16:06:11 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> https://www.tari.com/
16:06:21 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> doesn't even load without JS 💀
18:53:28 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Rip the fluffy
20:07:01 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So who’s in charge of makingdocs repo on the github. There is an impersonator docs site now
20:43:02 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> u mean by sgp?
20:49:47 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> plowsof: when are all approved PRs on monero-site repo pushed?
20:51:40 <plowsof> When we ask luigi if theres enough/worthwhile 
20:52:51 <plowsof> Im still 90% certain there is no automated 'pr gets into a merge queue of 2+ approvals'. Its done manually by erc
20:54:49 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> >erc
20:54:49 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> why he is still mentioned? he left monero
20:54:59 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> why?
20:55:04 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> it's just a site
20:55:12 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> updates should be frequent
20:57:51 <plowsof> Yes he has left, if my guess is correct we need someone to be chosen as a 'maintainer' on the git repo. I have no problem putting my name in the hat to cobble together a merge list / handle conflicts 
20:57:52 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So we can blame luigi if there is an issue.
20:58:29 <plowsof> Do a bad job / get replaced by someone, that kind of thing
20:59:00 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Were not paying extra for this!!
21:08:29 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I think the address gives it away
21:08:46 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> ?
21:09:05 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> getmonero.dev
21:09:16 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> But not run by core
21:09:25 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Read between the lines
21:09:28 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> yep, that's what I said
21:09:56 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> oh