12:34:02 Hello 12:35:00 is the Monero Translations chat server is held hostage by Erc? or still managed by monero team? 12:35:06 cuz the git repo is archived https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-translations 12:54:04 Still managed by 'monero team' but progress is slow 12:55:12 when the progress will be fast? 12:55:20 cuz a year sounds like usual 13:02:55 At this point i can only ask a volunteer if he has time (as the person before me has done) 13:12:15 Do better plowsof, we pay you! 😂 13:18:34 that volunteer will have to sysadmin too? 13:19:07 weblate server had issues 16:28:50 my understanding is that there where hardware issues with the previous server that weblate was hosted on. the general fund has provided a better server now and we're waiting on the sysadmin/fixy/magic thing to be done 16:30:01 we can't wait forever so if it's not resolved actually soon then we need to figure out the steps of hiring someone to do it for us 16:32:30 good 🫠 16:33:06 CCS is rich, it's ok to spend somtimes 16:34:24 Imo it is a time where we need to spend this fund and stimulate developments 16:34:58 Not a time for sleeping and being lazy 16:35:03 its not so much about funds its more so about what level of "security clearence" / trust is required... e.g. is the weblate server isolated from everything else? or is it on the same box? some questions we would need answering 16:36:23 Yeah, if it was me I would choose an easy hosted service with proper Role-based access control 16:36:37 It's not critical 16:36:44 Easier to use 16:40:12 Also with AI this work can be much less manual. We need reviewers more than translators 16:42:08 I would be interested to be part of the new translation team btw 16:43:58 ok ive offered to figure it out rottenwheel , wish me luck 16:44:08 Might as well get rid of weblate and have a no bullshit system (aka pull requests) for translations. 16:46:07 but im waiting for my weblate/basic admin onboarding session 16:46:36 ah yes, its sad when people make direct translation PR's and are pointed to weblate 16:47:02 has the turkish translations improved since your most recent push if i may ask? jut wondering 16:47:28 No, nothing ever changed. They never incorporated the weblate translations. 16:48:14 We don't live in 90s, just use chatgpt or gtranslate if you're worried about trolling 16:48:22 Accept PRs because it is just ridiculous 16:48:45 ideally yes, everything should be AI'd out of the gate for a bare minimum - which is then improved upon 16:49:15 No like double check PRs with online translators if you don't trust the person 16:49:40 I also translated quite a lot of French that never got merged, because I think nobody peer reviewed it 16:50:12 online translate to prove nothing sus and then merge 16:50:44 Yes no need for brain gymnastics 16:51:42 This ^^^ 16:51:44 ChatGPT and PRs is probably enough 16:52:29 Astro starlight devs run translations through google translate and check if they make sense and relevant. This is their way of reviewing 16:53:40 Weblate is really handy 16:53:42 And this bitch of AI is even translating better than humans :/ 16:53:55 nope 16:54:07 At least better than me then 16:54:22 Ai and online translators sucks 16:54:54 I can tell from the translation if it was generated by some machine or by person 16:55:20 I translate .po files in Django project with Github Copilot, I just review the result. The sentences are better than what I could come up 16:55:42 I have my tools 16:56:02 this includes online translators and improving on it 16:57:04 Copilot is smart enough to understand the whole context, remember your chosen technical terms... 16:58:08 I have been impressed by a lot of websites on Tor that works with no JS 16:58:14 many talented individuals 16:58:48 Like which ones? 16:59:15 Pitch 16:59:20 twitter clone 16:59:47 No JS Twitter clone? 17:00:06 I just use Tor browser to check how websites fucntion 17:00:11 yep 17:00:25 I just use Tor browser to check how websites function 17:01:19 it is a hidden service website 17:02:12 Doesn't mean it has no client-side js tho 17:02:23 hmm 17:02:40 It works great with Tor on maximum security settings 17:02:50 It works great with Tor browser on maximum security settings 17:03:11 also how bad is the IRC spam when I edit in matrix? 17:03:22 I didn't realize I edited twice 17:03:49 If it's like Firefox, you enter `about:config` in url, type javascript.enabled, toggle to false 17:04:37 I don't see any spam 17:04:50 Except our useless conversation 17:04:54 :) 17:05:14 A chat room is to talk right? 17:05:24 yes 17:05:59 playing with config isn't something you want to do 17:06:06 on Tor browser 17:07:24 I agree, but if you want to do a quick check, this is the best way to disable js completely 17:08:16 I actually don't know if max security means that JS is disabled completely 17:09:42 hmm 17:10:55 https://tb-manual.torproject.org/security-settings/ 17:11:01 Safest 17:11:01 This level only allows website features required for static sites and basic services. These changes affect images, media, and scripts. 17:11:02 Javascript is disabled by default on all sites; some fonts, icons, math symbols, and images are disabled; audio and video (HTML5 media) are click-to-play. 17:12:44 Yep need safest on https websites 17:19:08 image.png 17:19:59 Yes makes sense 17:47:51 when you edit even one letter of a matrix post irc sees the entire post again 17:47:54 it looks particularly spammy when it's a long post 17:49:04 editing this "I just use Tor browser to check how websites fucntion" is not necessary as my brain doesn't notice and auto corrects 17:49:17 we won't think that you can't spell :) 17:50:07 editing "It works great with Tor on maximum security settings" to "It works great with Tor browser on maximum security settings" is meaningful 17:50:38 but whatever, appreciate the input and work 17:52:50 lol, that's very bad 17:53:01 idk why it is like that on IRC 17:53:31 other bridges for diff platforms work fine 18:21:02 Libera stopped their support for bridges so someone made this one with its limitations 18:21:52 ah