02:31:51 Site is still on haveno network cuz im banned 02:32:29 I fixed #haveno like 4mins b4 i was banned 02:32:52 Erc banned me from THIS room for pointing out that its misconfigured 02:33:47 absolutely ridiculous that im still subject to erc's malicious ban 02:40:06 You are the reason he walked away! 02:40:22 Honk honk. 03:18:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Rip 03:18:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> #freeofrnxmr 03:19:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also rip spirobel 1 week ban lolol 05:13:44 I know i am 05:13:58 And look how much we got done since 05:14:47 Is spiro still banned too? .. lol 05:15:05 How bout someone gives me admin in this room and ill fix the addy and step down 17:18:52 Astro good 17:52:53 I don't really know what you are talking about tbh. I thought it was not necessary to have a separate documentation 17:56:32 wym by separate doc? 17:57:08 Is there already a work-in progress preview of the new Monero website? 18:00:25 I think that's a reaction to the recent discussion here about search, and which software to choose that will be able to work fully without JavaScript. I agree with chch3003 that a full-blown search solution is overkill for our website, and even if it wasn't it would be low priority. 18:01:19 I wrote about this here a little less than 2 weeks ago, about using some additional software to manage documentation, a second thing beyond Astro - I quote myself: 18:01:21 The real struggle so far was to the keep the documentation current, e.g. add a new call to the documentation after somebody implemented one. So, it should be dead simple to add something, please don't put up any additional hurdle compared with today in a well-meaning attempt to improve something where improvement would be a bit overkill in our particular case. 18:03:37 Maybe use of that *PageFind* would be simpler because there would be zero need for contributors to know anything about it, but it would still add complexity to the overall system. 18:04:47 Brainstorm about making contributors happy and enthusiastic so we manage to update the website content frequently, don't worry about things like site search, would be my advice. 18:05:40 thanks for explaining 18:41:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tldr? 18:41:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or need pictures 18:56:04 Is 3xpl.com offline? 19:04:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ask jeeves 19:07:05 https://3xpl.com/monero 19:07:09 Looks up to me 19:07:29 (but then again, who doesnt, right? Jk) 19:08:13 Thanks, must be a dns issue for me 19:09:06 I used tor 19:09:30 http://3xplor3rzajysy4j5fi3g3k27vivfcw75zjxdb2tg2wpz3i4cdiyhxyd.onion/ 19:09:38 They also have an onion ^ 19:11:34 If were adding private options, this is pokkst's (i think LoL) http://bhhscjulwzyerzzmgztxbcfjgce7uitoxmxn5rb42pmfhqcuob6tziqd.onion 19:12:43 3pxl's mempool count is off 19:13:03 we only have one onion blockexplorer 19:13:07 Nvm, i think its in KB 19:13:26 About about an i2p one? 19:13:43 http://op6d5liki7jzwkwm2az2nxlrfqaswuqye2z4ykccevsp6mkyqnuq.b32.i2p/ 20:16:19 https://docs.monero.study/ 20:16:59 A mirror by https://github.com/monerodocs/md/issues/61#issuecomment-1885435621 20:18:22 If it's not obvious, I scrolled through the chat since the whole redesign discussion started lol 20:18:39 If it's not obvious, I scrolled through the chat till the whole redesign discussion started lol 20:38:57 If you will add docs, then a search functionality is essential. 20:55:59 I looked at many crypto websites without JS and they all suck lmao, the funniest were tether.to and wownero.org 21:00:27 https://getmonero-unofficial-beta.vercel.app/ I can't be full time on it so it is progressing slowly but little by little. 21:00:57 Saw it looks amazing! ⭐️ 21:06:35 If someone want to help, one task is to review each section of the home page. Because yes it looks good but it's either not up to date like "sponsors", or we will likely not keep it, like the email form. Need to think seriously about each components. 21:08:15 Also preparing the data for the roadmap, it would be cool to keep that section 21:12:54 Regarding email form, is there an "official" newsletter? Should we subscribe to Revuo? 21:12:55 We can make a POST request without JS using a form tag, hopefully this is enough. 21:14:53 yes, https://lists.getmonero.org/postorius/lists/monero-announce.lists.getmonero.org/ 21:19:27 Also I doubt it is possible to have the navigation arrows in the roadmap to work without JS? 21:20:07 Also I doubt it is possible to have the navigation arrows in the roadmap work without JS? 21:21:11 yes, https://lists.getmonero.org/postorius/lists/monero-announce.lists.getmonero.org/ 21:21:11 Yep, sponsors has changed, https://www.getmonero.org/community/sponsorships/ 21:21:45 Also I doubt it is possible to have the navigation arrows button in the roadmap work without JS? 21:28:39 Basses editing comments spams irc 21:30:23 Alot can be done with CSS 21:31:15 I think you are right. But I leave them for now 21:34:01 A lot can be done but not the roadmap buttons. I thought about translating the div in css (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform-function/translate) but can't simulate the click in that scenario (can't use the checkbox hack) 21:34:59 Also, a lot can be done in CSS but it's a pain in the ass hehe 21:35:00 I am pretty proud of the menu, took me a while to have it right 21:35:48 Ive seen a captcha system entirely in css without js. No excuses :D 21:36:04 You are tough 21:36:20 But I like that challenge 21:36:43 The peoblem.is tor browser doesnt like the fancy css stuff 21:37:00 Ok I didn't know about that newsletter. We can use that then if still active 21:37:23 I will need a designer to help me update the sponsors logo. 21:38:46 Arrh I have no idea about the limitation of Tor regarding CSS. 21:38:46 I used standard CSS, should not be problematic 21:41:25 Tor is not up to date with Firefox, more or less? 21:42:19 If the user is disabling CSS also I am sorry but I can't do miracles haha