00:32:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Conscripted 02:25:20 binaryFate: please don't deploy the website until you added v0.18.3.3 16:52:11 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2145/commits/74660c56284f2542519897b4cb43c3c348761306 16:52:17 plowsof: saw this was approved 16:52:30 >The wallets listed below are non-custodial mobile or light wallets 16:52:35 how? 16:54:17 non custodial? 16:54:21 yep 16:54:41 define it? or you know that theyre not non custodial? 16:55:44 you have the keys for your wallet if you use those services 16:56:41 I for some reason read it as custodial lol 16:57:14 these PRs need to get merged so I don 16:57:35 these PRs need to get merged so I don't procrastinate over them 16:59:38 and so i dont have to panic thinking i approved 'these are custodial wallet' loll