00:51:36 Yeah, as long as the website does work without JS, all good 01:03:25 I would also like to add that [insert argument in favor Astro] and also that [insert argument against Jekyll]. [insert misplaced joke] 05:44:47 My opinion about the website: I vote for a full rebuild based on mostly psychological arguments. 05:48:29 If we take the current content and structure as a set starting point and merely improve and modify I see a clear danger of "anchoring effects": Being so impressed by what is there now that we are unable to clearly see that some things are not appropriate anymore, or maybe never were. Or, always having a certain unconscious reluctance to change things out of "respect" for the existing. 05:50:46 And a second such psychological argument, a quite pragmatic one: I think we may get more contributions, more engagement, more enthusiasm from more people if we build a new website. It's just a more attractive thing. 05:51:54 With that, I certainly wouldn't argue to build a new website just for that, but well, if two choices seem roughly equal otherwise, why not go for the option that will probably see more contributions? 05:54:35 I can also almost hear arguments along the lines: "You put so much effort into this to upgrade to modern technology and modern workflows for the Monero websites, but didn't take the chance to establish a fresh, modern structure of the content at the same time? What a wasted opportunity." 05:56:34 If we don't make a new website content-wise, but only technology-wise, complacency may set it and we won't get a really new website for years to come ... 06:04:33 yeah, if we already make a new one, it should be carefully designed from the ground up 06:05:09 and not too much text so we don't have to translate everything into all the languages again 😅 06:05:43 language should be simple with short sentences, dense in information, keep fluff to a minimum 20:48:59 * m-relay looks back at rottenwheel 20:51:19 * m-relay sends snowfall ❄ 20:51:32 * m-relay sends space invaders 👾 20:51:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Into there eyes* 20:52:17 * m-relay sends confetti 🎉