03:36:07 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup: isn’t having a physical gathering of Monero researchers and developers to speak on latest advancements in privacy tech and proposals for changes coming in the next major hard fork imperative to the functioning of Monero? 03:51:58 giving the extreme example of “all Monero events” negates the fact that MoneroKon is more than an ordinary tea and biscuits meetup and diminishes the hours of (thankless) work Monero community members have put into the project over the course of months 04:31:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not an extreme example. So what stops monerotopia from asking or anyone else cause they have a monero technical presentations too. Also its offence to infer that i think the free hrs people do in the community is unappreciated.