06:11:23 I did a quick google for "tor browser css limitations" and came up empty. Does anybody have info about "tor browser not liking the fancy css stuff"? plowsof ? 06:12:11 I guess that goes into the category of rumors that are impossible to *not* crop up because they sound so self-evident, so logical, and thus they must be true. 06:13:34 How about lazy web designers as the source of this rumor that don't know any other browser than Chrome and derivatives and never come around to test on Firefox and derivatives, and then their super-duper CSS wizardry bangs against some little difference between Chrome and Firefox? 06:15:42 Maybe not a tor browser thing but more a https://caniuse.com/ thing 06:16:17 Some things are not widely supported 06:19:36 Yes of course, that "not fully supported on all browsers" is the constant bane of every over-ambitious web designer :) But as you say, nothing to do with Tor, thankfully. If our CSS is ok for *all* normal browser, it will be ok for the Tor browser, surely? 06:34:53 Tor is ESR version of Firefox 06:36:13 probably, yes 06:38:30 https://forum.torproject.org/t/whitelisting-specific-css-media-queries/3075 07:13:58 Interesting 07:15:31 I code on Firefox. Not worried about that 07:19:08 ?? it is only on firefox 07:19:58 ?? it is on firefox too 07:20:02 https://caniuse.com/?search=prefers-color-scheme 07:20:47 You can use it, better than using JS 07:21:23 I shared just to give you an idea that Tor browser do block some CSS 07:25:42 https://tor.stackexchange.com/a/22168 07:28:13 As I said, use it. Tor browser blocks it by default, non Tor browser users can still have that bit of convenience. 07:33:18 Can read about what Tor blocks for fingerprinting here https://2019.www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser/design/#fingerprinting-defenses 07:43:26 what * Tor browser 09:22:35 plowsof: Shouldn't the blog update about the CCS incident? 09:22:58 That someone donated the amount back, or whatever.. 11:18:06 No 11:18:43 Maybe someone just felt like donating a coincidentally similar amount 11:19:06 We dont write blog posts to expose donors 11:24:44 ah, ok 20:40:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> They only allowed to dox themself