08:30:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2205 08:30:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> should this be closed? new year 08:39:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 32 prs for website :0 10:25:35 Where is the content of this file https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/blob/035358db253b815f31e4012d2ce5bbe4ab29bf6d/resources/roadmap/index.md please ? 10:35:22 Resources/roadmap 10:36:33 🫣 10:36:56 No it's just the template 10:39:39 _i18n/en.yml ? 11:00:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Missing i think 11:11:46 If someone wants to give a hand. I have to fill that data: 11:11:46 const roadmapData: RoadmapItem[] = [ 11:11:47 { 11:11:47 year: '2014', 11:11:48 achievements: [ 11:11:48 'Monero launched', 11:11:49 'Monero Research Lab founded', 11:11:49 'Monero Research Lab founded', 11:11:50 ], 11:11:50 }, 11:11:51 { 11:11:51 year: '2015', 11:11:52 achievements: [ 11:11:52 'Monero Research Lab founded', 11:11:53 'Monero Research Lab founded', 11:11:53 'Monero Research Lab founded', 11:11:54 ], 11:11:54 }, 11:12:31 I am skipping month like in Figma 11:12:43 There is a detail link for that 11:21:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Privatebin 11:21:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Rip nioc 11:22:08 What do you say? 13:11:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/uQbBCXhMSAPcZdMIdKHtqQND 13:11:24 Arrh I can't repeat the image 14:34:26 Go to git, go to prs, snd look at the prs to update roadmap, past and present 16:02:24 Alright guys, I did the Homepage. Still a lot to cleanup and fix, but you can have a look. 16:02:24 I deployed on Vercel https://getmonero-unofficial-beta.vercel.app/ 16:02:24 Here is the code: https://github.com/Janaka-Steph/monero-website 16:02:48 rbrunner7: plowsof 16:04:32 The text content is "hardcoded" in HTML/Astro files, not in Markdown. Internationalization is not done. 16:54:50 Interesting. Will have a closer look, maybe this coming Friday afternoon. 16:58:38 chch3003: not sure if this can be improved but the roadmap horizontal scrolling makes it difficult on mobile to quickly go to the bottom of the page 16:58:57 i try to scroll down and suddenly i scroll left or right at the roadmap 17:00:16 Ok I don't know yet about that but the Roadmap component is still buggy. Was quite hard to implement. Can't repeat the image horizontally also. 17:00:20 Keep in mind this is just 2 days of work 17:02:04 For Roadmap having a straight line would be much easier 17:02:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Can you open it with java disabled on firefox? 17:03:23 There is no Javascript client-side at all 17:03:52 So we can't have click events 17:03:56 i just tried scrolling again and it seemed to work fine, ignore me 17:04:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Looks fine to me. Just the how layout needs to be looked at 17:05:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Like whats on the pages 17:05:45 Need a mobile menu also, lot of things to improve 17:06:07 But it's just a draft to validate we can use Astro 17:46:53 Is link working? Not loading for me (tor?) 17:49:34 Bro I deployed on Vercel, it's not on Tor 17:52:44 .. 19:15:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its a test lil 19:16:04 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lol* 19:37:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So if you do a docs one, does the search function only work with js? 19:46:36 search function = sql injection 19:47:01 the ubuntu v15 machine can just about handle static html 19:53:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Can it handle me? 20:28:52 Hammermann is here! 👀 20:30:49 Hey 20:30:52 no, sorry, i tried 20:31:25 Someone messaged me on Reddit telling me they're implementing the design I made for Monero 2 years ago 20:32:31 ahhh here they are rottenwheel 20:33:32 yep, it wasnt about the design, but more about content and menus 20:55:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Monero is like Debian. N+2 for a drastic change 20:57:29 What happens first? Website redesign or Seraphis? 🤔 21:10:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Plowsof as ceo 21:42:27 Website obv 21:43:35 Seraphis is still 2+n 21:44:20 fcmp probably finish before seraphis 21:44:46 Hammermann: Hey man ! Yes it's me. I contact you tomorrow here.