00:12:02 Diego Salazar: Discussions page is empty. 00:12:04 Why Astro? Well, I don't have everything in mind right now, but this is probably the most trendy Javascript SSG right now. It is No-JS by default. 00:12:06 It supports a bunch of formats. Please check their website. 00:12:58 Discussions page is indeed empty. Gotta start some discussions. :D 00:14:40 If you search "astro" on Elements you should see some discussions we had 00:14:54 I have nothing against Astro. I'm admittedly behind the times in that I'm stuck in Jelyll land. But Jelyll itself hasn't been updated in many years. 00:15:27 Yeah.. 00:17:37 You can also find lot of tutorials / presentations about it on YouTube 00:18:17 I invite everybody to do some research before asking questions about it 00:18:50 Btw, I completely understand that it being made in JS doesn't mean the site needs JS. 00:19:01 Yes 00:19:19 And this is one of their main selling point 00:19:29 Theres no misconception from my end there. 00:20:32 The big question that will be answered at the meeting, I think, is whether or not a full-blown redesign is what we want to do. 00:20:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> This on monero-logs? 00:21:02 I don't know actually. 00:21:45 When is the meeting again? Will try to assist 00:22:16 ToDo: open an issue in meta with agenda, time, location and date. 00:22:43 chch3003: Have you ever worked with Hugo before? 00:22:57 Do we really need a meeting tho? We can talk async here 00:23:06 Sunday, 6PM UTC 00:24:04 Meetings are beneficial if the volunteer group is pretty large. It helps us resolve things and helps everyone feel heard. The smaller the group, the more unnecessary. With this in mind a meeting may not be necessary for us. 00:24:09 No never worked with Hugo. Personnally I am mainly a Typescript / web dev. So I just chose what I am most comfortable with. 00:24:16 But it reduces grumbling about people not knowing when decisions are made. This happens a lot. 00:24:40 And Astro was checking all the boxes 00:26:17 "Of course things get decided without a meeting so I couldn't weigh in. Just a bunch of old guard deciding everything. Grumble grumble." 00:27:13 I get the point 00:27:15 In the event that we decide a new site is needed, I'm down for Astro. 00:27:29 Ok good 01:17:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah this was hashed out before 01:17:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> With rb 01:17:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hence the ccs 07:01:26 clipboard.png 07:01:39 this guy has Dread mindset so expect they act the same. 07:02:34 this guy is retarded 07:02:55 actively spouting false info 07:03:16 to the point where you would assume it's malicious 07:03:44 Yes, he doesn't know shit 07:04:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/bbIQubKEsMugCgjEwlSBoehN 07:17:34 He basically said haveno-reto added malware even though the repo is right there 07:17:44 yeah that too 08:46:26 the workgroup shouldn't limit itself to comply with the idiocracy 13:34:12 Who will be brave enough to make a *Pride month logo* pull request ? This will be incredibly funny 13:35:16 (context: i'm not against it) 13:40:30 (context: i'm not against it, I don't remember the website having one and I know a lot of members will be against it) 13:55:26 monero should be apolitical 13:58:52 nice to hear 13:59:44 you cant have freedom currency with specific agendas, it's just a tool 14:00:50 and its been working like this for years now. some people buy HRT with XMR, others by nazi trinkets, just shows monero works. 14:01:00 and its been working like this for years now. some people buy HRT with XMR, others buy nazi trinkets, just shows monero works. 14:02:10 people have been canceled for donating on transparent chains, some even jailed (russia). none of this has happened to people using monero. 14:15:37 i'm not against it but i'm not for it either. always nice to have a project apolitical. 14:15:38 I would have still loved to see the shitstorm that would have been created out of such PR 14:25:23 Will do Ramadan too? 14:26:07 Wow I didn't know there was a ramadan logo too? Come on in. Let's make wide political logo ride 14:27:15 u asked for a celebrating a specific occasions, why not other occasions too? 14:27:22 u asked for a celebrating a specific occasion, why not other occasions too? 14:27:33 no no im saying lets include ramadan too 14:27:39 just change the logo every single day 14:27:45 pov: Google 14:28:55 today is World Drowning Prevention Day 14:28:59 how about we change the actual website design, many will agree 14:29:00 https://www.un.org/en/observances/list-days-weeks 14:29:05 what logo do we get for that 14:29:20 fk UN 14:30:28 oct 1 International Day of Older Persons 14:30:31 lol 17:43:32 plowsof Does monero claim the license to distribute videos made by Vosto Emisio on their social media? 17:47:19 We're excited to hear about that from Vosto Emisio 17:47:49 lmao 17:49:56 lol, should have been asked the first time they worked on Monero 17:50:17 posting it on Monero official twitter, youtube etc will boost reach 17:51:44 was https://piped.yt/watch?v=138CogLuGC0 made also by them? 17:52:26 vostoemisio 17:53:07 Alright. Did my research. Fully on board with Astro now. Good plugins. Multilingual support. Very active community and developers. 17:54:09 --redpilled-- Great you have read technical specification and understood how revolutionary Astro is. 17:54:16 let's go 🚀🚀🚀 17:54:22 chch3003 Astro W 17:54:30 Not 100% convinced we need a new site at all, but if we decide yes, astro is as good as a candidate as any 17:55:14 ofc ofc 17:55:52 damn you. you gave me false hope 17:56:06 Gordon Ramsey'd 17:56:25 I thought we all agreed that we needed Thorchain type website with all the Web3 partner and all 17:56:30 Ramsay* 17:56:34 lmao plowsof 17:56:43 we need a big animated cube made from buzzwords 17:56:52 real 17:57:14 Even though I'm not a big Javascript fan, the amount of JS devs are very large. So I kind of feel contributions would have the potential to increase if we needed some custom integration stuff 17:57:49 with Javascript required or website will be blank and require Widevine extension for videos to work 17:58:04 if we go no-js route, not a lot of js devs will help out tbh 17:58:27 I'm talking a custom integration that might be needed on the backend. Not for the HTML/CSS portion 17:58:42 For example, a custom ruby plugin was made for our current jekyll site 17:58:52 oh 17:58:54 I see 17:59:02 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/block.html 17:59:12 hover over any of the terms and it will have a small pop up that tells you what it is 17:59:40 that was not default jekyll and not existing plugin for it. So it was made. 17:59:44 this cool feature 18:00:03 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/blob/master/_plugins/moneropedia.rb 18:00:27 so if we need similar such integrations for Astro, finding a Javascript dev to do it would be easier than finding a Ruby one 18:00:45 I don't think you need to 18:00:54 I mean I can do it 18:01:23 just make an Astro component called A.astro, make some custom css on hover. Then import it, use `whatever with menu context` 18:01:45 just make an Astro component called A.astro, make some custom css on hover. Then import it, use `whatever with menu context` 18:02:11 no need for plugin, a simple component is enough is what I mean 18:02:14 well sure, but then if a summary is tweaked it will need to be tweaked manually for every page that has it 18:02:20 whereas this plugin rounds up all of the summaries from their pages. If you tweak that one page, all summaries change 18:02:35 at least, if memory serves, that's how I remember it working 18:02:38 but it's been a few years 18:04:14 I'm not sure to understand 18:04:33 the summary text can also be imported from the page talking about it 18:05:16 ah ok. If that import is possible then cool. 18:05:34 But my point stands that if we want some custom work done, regardless of what it is, finding JS devs will be easier than Ruby ones 18:14:20 * m-relay chants "Hugo, Hugo, Hugo!" 18:14:30 https://gohugo.io/ 18:14:46 rotten, can you give me your reasoning? 18:15:14 Hey, definitely not 18:15:31 Seth's blog uses it, Revuo and Rottenblog use it, Digilol (MoneroKon infrastructure people) use and know it very well. There are definitely more that escape the mind right now. 18:15:49 > Multilingual and i18n. Polyglot baked in. Hugo provides full i18n support for multi-language sites with the same straightforward development experience Hugo users love in single-language sites. 18:15:54 From gohugo.io. 18:16:52 Easier to find Go developers than Ruby. Easier to find Go, Markdown and Javascript developers than Ruby. 18:17:18 Porting current Jekyll theme to Hugo/Markdown would be nice. Javascript-wrapped Astro would be nice too. 18:17:43 It's written in Go 🤮 18:17:44 I think there are more resources (and developers?) on Hugo's camp, though? Not sure. 18:17:54 What's wrong with Go now? 18:18:00 Fully open license on the stuff we make for ccs/xmr 18:18:09 I'm a rust evangelist, they are literally my antichrist 18:18:48 can this be written formally? 18:19:10 CC BY-SA 4.0, I suppose? https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 18:19:28 why not 3.0 ? 18:19:34 Why rust? 18:19:39 :trollface: 18:19:40 Why ? 18:19:47 :trollface: 18:20:33 https://scribe.rip/sourcescribes/hugo-the-worlds-fastest-website-framework-8cfaea46928a 18:21:00 propaganda 18:21:02 Everything funded through CCS must be FOSS 18:21:14 by using and/or getting funds from the system, the stuff is FOSS 18:21:17 Go propaganda 18:21:20 not confirmation needed 18:21:20 doubt u can license videos in GPL 18:21:28 everyone knows the fastest website framework is notepad.exe 18:21:38 Sure, but CC is the equivalent :P 18:21:44 The same non-stop Astro/Javascript propaganda we've had in here for months, eh? 18:21:52 I don't see the video source code 18:21:59 I know a movie that would disagree 18:22:07 We're just better. deal with it 18:22:10 Link me to any "video source code". 18:22:21 the marketing campaign maybe? 18:22:41 What source code are you asking for in this case? The times vosto pressed rendering or adjusted values on Photoshop? 18:22:42 Yeah, I'v read this before and wrote it in one of our repo threads, our stuff is 100% foss 18:22:44 this wasn't laid out clearly like with the bazaar proposal in CCS 18:22:46 A recording of Vosto's PC screen while producing the clips? 18:22:56 exactly 18:23:02 It's about transparency 18:23:06 idea, we make the website in Unity as an interactive experience 18:23:22 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/463 18:23:24 Metaverse 18:23:26 We also need his ID, it's equivalent to the git hash 18:23:28 We have uploaded the source files to our tail emission video, what more can we do 18:23:36 we buy land from decentraland 18:23:39 (On the list to upload for random x and node vid too) 18:23:44 Godot is free and open soure, and better than Unity just sayin 18:24:03 nothing I was joking 18:24:36 probably assests used etc (im not a video editor) 18:24:43 pretty sure it has a naming 18:25:19 remember to always encode your videos in x264 or av1 otherwise x265 is patented and cost a lot 18:25:23 yea "source files" 18:25:33 perfect. That's the new plan now. Thanks for the impromptu meeting everyone 18:25:43 thanks everyone 18:25:56 I think we managed to get a lot done today. 18:26:14 I already feel the monero multiplayer website within our grasp 18:26:43 MMO 18:26:54 Massive Monero Online 18:27:35 RPG-MMO: Real privacy generator massive monero online 18:29:07 was this a real meeting? 18:29:34 idk the schedule 18:29:47 Every moment with you guys is like a meeting 18:31:02 hold on, it's too calm around here. Where is the schedulet core is bad discussion 18:31:33 Core cannot be bad if they are not present 18:31:57 Enlightenment is realizing that core is all of us 18:32:16 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/yMKnTZxGINyvDHmoGybNaZbU 18:32:23 ^ 19:21:43 I know it's not the meeting yet, but I agree with chch3003 that async comms are very valuable 19:21:53 with that in mind, I'd like to ask for opinions here 19:21:54 for those of you who DO think we need a new website, why? 19:21:56 for those who DON'T, why not? 19:21:58 I DO. We need a new more modern design, with a new blog that is active and several updated topics. A dedicated MRL whitepaper comes to mind. UX is also particularly great around download page. Download links are not big and colored, these are literally lines with platform in parenthesis 19:22:00 whitepaper page comes to my mind* 19:22:02 not great* 19:22:04 The sort of centered content design we have right now is not great for the eyes. Once you navigate in full screen there is a lot of blank on each side of the screen 19:22:06 whatever is the page you are looking into 19:29:19 I like chch3003's prototype and I'd +1 for this redesign. Majorly because of the new more modern design need, also because dark theme by default. https://getmonero-unofficial-beta.vercel.app/ 19:29:24 https://github.com/Janaka-Steph/monero-website 19:29:41 Anyone who doesn't like the prototype is a loser. Easy. 19:29:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I’d be posting on reddit or lemmy if you want opinions on website change too 19:30:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not just from 4 people here 19:30:10 Be the change you want to see in the world! 19:31:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Im a very busy with monero docs! 19:35:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We also have a better room pfp 19:35:20 Link me up sir! 19:52:27 what i like about the current website: 19:52:28 -simple & clean, dense in actual information 19:52:30 -real world user-story: Choose wallet -> exchanges -> Use it! -> FAQ 19:52:32 -top row is organized and simple 19:52:34 what i dislike about the beta proposal site: 19:52:36 -top row is not simple enough "Individuals"? 19:52:38 -first block: same wording as current website but more complicated 19:52:40 -second block: redundant "How does Monero work?" with "What is monero?" video directly below it, video placement feels kinda jarring 19:52:42 -third block: a lot of text for not much substance 19:52:44 -wallet block is alright but wording needs simplification, screenshot pretty small 19:52:46 -join communities block & sponsors: looks like it's the end of the site already 19:53:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I think it would good to post in discussions 19:53:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Otherwise we do post malone again 19:53:53 the proposal site needs a lot of work and is very rough around the edges if you look past the nice graphics 19:54:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> It was a basic show and tell 19:54:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> For the ccs 19:57:52 It is prototype, not a final version. Suggest changes, reiterate... 19:59:03 our downloads (cdn) may still have caching, so when we release a new version, the early birds get the old one and carry on with their day 19:59:16 need to confirm on the next one, not good 19:59:37 a prototype should have at least some advantages over the thing it tries to replace. advantages currently are darkmode and more neat graphics 19:59:48 KISS fix is to add the release date / gibberish appended to the html 19:59:48 So what? 20:00:04 If you don't like it, propose changes or do them yourself. The rest is whining to a wall. 20:00:27 what the fuck is wrong with you 20:00:28 plowsof check the bot. Emergency. 20:00:36 Ffs, now even the regular IRC bot is shitting the bed smh. 20:00:40 diego asked for opinions and i wrote mine down, you are attacking me for that? really? 20:00:42 It's all your fault! 20:01:34 His question was the need for a new website, not this prototype specifically. You voice your opinion and I am not "attacking you for that" at all. I am telling you the truth, propose changes or be the change you want to see in the world! 20:01:56 Dan told you to post that pros/cons of the **prototype** in GitHub discussions, for posterity. 20:02:28 If telling you to implement, propose changes, or else it's "whining to a wall" represents an attack for you, I am sorry you are so sensitive today. 20:02:31 revuo bot: someone added ":" to the rss title sp its a new release hooray 20:04:20 His question was the need for a new website, not this prototype specifically. Different questions. You voice your opinion and I am not "attacking you for that" at all. I am telling you the truth, propose changes or be the change you want to see in the world! 20:05:40 i must have thought im supposed to write about bcs of your "Anyone who doesn't like the prototype is a loser. Easy." 20:05:46 i must have thought im supposed to write about it bcs of your "Anyone who doesn't like the prototype is a loser. Easy." 20:05:56 I stand by that statement, loser. :D 20:06:11 * m-relay looks at SyntheticBird 20:14:44 i think if we add darkmode and some new graphics to the current site we don't have to replace the whole thing 20:14:51 the worst part about the current site is this section 20:14:57 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/TSTkaOvLcPDlPhFYQEJgrvPE 20:15:21 because its just a boring wall of text 20:16:37 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/paperwallet.html perfection 20:16:46 short and to the point :D 20:17:56 an alternative darkmode css file would go a long way indeed 20:18:50 lol at the paperwallet 20:18:56 the whole moneropedia is kinda strange 20:19:09 it has some really good info and then some really goofy stuff 20:19:55 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/kovri.html 20:37:53 Im not saying I'm the be all and end all of design. But if we go toward a different one, I would want to take a crack at ir. 20:37:56 It* 20:40:01 i assume you did cypherstack.com? 20:40:04 its clean 21:01:40 u working on it? 21:25:18 TIL 4 sentences is a wall of text :D 21:25:55 I do appreciate your overall view mb :) 22:25:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah we have an unpaided working group 23:22:19 Certainly did. I'm proud of it. 23:30:49 I believe a new website is necessary because current one is too boring to spend time actually reading its content. 23:30:50 A JS website using latest framework should have more contributions than with Jekyll.