluffy is ceo 19:25:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And selsta is super admin 19:56:07 I almost not even using React 19:56:18 It's 99% HTML 19:56:30 You will like it 19:59:38 I contacted the designer on Reddit btw 19:59:51 Let's see if he respond 20:01:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> What about monero.town 20:03:42 No result when searching Hammermann09 20:06:57 chch3003 thanks! Hopefully he gets back to you soon.