16:16:27 Should videos like https://twitter.com/VOSTOEMISIO/status/1777266336474816802 added to the site? 16:37:18 Is there still any plan to redesign the website? I remember discussion here a month or so ago 16:38:43 I think so 16:44:00 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2206 16:44:21 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2244 16:56:46 well.. 2 devs were going to do so but idk if they are still planning to do so... 16:57:49 well.. 2 devs were working on it but idk if they are still planning to do so... 16:58:39 https://getmonero-unofficial-beta.vercel.app/ hits so hard 16:59:31 1000x improvement. So will it become a reality? 16:59:55 ^ 17:03:35 Thanks. So its being worked on the side. Any way we could help further this along please let me know. Great work so far. chch3003 17:04:48 There are no licenses unfortunately. Sometime I wanna do some web dev and I would have been glad to make contributions