00:52:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Suuure 07:29:51 Yeah 2210 is in the ready 4 merge list , forgot luigi1111 11:27:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> How come this room is still on haveno.network? 11:27:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> !pBnQQFvuFhLffbKZpY:haveno.network 11:46:41 https://pagefind.app/ is great 11:47:03 used by https://starlight.astro.build/ 11:47:58 and sizeof.cat/search/ blog 11:48:05 and https://sizeof.cat/search/ blog 11:57:32 plowsof figure it out thanks. 14:02:30 Does the room have another address? The room's original address will always remain 14:30:53 An admin could make a new room and tombstone the old one 14:54:03 image.png 15:06:17 What room is this? 15:15:35 this 15:15:57 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/LZqqwJFHYiovXFHfNmjzujPA 15:21:53 Ah. To change that room ID, a new room would need to be made 18:10:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> chch3003 suggested antora for docs 20:02:14 their drop menu disappears when JS is disabled 20:02:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/NUeaAEBzAklXwreCfamRfOPA 20:02:55 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qNTZWNQeUFwjuRPiBZiuITkA 20:06:02 Their Callouts like "warning ⚠️", "tip 💡" aren't distinctive 20:06:34 UI on mobile is confusing 20:07:48 and their menu doesn't work without JS, so u you can't navigate (astro also has this problem) 20:08:36 mkdocs seems to be the only one that works well without JS, but isn't that modern looking and rather simple. 20:09:02 mkdocs seems to be the only one that works well without JS (with plugins), but isn't that modern looking and rather simple. 20:11:03 I prefer Starlight because it out performs all existing docs generators and less bloated 20:11:06 https://starlight.astro.build/environmental-impact/#comparisons 20:14:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Mkdocs has js for search bar 20:14:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> But yeah plugin 20:14:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Need no js for selsta 20:16:00 don't browsers have a search built in in the first place? i guess you would have to be on the correct page first 20:16:47 yes 20:17:23 you can't search the whole website from your browser search functionality 20:17:59 tbh I haven't seen any search that works without js 20:18:06 they all resort to duckduckgo 20:18:15 when js is disabled 20:18:16 dont most people just type something into a search engine and end up on reddit/stackoverflow/getmonero article 20:18:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yest 20:18:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> How to install monerod 20:19:03 yes, but you will have to relay on search engine's index 20:19:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ctrl + f everybody on the docs 20:19:12 so it won't always be accurate 20:19:23 yes, but you will have to rely on search engine's index 20:19:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> What’s starlight use? 20:19:47 pagefind.app 20:20:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> K 20:20:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Have to look into it 20:20:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Only 2 rules 20:20:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 1. No js 20:20:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 2. No rust ( for plowsof) 20:24:55 I just came across the well known Stork static search https://github.com/jameslittle230/stork/discussions/360 20:26:12 He literally recommends [pagefind](https://pagefind.app/) in FAQs after announcing he will no longer work on Stork 20:27:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Still waiting for repo … waiting for luigi buffon 21:11:27 Found https://chrismcleod.dev/blog/adding-site-search-eleventy-pagefind-web-component/ 21:11:42 They fall back to Duckduckgo when JS is disabled 21:39:44 https://kevquirk.com/how-to-add-search-jekyll 21:40:08 I'm really impressed with his search page https://kevquirk.com/search 21:40:18 I'm really impressed with his search page https://kevquirk.com/search (no JS) 22:09:49 it's simply a server side search? 22:09:52 or how does it work? 22:10:02 we only want a static website, no webserver 22:53:58 "create a search.json data file within your site that pulls in all kinds of metadata from your posts at build time. 22:53:58 This is all compiled into the search.json file and then a little bit of JavaScript parses that file for a term you search for, which is then displayed on-screen. Very simple, yet very clever." but rando says theres a no js example 22:58:42 I think you are describing lunr. js 23:00:12 theres a get request made to the server. that response contains a dynamically created page served to the client 23:00:27 without javascript on the client side 23:01:50 scenario: unmaintained web server, 1337 hacker sending something in the get request which is digested by our unmaintained server 23:09:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Above my pay grade