07:42:25 Hello guys, I'm here to "bring this group back to life" aka start doing regularly scheduled meetings again. I was kind of thrown into this position by recent events so please let me know if you have any specific wishes. For now I'd like to hold an initial meeting to recap the current state of the website-workgroup. Do we have any preferences for weekdays / times? 07:44:54 Sir, this is monero 08:30:58 exactly this is monero. i'm not part of the workgroup but week-end seems to be the appropriate default 08:32:22 members of the workgroup have always been present in very different moments, in my experience. I think you'll have to wait a little time before having an answer from them 08:32:23 luigi asked for a work-group and i will try to set one up #🫡 08:32:28 luigi asked for a work-group and i will try to set one up 🫡 08:33:57 yeah, website doesn't require THAT much live communication but we should still consider holding regular meetings, even if its for example only once every 3 weeks 08:34:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i can bring the fruit basket 08:35:13 yummy yummy 08:38:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> first on the agenda remove erc as admin here 08:39:03 🍎 08:40:29 that would make sense 15:50:56 Hi. 15:51:02 Everything monerobull just said applies to me too. :P 15:55:30 Why an admin and not mod? 15:56:09 more Erc cases? 15:56:23 probably never but just in case 15:59:44 was monero redesign proposal accepted/merged? 15:59:53 Negative 15:59:54 monero-website* 16:00:42 I'm so fucking frustrated. 16:04:35 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450#note_25232 16:11:01 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470#note_25390 16:11:07 😿 16:11:22 just a heads-up, we've had merges to site, but as there is an upcoming monero release - site will be deployed for that, so we've no reason to request it from bF 16:22:27 merge list: 2 options, simplest is using ".merges" (xmr-pr) bot that is a list or PR numbers . other will be using githubs own for-purpose method https://github.com/orgs/monero-project/projects/1#card-66887764 (note that this will be discontinued has to be migrated to the new Projects experience.) the existing list on those cards is abandoned anyway so nothing of value will be lost after a reset 16:35:23 monerobull: when we having a meeting? 16:35:40 We should contact that Monero Website CCS guy to join it as well. 16:36:00 First on the docket should be whether we think there should be a new site at all. If so, should we swap out Jekyll with something else. 16:37:32 relevant issue: suggesting a move to hugo https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2140 16:39:17 alot of the issues raised regarding the multiple language plugin holding us back can be fixed with some minor tweaks. as its abandonware, "maintaining our own version" (forking and using our own file) is do-able + bumping to latest ruby https://github.com/plowsof/monero-site/pull/29 16:40:06 on the flip side: concerns about old ruby versions are not _that big of a deal_ as site can be built on a separate machine to the one hosting it (it is my best guess that this is happening already) 16:41:05 so that would be my "we can stay on jekyll for longer" point of view 16:44:13 I can plan it if you'd like. It's all good. 16:44:14 i really dislike how monerokon meetings are always at dinner time saturdays 16:44:42 just gotta remember timezones. Weekends would still be best probably cuz many people have day jobs 16:46:12 yeah, how about sunday 6pm UTC? 16:52:54 sounds good to me. Everyone else ok with it? 17:05:41 chch3003 ^^. 19:31:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lets go! 19:31:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Now need to hire someone to do the work 19:32:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> To many chiefs, not enough indians 20:19:40 You're not wrong. We need to reach a consensus on that big point though. We want a full redesign? Just a light refresh? Tiny touch up? 20:20:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I vote ms paint 20:21:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> New site got nuked in ccs by core 20:22:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Resistance to change 20:22:24 Diego Salazar I swear to god, I'm a huge UX/UI enjoyer and I just loved so much janaka's demo website. I even let a supportive message on github and all that. I lost 3 minutes of my life, telling how much I like a 1 star repository. We need a big revamp (in dark mode pls) 20:23:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wear sunglasses 20:23:03 site can be redesigned to look amazaballs on jekyll. or hugo? instead of the thing specifically janaka wants to use 20:23:22 Why so much hate against Astro ? 20:23:39 it's shipping zero js, its SSG by default 20:23:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds to spacey 20:23:44 SyntheticBird: I agree more than I disagree. When I first designed the current site I was really...hamstrung by the community. They really liked things having an amateur feel and wanted that kept to a degree. 20:24:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Feels 90s looking 20:24:28 The justification was that it kept the scammers and spammers away. They wouldn't waste their time with what was clearly a project that didn't care about optics. 20:24:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero community is also chief 20:24:46 Keep in mind, back then it was about ICOs and hyping coins, so it made sense. 20:24:56 I see 20:25:12 nowawdays it's NFTs. People don't get hyped for coins anymore anyways. They get hyped for platforms. 20:25:24 And even that hype is bleeding away in favor of AI and stuff. Crypto is old news. 20:25:42 So I'd be down for a "proper" website this time 20:26:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Will you retrain core? 20:26:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> That seems to be pinch point 20:26:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or centralized 20:26:40 glad to hear 20:26:47 90's sites have "change style" buttons that use a darkmode css file. so we're 80's 20:26:50 not undermining your past work tho 20:27:13 Diego Salazar? 20:27:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I think new site was nuked 20:28:14 I made Cuprate website with Astro. I really enjoyed it, it's very popular, well maintained. I even had an issue and they responded over 12 hours 20:28:18 I personally don't have anythinig against it as long as it can do static sites 20:28:29 they want a static site generator. Nothing dynamic. No JS on the front-end. 20:29:21 It's feel like a terrible misconceptions from people. It's a javascript written SSG with neat features like MDX (Markdown + JSX(HTML basically)) 20:29:39 link to the cuprate website? 20:29:43 cuprate.org 20:29:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Has to work with coolify, or not interested 20:29:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof^ 20:30:14 cuprate.org only use js for ViewTransitions, tho it can be disabled 20:30:23 I understand that a Javascript backend does not mean Javascript used in the front end. 20:30:43 though JS as a whole is looked down on by the high and mighty devs of Monero 20:31:36 thats cruel 20:31:44 (I agree javascript sucks) 20:31:52 (But Astro is great) 20:32:05 fancy 20:32:06 blog looks corporate tho 20:32:21 jekyll's liquid sucks, js is straight forward enough to pick up (unless we dive into async promise typescript stuff) 20:32:26 To get many people on board we gotta find a Rust static site generator 20:32:52 feels there was inspiration from janaka demo site 20:32:55 https://github.com/getzola/zola 20:32:56 its based on Template one. I liked the card design 20:32:57 liquid is used sparingly on site though .. a few loops / variables here and there 20:33:05 Yes absolutely 20:33:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And also needs to work with mullvad browser 20:33:39 If its HTML/CSS it should work with Tor/Mullvad Browser up to Safer 20:33:44 If its HTML/CSS it should work with Tor/Mullvad Browser up to Safest 20:33:47 Tor browser* 20:33:52 on safest settings 20:34:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof is anti rust 20:34:33 iirc Tera template is very similar to Go html templates 20:34:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> He will use wd40 on it 20:35:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Can we skip ahead, cause this has hashed out before 20:35:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rb was here last time 20:36:01 I'm not against it, but I think there is a lack of language server support. In case something change it will be pain to adapt across all the site 20:37:05 I'm mostly joking about the rust 20:37:26 I like Rust, but I'm not a RIIR guy 20:37:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/fdxfHzZjkfcLorCIGhIEQowz 20:38:53 rewrite it in ruby said nobody :( 20:39:44 Some really believes that Ruby on Rails is the next-gen fullstack development 20:39:52 rewrite in php 20:40:00 so it gets seized 20:40:54 Ruby was old news as of like 5 years ago 20:40:59 https://monero.observer/monero-website-workgroup-meeting-28-july-2024/ added to calendar (https://monero.observer/tag/calendar/) maybe mb/rehrar can post a meta issue with agenda and stuff 20:41:19 kinda funny considering Github rewrote everything in Ruby as did a few others caught in the hype. Now they're stuck witth itt 20:41:28 semi related: sass css : allows you to have separate smaller css files for easier design. during the built process they are combined (and compressed) into one main.css file. we currently have a wallet2 size custom.css file 20:42:03 omg I know get why gitlab is written in Ruby 20:42:16 now* 20:42:52 Rust took coding language darling away 20:43:06 Astro support sass fwiw 20:43:33 it's proving to have a bit more sticking power than Ruby though, since the latter's spotlight lasted all of 2-3 years 20:43:59 jekyll supports sass out of the box we just dont use it lol 20:44:02 either way, off-topic. I just had opinions 20:44:32 I like opinions 20:44:34 I'm feeding on opinions 20:44:35 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2324 and when you try to use it - it does not like our css file 20:45:24 May I request enabling discussion in Github site repo ? It's always a pleasure to see drama issues mixed with bug ones 21:16:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gl 21:22:51 just dont turn our site into something like https://beldex.io/ 21:23:39 or https://www.thorchain.com/ 21:23:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I asked for docs repo to enable discussions 2 months ago maybe 21:23:59 or https://polkadot.network/ 21:24:09 they all look so mega "crypto" 21:26:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We are “digital cash”! 21:26:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not that crypto shit 21:28:06 this one doesn't have a very obvious downloads button 21:28:16 which is really bad 21:28:42 most important part of the website 21:28:42 A Figma might help at designin the new site 21:28:58 ik its adobe and shit but it can help 21:29:27 We can always use Penpot 21:29:42 Oh my god I forgot about Penpot 21:29:53 Are you able to self-host it ? 21:29:55 they just had a big update too 21:30:01 yes, you can self-host it 21:30:11 shall I have pigeons deploy a monero instance? 21:30:30 for penpot? 21:30:51 absolutely, what a better start for the website workgroup 21:31:00 its all about drafting and drawings after all 21:31:16 *Monero weblate flashbacks* 21:34:44 the translation site is a burning garbage dump 21:34:54 thats rude 21:35:01 against the burning garbage dump 21:35:08 half of the stuff is already translated but not approved, the other half is google translate 21:35:54 They can't even use ChatGPT or LLama what a waste 21:37:19 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1608865 what would be a fair price for the community to acquire this domain? 21:37:43 i think that a 500xmr offer would not be unwarranted, but that's just my 2 cents. 21:38:00 i think it's still the same owner. 21:41:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Website going offtopic, world ending 21:42:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also i thought monerobull was website ceo and deigo was pa to community ceo? 21:43:02 how much do we have in general fund rn? 21:43:10 a lot. 21:45:00 in 2020 it was at 5637, i dont think there have been any reports since... 21:45:21 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VIoTvsxIotszqmRIGBySlzzT 21:45:51 2021 i mean 21:45:53 300 XMR 21:45:57 https://www.getmonero.org/2021/06/24/general-fund-2020-2021-report.html 21:48:28 oh wait, theres more recently updated info on the GF ofc. 21:48:37 the whole drama some months ago was well reported 21:50:47 nvm that was CCS not GF 😅 21:51:05 https://reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/11fslu9/monero_general_fund_transparency_report_march_2023/ 21:51:24 this seems to be the most recent GF report, 8452 xmr 21:52:17 no idea why it is only on reddit and not on getmonero 21:55:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We get transparency reports every red moon 21:56:38 So nice from the moon to wait for transparency reports to be red 22:43:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So we went full circle back to deamweaver?