13:55:17 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> There should be a torrent, fucking yes
14:05:09 <ofrnxmr> Siren, any comments on replacing blockchain.raw with a data.mdb of the latest checkpoint? (on a torrent)
14:07:53 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> Can try releasing weekly torrents of latest checkpoint
14:08:32 <selsta> what's the benefit of using a torrent over just syncing up with monerod?
14:09:54 <selsta> unless someone skips verification it's not faster, just more complicated
14:10:10 <selsta> and recommending to skip verification is a security risk
14:12:07 <ofrnxmr> Torrent for data.mdb is faster because its "already verified" up until latest checkpoint
14:13:36 <ofrnxmr> For blockchain.raw, its a potential lighter/shared load on getmonero's servers
14:15:37 <selsta> I don't think uploading a data.mdb file is a good idea, it also wouldn't work well with pruning
14:32:43 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> Have you personally experimented with this? Are you sure about that?
14:33:38 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> I mean torrenting vs syncing monerod in terms of speed
14:34:40 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> The fact that it's slower to torrent that
14:37:38 <selsta> uploading the data.mdb file to a torrent is a security risk, as far as I know the file isn't even deterministic so it wouldn't be possible to know if it's tempered with or not
14:37:59 <selsta> checkpoints are a security measure during sync, I'm doubt they can detect a tampered database
14:41:24 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sounds safer to be seeded by many people rather than direct downloads from downloads.getmonero.org which served malware before
16:02:14 <plowsof> lets get binance delisted real quick 
16:03:41 <plowsof> we need this PR reviewed (iirc each of the individual PR's have at least 1 approval) https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2232 , i can then squash 
18:26:37 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lol
18:26:43 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Watch there price drop
20:17:08 <ofrnxmr> luigi1111 luigi1111w
20:17:16 <ofrnxmr> 2232 was the one to look at
20:17:48 <luigi1111w> it draft
20:18:02 <luigi1111w> plowsof plz fix
20:21:03 <plowsof> Oki
20:23:44 <plowsof> Not a draft luigi1111w . Need to squash?
20:28:48 <plowsof> Gh says it has no conflicts :-S
20:31:49 <luigi1111w> well it's not a draft anymore
20:31:53 <luigi1111w> but squash would be nice
20:32:38 <plowsof> Oki 
20:38:16 <ofrnxmr> Donr neeed to squash (unless already done)
20:38:19 <ofrnxmr> Since each commit is essentially another pr
20:38:52 <ofrnxmr> (right?)
20:41:29 <luigi1111> If it makes sense yeah it's fine
20:46:38 <plowsof> fumbled the commit authors and squashed 
20:47:22 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> How dare you!
20:51:53 <luigi1111> Well well well
20:52:38 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> 2217!
20:56:49 <plowsof> fixing 
20:59:30 <plowsof> there we go luigi1111 
21:00:18 <plowsof> and 2217 and..
21:00:54 <luigi1111w> pls someone approve again
21:06:27 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> done.
21:17:50 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> 2203
21:18:51 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> 2205 is a roadmap update. concerns being "hey, we could add more things" but it can be built on top of and its better than nothing
21:18:53 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> luigi1111
21:19:57 <plowsof> and 2238
21:20:50 <luigi1111w> https://github.com/orgs/monero-project/projects/1
21:20:53 <luigi1111w> we have this thing
21:21:08 <luigi1111w> if it works right approved stuff should go in the ready to merge queue
21:22:15 <plowsof> they have to be manually added to "review needed" i think 
21:22:50 <luigi1111w> figure it out thanks plowsof 
21:22:55 <dukenukem> lol
21:23:26 <plowsof> XD
21:24:32 <dukenukem> who has the needed permissions to move stuff around in that workflow?
21:28:55 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> admins (but that list is proprietary info)
21:30:10 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> thanks for merges luigi1111... will check if it builds
21:30:35 <luigi1111w> it happens by itself largely I think
21:32:57 <plowsof> was the PR created by someone other than erc [yes]. has erc'd approved it [yes
21:33:02 <plowsof> is the current workflow 
21:34:21 <plowsof> e.g. "@erciccione erciccione added this to Review Needed in monero-site: PR workflow on Jul 18, 2022"
21:34:32 <plowsof> after this point ^ its automatic 
21:34:39 <plowsof> probably , maybe, possibly 
21:37:18 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> i made a PR with ">>>>>HEAD" stuff in it and got it merged so im crossed off the list for coordinating PR's
21:42:38 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> site builds and merchants page / library look ok
21:45:55 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> better to ask for deployment now and figure out the press-kit later?
21:46:13 <dukenukem> figure it out thanks plowsof.
21:46:20 <dukenukem> lol
21:46:41 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> 🧑‍💻
21:48:35 <m-relay> <p​lowsof:matrix.org> binaryFate we've had some merges (namely delisting binance). site builds here. please deploy at your convenience
23:07:43 <luigi1111> I'm sure we can do the permissions to make that whoever
23:09:46 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> If I can be of help, happy to.
23:14:51 <ofrnxmr> 4got 2210
23:14:59 <ofrnxmr> (link fix)
23:15:57 <ofrnxmr> Nvm diff page 
23:16:55 <ofrnxmr> Yes, deploy
23:18:06 <ofrnxmr> If youre ever looking for luigi and need merges >> wait for tuesday. ❤️
23:19:38 <ofrnxmr> Wont be long now until we can stop cleaning and start building (docs)