03:34:25 Is there any time we can expect to see a website redesign? idk how long i'll be able to endure the lack of dark mode lol 04:22:25 quick fix: https://darkreader.org/ 04:24:52 There was some discussion about updating the website recently but I think you'll need some patience 05:00:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ^ 06:36:39 Yeah the website is due for a redesign. I saw a mockup of one on the subreddit that looked pretty good, hopefully it happens soon 07:44:19 I have to write the CCS... 07:44:28 Will try tomorrow 09:03:58 CCS or CSS? 🤔 09:13:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I see what you did tharr 09:27:34 self reminder: Mobile users see the (broken) qr code in the footer of ccs site e.g. https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ so replacing the QR still useful whilst redirecting the DONATE button to -sites contrib. page 09:35:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ccs is for website no ccs 11:05:05 CCS for web redesign of getmonero.org