15:38:53 Do we plan on holding the meeting today? 16:29:06 Yep! 16:29:17 In an hour and a half. 16:32:30 No meta issue, no reddit, matrix call besides just this? 16:32:59 ah, it'd seem so. I'm a bit rusty. Sorry. 16:33:14 I'll send something in the other Matrix/IRC channels 16:34:23 Sent in #monero, #monero-community, and #monero-community-dev:monero.social 16:34:30 Bit rushes imo, but .shrug. Fine for an informal, impromptu setup meeting, I guess. Don't expect a big turnout though. 16:34:42 rottenwheel: mind copy/pasting into -pools or wherever else you think it needs to go? 16:35:12 monerobull post on monero town? 16:35:12 Nobody will know and whoever catches it one hour prior might or might not make it. 16:35:15 Bit rushed imo, but .shrug. Fine for an informal, impromptu setup meeting, I guess. Don't expect a big turnout though. 16:36:04 Diego Salazar I think the most essential one place to do it is opening the issue in meta with location, date, time, agenda items, like all other meetings do... 16:36:11 Can I be blunt? Design by committee sucks and having a smaller people composed mostly of IRC people and those who knew of the meeting prior because they watch this channel is fine by me 16:36:18 No meta, no meeting 16:36:25 plowsof is an expert in this matter 16:36:26 Days or weeks in advance, of course. 16:36:49 And meeting for what? To decide if we reopen the ccs? 16:36:57 That takes 26 seconds 16:37:08 spirobel: 16:37:40 Design by committee = merge the ccs 16:38:02 he can contact diego and bull on how it usually goes 16:38:06 I thought we already decided over plenty of meetings to build the website and decide later 16:38:49 but then the ccs was closed, claiming that site didnt have a workgroup (as if the workgroup has anything to do with the ccs) 16:39:12 Well, the beginnings of a workgroup are budding now that mb and I have been funded for it. 16:39:21 Rotten, hardened, plowsof, and others have been actively running this workgroup for a long time 16:39:22 This meeting is a starting point for that. 16:40:31 already have a question about the new website, does this meeting require certain participants to join or they can discuss later/never? 16:40:48 like janka is probably VIP in this meeting 16:40:58 The latter 16:41:15 Meeting is just extra red tape for no reason. We got more work done before we had to wait 2 weeks for a decision 16:41:17 And we'd get more work done if luigi1111 gave plowsof merge power 16:41:18 Funded at a higher combined rate than the ccs to build the website. Make it make sense, amirite? 16:42:13 - Merge the "new website" ccs 16:42:14 - give plowsof merge power on site 16:42:16 = omg we have productivity 16:42:43 Instead we spent 2 months waiting for luigi to merge a list, and closes the ccs 16:42:45 As far as I know plowsof getting merge powers isn't on the table? 16:42:51 I could be wrong though. 16:42:54 So that we can pay 2hrs of labor for a meeting 16:43:06 It should have been a common sense solution 16:43:18 Ah, we are having a meta-meeting. People discuss the pros and cons of having a meeting. Cool. 16:43:34 Plowsof works 2x as hard because he doesnt have power to merge and has to micromanage merge conflicts 16:44:06 :D 16:44:08 Midipoet wanted to run meta meetings 🫠. This feels exactly the same 16:45:01 This also discourages contributors bcuz we all have to keep fixing merge conflicts / avoid editing the same file for a different fix 16:45:07 Like the rpc documentation 16:45:45 This upcoming meeting is mostly going to be covering new site stuff. 16:45:59 chch3003 16:46:08 why? There was months of discussion already 16:46:28 Merge the ccs, build alt website, figure the rest out once the ccs is complete 16:46:34 Well then one more little discussion shouldn't hurt anything. 16:46:48 Its literallt costs $ 16:47:02 Why would we have meetings just to burn money and time 16:47:26 A lot of contributors are unpaid. We already have hours of meetings dedicated each week 16:48:32 ^ 16:48:53 Biggest detractors were probably spirobel and maybe plowsof 16:49:52 Spirobel hasnt responded, so whats the point of having a nod session if spirobel doesnt attend 16:49:54 the argument was that luigi wants there to be a workgroup. There is one, its just inefficient because none of us have merge power 16:51:43 Well, regardless, I'll be running a meet in about an hour. 16:52:19 Diego Salazar president meetup! 16:54:47 > Merge the ccs, build alt website, figure the rest out once the ccs is complete 16:54:49 Which CCS is this? 16:55:07 *New Monero Website* from janaka 16:57:04 Ah, yes: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 16:57:22 Did not find it first because it's closed, of course. 16:58:00 yep 16:58:08 "Closing in favor of constructing a functioning website workgroup. (it could be reopened/modified given output of said group)" 16:58:41 I dont want to go to 'darkmode without javascript / css checkbox' school 16:58:48 "the argument was that luigi wants there to be a workgroup. There is one, its just inefficient because none of us have merge power" 16:59:25 Alright. Diego Salazar , take over for some compromise finding, seems to me the parties are still quite wide apart :) 16:59:49 That's my specialty. ;) 17:00:35 there are toggles that doesn't needs JS 17:01:18 The website ccs being merged != were going to deploy it on getmonero ASAP 17:02:36 hopefully stuff goes smooth and we see some progress and productivity 17:02:56 and unf*ck monero curse 17:03:05 More important than merging etc, is stuff like spirobels comments about the viability of completing it adequately, of if we actually need a whole new website to complete the visual changes 17:04:45 We are already discussing jekyll > hugo. The discussion should be Hugo vs astro or whatever. And politicians can vote all they want, the main q is always "who" is going to do the work 17:08:08 In my experience, with the weekly MRL meetings and the "No wallet left behind" meetings, they are mostly useful - if done regularly, so that people can count on them, easily remember the day and time, etc. Meetings don't have to be a waste of time. 17:08:10 When removal of mymonero and edge wallet ? 17:08:16 wen 17:08:25 Yah when 17:08:26 . 17:08:50 If you need to bribe to remove, we need to fork off getmonero 17:09:15 yeah nope 17:09:17 We'll have a meeting in 6 weeks to discuss that 17:09:34 monero.cat when? 17:09:36 will leave this question to the MEETING 17:09:38 6 weeks lol 17:09:40 No pr's and no reviews unless we have meeting first. 17:10:59 Edge wallet should be removed, probably. They have trackers etc. 17:11:00 Idk whats up with mymonero mobile wallet, but a handful of people have been complaining that it doesnt work (had to switch to desktop) 17:12:24 Well? This weeks meeting doesn't have an agenda or a meta post. So can you really call it a meeting if monero.observer and revuo didnt know about it? 17:12:41 Tress falling in forest with nobody around etc etc 17:13:00 No more participation from ofrnxmr until we declare this a meeting free zone :) 17:15:00 "I was there when we successfully sabotaged Diego's un-properly announced so-called <>." Sigh. 17:16:20 but diego said every moment with us was a meeting 17:16:48 God does it feel like it. 17:17:36 about 40 mins 17:18:33 I can't wait 17:18:46 im joking i can only wait 17:21:40 Isnt it mb's meeting 🤔 17:22:15 He and I can do rock paper scissors. 17:29:30 Rock paper scissors implementation on the blockchain with perdersan commitment 17:30:00 a compressed edward point is 256 bit and we allow 1080 bit in tx_extra 17:30:03 this theorically possible 17:30:19 We'll need to have a meeting to implement this. 17:34:15 hi 17:34:52 Hi, welcome to #monero-rock-paper-scissors. First meeting in one week 17:40:24 I've just spent 5 minutes catching up on people complaining about how nobody knew of a meeting. Seems like there are enough people here. 17:42:27 If you too will particiapte to the meeting react by saying in chat: *monero W* 17:42:35 *monero W* 17:46:30 lol 17:46:40 that is spammy 17:46:46 i hate you 17:47:03 jk 17:47:04 I love you too 17:53:39 👋 17:54:12 5 min guys. 17:54:16 Guys be excited. 17:54:22 It's almost meeting time guys. 18:00:12 Alrighty. We're at the hour. 18:00:45 No agenda was posted for this so nothing to easily copy/paste. But let's start in the usual way. Who's here? Ready to engage? 18:01:10 Hello guys, janaka here 18:01:17 Hello everyone. 18:01:19 Hello 18:01:21 Hi, ready to give my opinion 18:01:24 Hello. 18:01:38 I'll set up an agenda issue for the next meeting 18:02:14 hello 18:02:34 I'm lurking 18:02:47 I'm hoping to keep this pretty practical. As many have said, some of these topics have been discussed again and again for months. 18:03:12 I may be asking a couple of similar questions, be patient. I just want to get a few things on record for myself. 18:03:27 I promise I'm hoping to move us forward by a pretty big leap today. 18:03:44 It won't all be for naught. :P 18:04:17 So first question. New site. Yes or no? Is it needed? If so, why? If not, why not? 18:04:35 This won't be a long or exhaustive portion. We've heard a lot on this already. 18:04:51 Just kind of a "last chance" to have your opinion heard here. 18:04:54 Yes, for revamping design, improving ux, psychologically motivating all the other workgroup 18:05:24 Yes, the current website design feels very old and the actual source code for the website is very confusing making it very hard to contribute. No dark theme 18:05:38 All the above, and taking this opportunity to also rework the content. 18:06:02 at the very least it could have some updates on it, like the roadmap stuck in 2023 18:06:04 Yes. People are hardly writing new content anymore. We have to get contributions flowing again, the website must be a living thing. Like the Monero project as a whole. 18:06:08 IMO: Only if it is a full, thought-out rework with focus on information density and readability. Otherwise we can just add dark mode to the existing site and put more modern graphics on it 18:06:42 I agree on the thought out rework. A penpot instance would be appreciated 18:07:17 nah, it will end up like Weblate instance 18:07:47 I disagree, its not even related. 18:07:59 hello 18:08:00 that's another problem for another meething, unless you guys want to discuss the need for a sysadmin to maintain Weblate and monero infra 18:08:00 It seems the group here is largely leaning toward yes, although there are a couple of asterisks. 18:08:13 Helllooo 18:08:14 Despite the asterisks, it seems pretty positive toward yes. 18:08:25 Hey plowsof. New website, yes or no? 18:08:59 The only thing I have to add to this discussion is what I've said before. I made the current general design, and I've always not been thrilled with it. 18:09:03 I think the design of the new website should also fit the theme of the videos made by vostoemisio which I think the current figma concept design fits pretty well? SyntheticBird 18:09:28 Back in the day the community really wanted to retain an amateurish feel so as to show were not "hype based" like the other cryptos. 18:09:51 What I ended up with was a good compromise, but I felt very hamstrung and felt it could be much better. 18:09:57 you seem to have taken a thorough look at janka work 18:10:37 I'm sorry I haven't looked at vostoemisio or Diego Salazar work. Any links ? 18:10:42 The "hype train" of cryptos I think has largely passed. And having one less amateurish in feel I think is the way to go. It's about time. 18:10:44 I would oppose some "corporate type" high gloss look, but I don't think it must lean towards "amateurish" to avoid that 18:10:47 So I am also for yes. 18:11:00 plowsof can you link vids by them? 18:11:09 vosto will be adding light/dark theme videos to his next ccs* sure 18:11:13 in the new monero website i'd try to direct it towards monero adoption for businesses a bit too, saying it's an actual business opportunity and such 18:11:25 I agree rbrunner7. But there's a lot of fertile ground in between corporate and professional. 18:11:43 Yeah, for fcmp and introductory video there will be 2 versions 18:11:47 number 6 and 7 https://www.getmonero.org/get-started/faq/#videos 18:12:30 epic vids 18:12:47 There are a couple of things that were required that will carry over: 18:12:48 1. No javascript. 18:12:50 2. Should be relatively easy to contribute to. (Not by anyone and everyone, but by people with the skill set) 18:13:09 would a redesign be a facelift or back end change from scratch) 18:13:17 I had made a comprehensive block system for the current site that can be used. And people did indeed make new pages with it. 18:13:25 Plowsof, that's the next question. 18:13:33 Its not anymore. Its just not deployed 18:13:34 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2310 18:13:40 So for now just think of the question as "redesign of UI and IA" 18:15:25 Regardless, I think things are undeniably in the affirmative. 18:15:50 We have a ccs proposal for a redesogn 18:15:50 Here is the Figma I used https://www.figma.com/design/yT4JTUfvBkAsBDPNPJL1gx/Monero-Redesign-Concept?node-id=0-1&t=EVUALdaExON6nIQI-0 18:15:52 It can be forked and improved over 18:15:56 Meaning we won't have this conversation again. ;) 18:15:59 im not convinced on needing a back end from scratch yet, but see the benefits of UI/IA improvements 18:16:32 And if people complain we can say the Website Workgroup has all agreed in this direction. 18:16:34 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 18:17:05 ofrnxmr yes this is janaka CCS but afaik chch3003 also requested the help of a designer 18:17:08 2nd order of business. Backend. Another thing discussed a lot so we'll keep it short. 18:17:18 Actually, this made remeber about the stance Tor took to promote it self away from "bad" people. https://support.torproject.org/#misc_misc-14 18:17:20 >We're looking for more good examples of Tor users and Tor use cases. If you use Tor for a scenario or purpose not yet described on that page, and you're comfortable sharing it with us, we'd love to hear from you. 18:17:22 >and their FAQ about abuse https://support.torproject.org/abuse/ 18:17:24 We have seen some bad PR directed at Monero recently, this might help? 18:17:36 The one thing that is an order of practicality when discussing Jekyll, Hugo, and Astro is who will be doing the work and who will be maintaining? 18:17:52 As far as I see, we have a person ready and awaiting funding to do things in Astro. 18:18:02 Yes indeed, if we reopen the CCS I will need some help from a designer 18:18:11 I can give this help. 18:18:21 I could contribute since I know astro (cuprate site written in Astro at https://cuprate.or) 18:18:28 dictionary: maintainer around here just means person merging 18:18:28 Doing the work = coordinating and contributing 18:18:32 Do we have anyone ready and waiting for money to do things in Hugo? 18:18:59 fix link 18:19:09 https://cuprate.org my bad 18:19:27 not that im aware of. rottenwheel is raising money to fund a team of devs to convert jekyll->hugo , dont know what team he plans on using 18:19:33 Or Jelyll, for that matter? 18:19:41 SyntheticBird: Two quick sentences how it went with Astro? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? 18:19:48 Need people reviewing/rewriting content seriously 18:20:02 I can help with this as well. 18:20:14 This was my first experience with a JS Framework. Absolutely loved it, this was a flawless learning curve. Very good docs and worked exactly as I imagined it 18:20:22 I'll help with content as well 18:20:27 We need someone to merge our reviews / rewrites in less than 2 months 18:20:34 I'm also not a professional IA person, but my (self-assessed) skills are competent. 18:20:45 ofrn we get it, youve said it plenty of times 18:20:48 can vouch, https://cypherstack.com/design-studio.html have great designers, I guess the designers are still working at CypherStack, right? 18:21:01 Who has summoned me in here? 18:21:05 Yep. Me and my wife. ;) 18:21:10 IA ? 18:21:15 Not divorced so we good 18:21:16 and people are still asking, including you, why roadmap is in 2023 18:21:20 Interface Accessiblity ? 18:21:22 Information architecture. 18:21:24 oh 18:21:38 and people are still asking, including you (@mb), why roadmap is in 2023 18:21:40 Alright 18:21:55 Plow 18:22:10 Digilol people might. Cc. Siren Stnby 18:22:21 > not that im aware of. rottenwheel is raising money to fund a team of devs to convert jekyll->hugo , dont know what team he plans on using 18:22:28 thanks 18:23:00 The Figma and Github proposal has some info on the new proposed IA, sitemap 18:23:18 And? Do we have a maintainer yet? 18:23:30 I haven't seen a mature site using Hugo, usually it is just blog websites unlike Astro 18:23:42 i suggest we show luigi there is a functioning site group with some more rmerges/reviews on open issues/PR's. one round of which has been done already with hardenedsteel / ofrnxmr 18:23:50 you constantly throwing it into unrelated discussion doesnt make it happen faster 18:24:08 alright stop flame right here 18:24:10 How is it unrelated 18:24:14 please ofrn don't respond 18:24:24 monerobull ignore 18:24:25 S0meone asked for more work to be done 18:24:26 Regarding maintainer, this will happen faster now that I'm present. 18:24:28 cant work without a maintainer 💀 18:24:38 Should we reopen https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 ? 18:24:40 If so, are you ok with the milestones? 18:24:42 If I may be blunt, ill kick Luigi in the shins and he listens 80% of the time 18:24:46 otherwise his same comments could apply to any proposed re-opening of janakas ccs 18:24:53 I think Astro is capable of building the whole Monero website including docs using https://starlight.astro.build/ instead of mkdocs if it fits all the needs 18:25:21 required for the current docs 18:25:27 Literally one of the reasons he asked me to open my proposal 18:25:35 I actually have done some docs on Starlight and I've to say i'm not fan of the layout 18:25:46 but its just my opinion 18:25:49 we need an _active_ maintainer, not one that needs to be pinged. Are you going to request merge power and keep up with prs? 18:26:12 Geonic will whine so probably not, no. 18:26:27 merge powers are not on the table 18:26:39 We'll try it the new way with me pinging Luigi and getting responses and reasses after a bit. 18:26:51 ? Yes they are 18:26:52 fair enough 18:26:55 if nobody else wants to do it, i'll volunteer 18:26:55 .merges 18:26:56 -xmr-pr- 2287 2321 18:26:56 If it's not working, we go to core with demands for power. 18:27:01 It can build docs, but without JS we can't have a search feature. 18:27:02 Maybe docs should be a separate project with JS allowed. 18:27:21 the best we can offer is access to a list of numbers on irc 18:27:25 we dont need docs on the main site 18:27:32 can use a subdomain for that 18:27:36 There is even a static offline search feature in starlight 18:27:48 so people don't freakout communicating or whatever 18:27:52 Anyway, for the top-level, general technology / framework question, I think how we do docs is only a side-question. 18:27:57 Thats why we have Monero Docs 18:28:09 md.monerodevs.org is how we'll do docs (i think) 18:28:17 Docs.getmonero.org coming soon™ 18:29:08 Also different workgroup github.com/monero-project/monero-docs 18:29:19 Alright so if I understood correctly Diego, me, janaka are for Astro and rotten is having a team for migrating hugo 18:29:40 how are we supposed to take this kind of decisions 18:30:20 Well, given the Astro is a "for sure" pending CCS, and Hugo is a maybe, we move forward on Hugo. 18:30:27 Let's be honest. Both will serve our needs. 18:30:40 At some point someone just gotta say "this one" 18:30:46 I hope that "translator to Hugo" project does not seriously propose to migrate the website as-is? I honestly think such an approach would be a mistake. 18:31:16 what does *moving forward on* mean ? 18:31:37 I don't get it either 18:31:44 Even "translate to Astro" would be a mistake, IMHO. We need a fresh start out on a green field, without legacies 18:32:01 rbrunner7 for sure 18:32:22 Diego hasn't responded in 20 seconds he is probably dead 18:32:40 "we move forward on Hugo" Err... move forward on Astro, surely? 18:32:45 Sec 18:33:18 Hugo has fallen over and we're stepping over him, moving forward 18:33:34 Oh alright make more sense thx 18:34:04 Oops. Meant move forward on Astro 18:34:17 Sorry. 18:34:30 THATS EVEN WORSE WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND 18:35:00 My proposal after hearing what we've been discussing is the following 18:35:04 It means let's go with Astro kkk 18:35:47 Brand new website. New UI. New IA. Plan to make it in Astro. Plan to reopen chch3003 CCS for construction. I'll assist with the design and IA. Content writers cam be recruited from here. 18:36:24 sounds good 18:36:36 That covers the "who", "when", "how", "in what language", etc 18:36:38 Sounds good 18:36:58 Reopen and merge 18:37:19 after a small review tho 18:37:37 its community money after all. won't be long 18:37:43 Update prices for current Monero prices. 18:37:44 The review should have been done in preparation of this meeting but ok 18:37:53 Ill have Luigi reopen 18:38:21 President Diego do we have any other topics in mind ? 18:38:39 Alright 18:39:00 One last one. Given a new website is imminent, updating the current one obviously drops in importance. 18:39:28 wen deploy 18:39:33 Besides any releases that happen which obviously need to be updated ASAP, are there any things in particular any of you feel should be up there? 18:39:36 Well.. I would not say imminent 18:39:41 Beyond current merges waiting for deployment. 18:39:46 Cant just abandon outdated content on current site 18:39:50 perfecto 18:39:50 Imminent meaning inevitable. Sorry. 18:39:52 Current proposal is English only 18:40:09 we definitely need translations 18:40:10 update the roadmap on the website at least 18:40:15 im still going through the current content on site and updating translations https://github.com/plowsof/monero-site/pull/28 18:40:20 at least spanish, russian and chinese 18:40:26 Its updates 18:40:29 Losing current translation work is unavoidable with a new site, yes. 18:40:33 It needs to be deployed 18:40:39 ^ 18:40:51 yep should support translations and RTL layout 18:40:52 deploy what ofrn 18:41:00 Let me ping Luigi and bf and see if I can't get a date for deployment. 18:41:09 current translation work shouldn't be unavoidable 18:41:14 the website.. 18:41:22 Alright. No further topics from me. Anyone else? 18:41:34 po4a just needs to be pointed at markdown files 18:41:36 I think its a question of wenb18.3.4 as well, bcuz bf doesnt like to deploy too often 18:41:55 Can we make a temporary github repository for discussion ? 18:42:03 what is the fate of Weblate? is there going to be a sysadmin? 18:42:05 or keep logs 18:42:10 So if 1834 is coming soon, probably| waiting for that. If not soon, we should do another round of merges and deploy 18:42:31 Small proposal. Publish meeting logs somewhere. Retro-open a meta issue for this meeting and post the log there. 18:42:41 will be like meta issues repo I think 18:42:44 Monerologs has -site 18:42:54 Discussions has been opened on the github repo for -site 18:43:18 Let's adjourn the meeting and discuss this after. 18:43:20 Yes, I now about monerologs. And I wouldn't want to rely on it to be still around in 5 years or so. 18:43:38 Alright, see you later guys 18:43:45 Alright. Meeting adjourned. 18:43:51 plowsof 18:43:52 Nobody knows who manages monerologs 18:43:57 I hope you guys feel it was as productive as I promised. 18:44:11 as such, weve been unable to add any new rooms to it 18:44:18 thanks everyone for working on this and gj diego 18:44:26 Wut, so it's astro like that? No vote held? 18:44:30 Haha. 18:44:32 Diego Salazar it was perfect. Just don't forget the usual *1. Greetings* at the beginning 18:44:48 Thanks to everyone for attending. 18:44:50 Meeting sucked. I want my money back. 18:45:00 events is a new recent edition to monerologs at least 18:45:00 Its the same thing we started with 18:45:08 consensus seemed pretty conclusive 18:46:22 im biased so yes there was definitely a consensus in between the 40~50 voices in my head 18:46:31 "Brand new website. New UI. New IA. Plan to make it in Astro. Plan to reopen chch3003 CCS for construction. I'll assist with the design and IA. Content writers cam be recruited from here. " Has "Astro" in there. 6 upvotes, zero downvotes. With Monero people, it doesn't get more like a vote than that. 18:47:05 Sounds like the same vote as the ccs had before it was closed 18:47:34 Im utterly surprised that we voted the same way here as we did on the ccs /a 18:47:43 ./s* 18:48:06 And still dont have a maintainer 🚀 18:48:56 archive monero-site repo then? 18:49:16 As a completely narcisstic sysadmin, I would like librejo to be linked on the new website.. 18:49:18 ??? 18:49:27 For some it was a waste of time, some were not happy with the outcome, and for most it was good. 18:49:33 Every monero meeting ever ^ 18:49:40 plowsof make sense but not yet, lets first organize everything first 18:49:49 can't please everyone 18:49:51 synthetic, i wanted to ask. What os your commitment to librejo? 18:50:03 my commitment, wdym ? 18:50:07 how much can we trust that it will remain live "forever"* 18:50:16 oh 18:50:29 *naphtha* is enough of a response i hope 18:50:42 oh hell naw 18:50:51 please no kyun people 18:50:53 Sounds good 18:50:58 LMAO 18:51:25 Kyun vps*. Nap is sponsoring from behind the ban wall. 18:51:27 overlaping with monero community will cause WW3 18:51:42 no kyun in chat, just saying Im hosting librejo on it. That can also change but I would need some money for that 18:51:49 Its fitting the need perfectly at the moment 18:52:14 syntheticbird could you add townforge to librejo? 18:52:25 is townforge still going? 18:52:26 plowsof yeah sure 18:52:30 librejo seems to work well. (forgejo) 18:52:30 huh 18:52:32 not right now 18:52:36 in tuesday I will be able to 18:52:38 Yes 18:52:45 Townforge 18:52:54 I thought a susadmin from kyun (yes, I have written it on purpose not a typo) 18:53:03 mooo said he wasnt aware of any public backups so it'd be welcomed, thanks 18:53:18 Alright. Who wanted to discuss Weblate? 18:53:33 I think pretty much everyone 18:53:35 meeting not over yet? 18:53:41 #monero-translations has been waiting almost 2 years for the chance :D 18:53:42 it is over 18:53:44 meeting si over 18:53:46 because it is so meee 18:53:48 this is after meeting content 18:53:56 hallway chat 18:54:00 😔 18:54:02 meeting's dessert 18:54:52 Syn, why'd you leave townforge right after joining 😆 18:55:06 i invited you for the same thing plowsof just asked 18:55:08 i think the old content if carried over would allow translations to be carried over too 18:55:09 i dont remember having joined 18:55:18 can we host it on hosted.weblate.org? or just pay for subscription 18:55:58 hopefully after that translation workflow isn't an issue or we will wait another 2 years for that too 18:56:17 I sent you an invited, and it says you accepted and joined > then left 18:56:18 I invited because i wanted to know if mirroring on forgejo is ok 18:56:39 oh 18:56:54 well sorry i dont remember but yeah i'll add it next week 18:57:23 sorry, give me 5 min. Something came up. Will return to discuss weblate 18:57:32 Are we green lighted to use it for personal projects? 18:57:52 Isnt that a discussion for -translate 18:58:01 https://librejo.monerodevs.org/ 18:58:13 -translations? -localization? I dont remember the room id 18:58:34 i don't know what green ligthed means but yes you can use it for personal projects. I even added Github Oauth2 so that people don't have to register 18:58:49 https://matrix.to/#/%23monero-translations%3Amonero.social?via=haveno.network&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 18:59:44 u are the one running it? 18:59:55 librjo 19:00:04 Yes syn runs it 19:00:25 We might have found the chosen one for Weblate 😂 19:00:34 Yes. I've spent 2 days customizing the css to give it a monero theme please use it 19:00:53 I can do sysadmin work 19:00:57 haven 19:01:04 Ok. What's the deal with weblate? 19:01:23 it's not working? Nobody reviews? 19:01:25 I don't understand either 19:01:29 haven't seen a monero project that is responsive, functional and looks great 19:01:30 xmrscott has volunteered to do translation coordination on weblate 19:01:34 since when 19:02:10 I dont think he volunteered, i think he wanted 40hrs/week 19:02:12 https://translate.getmonero.org/ tell me what you see 19:02:33 it's currently down. Got it. 19:02:51 This have been the case for almost 2 years 19:02:56 I thik it has always been done 19:03:02 yeah lol 19:03:10 Translation ccs' were killed 19:03:47 so obviously no one can contribute, I have a lot of people asking on its matrix room why it is down and they couldn't submit translations 19:03:56 Let me get info from Dan and see where we're at. 19:03:56 like 10-15 people 19:04:09 so it seems a crucial project to not leave it dead 19:04:15 for any longer 19:04:26 You got it. 19:04:35 . 19:04:39 Well 19:04:40 . 19:04:42 for free 19:05:06 if were rip current website, does it make sense to dedicate resources to translating it 19:05:08 we don't pay anyway. Its important to exploit chronically online people. My name is spez btw 19:05:10 some people like using monero software/website in their own locale 19:05:14 Cypher Stack pays pigeons' hours to take care of Monero infrastructure, but I myself rarely give Dan tasks to do for it as I figure it's website, Matrix, and other such things bf might want 19:05:17 question is: will the project save money by simply paying a one off setup fee 200 or 500 eur to weblate + a 50?eur/month payment 19:05:39 Dan the cool man 19:05:42 I'm taking a bigger role in it all as of now. Didn't know weblate was down. Not acceptable for sure. 19:05:56 https://weblate.org/en/hosting/ 19:06:02 why is it that expensive lol 19:06:05 But Dan is also not super plugged in to every community thing. Still, he should have known and I should have been informed. 19:06:20 50$ monthly for translations? 19:06:39 he probably did know. Bur again, translations were effectively killed 19:06:40 no offense, I believe you when you say this. but this has been said like 70 times since i'm in this community 19:06:55 Not just bcuz of weblate, but bcuz of politics 19:06:57 and I've been in it for two years 19:06:59 u sure about that pricing? I will ask Tor people to see if they are paying, they on hosted.weblate.org 19:07:13 not sure, probably more, as site has many strings 19:07:24 I've heard the complaints about weblate, yes. Didn't know what exactly they were. 19:07:32 if its cheaper, then just pay weblate and let our back end admin be paid for other things 19:07:58 plowsof redditors will say the project is too centralized! 19:08:07 we need le decentralization 19:08:26 le translations 19:08:29 Rn its super centralized. We dont even allow other languages :D lolol 19:08:35 very clever I love you rando 19:09:24 other issue is when people make translations they have to be reviewed, for free 19:09:24 https://www.getmonero.org/ is already using Cloudflare MITM 19:09:28 https://checkforcloudflare.selesti.com/?q=https://www.getmonero.org/ 19:09:48 otherwise they never get put on site, and i understand it, even the most trustworthy people make garbage translations sometimes 19:09:50 Syn where do i msg you about slightly offtopic stuff 19:10:04 Like basicswap's repo on librejo 19:10:06 If only we had a discord community, we could have give translation roles to monero users 19:10:13 gamers love color roles 19:10:22 you are now asking for so much lol 19:10:30 dm me ig 19:11:07 pretty sure you will some active monero users for each locale that mght dedicate some of their free time for reviewing langs if they want 19:11:12 You declined my dm last time 🫠, but ok 19:11:15 find some active* 19:11:53 The moment Monero opens a Discord the moment I leave!!!!! 19:12:03 no but bridged 19:12:42 sent to Discord FBI servers for reviewing 19:12:54 and sold to 3rd parties 19:13:24 Telegram would be slightly better but full of scammers and spammers 19:13:46 I don't trust their apps security either 19:14:31 wonder when bridges support simplex chat 19:15:05 I feel simplex chat will be a feast for scammers as how it easy to create accounts and crypto bros are well aware of it 19:15:17 pigeons says it's very broken, won't import cleanly to a new instance, and needs like ten hours of manually issue fixing during import 19:15:54 When they will finally make a Rust SDK 19:16:05 (they only have a Typescript SDK) 19:16:07 erciccione was running it and left, and the upgrade to the new one didn't go well, and it won't import cleanly 19:16:21 oh no 19:16:32 Theres an irc<>simplex bridge but idk where source is 19:16:37 all this to say, this becomes less of a problem since we'd be moving to a new site down the road so we can start afresh 19:16:38 its almost like when I updated librejo for the first time and postgres corrupted itself 19:16:54 took me a day to repair 19:17:53 FOSS software is pretty neat, until it isn't 19:18:24 Self-hosted* 19:18:28 Either way we have a couple of options 19:18:36 Dont blame foss. We didnt crowdstrike 19:19:05 deploy new one, or work on uncorrupting existing one 19:19:22 SyntheticBird: would you volunteer to debug it and get it importing cleanly? 19:19:28 New one probably 19:19:41 I agree new one would be easiest 19:19:47 IF were swapping website for sure 19:20:36 A lot of the strings on old one are pretty terrible 19:20:41 can I connect through SSH ? 19:20:47 The english strings, that is. 19:21:11 access isn't needed. We can give the export, and you spin up a little instance and do an import 19:21:39 once the import finally works, do the cleaned export and we try importing that into the actual site 19:21:45 maybe I'm being naive, but would that work? 19:21:49 Sorry I can't access my VMs until next week 19:22:02 so no way to setup a weblate instance 19:22:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Everything for free tho. Website department is over budget. 19:22:36 Dan next time you open your mouth I will laugh 19:22:38 I can see about setting one up for you to ssh into on one of CS servers then if that'd help 19:23:16 I don't know weblate, I only have a phone, but I've a lot of time ahead of me so ig thats challenge. Tho If you have better suited people it might be preferable 19:23:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Isnt that the issue one person running weblate? 19:23:33 but again, perhaps starting fresh is the thing to do regardless 19:23:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its been down for many full moons 19:23:45 Starting fresh is always the solution 19:23:54 we should all connect to it through SSH so it can work 19:24:19 publish ssh key on monero blockchain 19:24:25 everyone chat on txt files 19:24:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I want ps/2 keyboad and mouse connwction 19:24:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Tx_extra 19:25:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats what its made for 19:25:49 More seriously tho, I've never setup a weblate and I don't have access to my PC. If that isn't urgent I could look into it for next week 19:25:54 at least mine monero on the Weblate VPS 19:26:06 It's been down for two years. Another week or two won't hurt. 19:26:18 agree make it 3 19:26:56 I was joking please don't 19:27:05 This is correct, but contingent on the existing instance being recovered to facilitate work on the existing hundreds of pending string suggestions between three projects 19:27:13 Top 2 best ideas ever: 19:27:14 - Cryptomining on github actions 19:27:16 - Running a 20TB database backend on top of 5 free google accounts and google sheet 19:27:24 (these are true) 19:28:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Seraphis or weblate, who will win 19:28:28 Weblate 19:28:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Midi would luv you 19:29:09 If you wait next week I can try have a look at the existing weblate instance 19:29:15 maybe repair it 19:30:27 chch3003 let me know when you're available. I'd like to discuss the sitemap on your redesign 19:30:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also next time you have teams meeting maybe put on monero meta 19:33:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And maybe post “new website idea” https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/discussions/categories/ideas 19:34:29 yep, might attract other people to join discussions 19:35:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ©️monero-docs idea 19:37:39 Diego Salazar: Let's discuss async. I check notifications 20:12:16 ofrnxmr 20:12:18 > So can you really call it a meeting if monero.observer and revuo didnt know about it? 20:12:20 https://monero.observer/monero-website-workgroup-meeting-28-july-2024/ 20:12:50 Goat 20:12:53 was announced last week^ 20:14:00 Fr 20:14:12 "this mfka dont miss!" 20:14:39 Confirmed: escapethe3ra: is a robot 20:15:07 Sounds good. 20:15:19 First things first 20:15:22 chch3003: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 20:15:32 this has been reopened, please adjust for current prices as necessary 20:15:59 Has the scope changed? 20:16:01 160$ ? 20:16:17 Remember to adjust the document itself as well as the Overview. 20:16:20 $160 is fine 20:16:29 Ok 20:16:39 like, is it still english only 20:17:40 This is a good point. chch3003 one thing I'd ask you to add is the internationalization functionality. You obviously don't need to do the translations, but we should have the ability to get started on that right away. 20:17:53 Go ahead and sus that out as far as hours and extra time/funding needed for it 20:19:46 I don't think it is a good idea because it is easier to iterate on the content without internationalization, without having content in a separate file. 20:20:52 I think it was a good idea to restrict the scope to English only for this proposal 20:21:15 Do you propose getting everything to a rock solid place and then opening a second CCS to get the i18n stuff rady 20:21:23 *ready? 20:22:00 Plowsof 20:22:29 Yes. This proposal is the second iteration (check Github history). plowsof suggested to restrict the scope to current proposal 20:23:05 folder structure + po4a + config files then importing that into a weblate project 20:23:33 or some other alternative im not aware of (e.g. mkdocs uses pybabel / python) 20:23:52 the skeleton ^ can be done without accepting translations 20:24:07 Well I can do it but really I think it's a mistake 20:24:46 as long as the content is in markdown files? it will be ok to do that later 20:24:50 Or I will do it last, at the end of closing the proposal 20:25:20 I think making it an extra milestone could work, yeah? 20:26:05 2 afternoons + 1 dream to fix translations is all i would allocate for myself to do it 20:28:03 translations not from the ground up is OK as enabling them later entails moving files around and using tools to set it up (in my unqualified opinion) 20:28:58 not actually translating anything but just getting the file structure ready / imported into weblate* sorry for spam 20:29:43 Translation is a big topic that should require a few meeting on its own. My opinion is that we should tackle that later. Let's work on the English content. There is already a lot to do. 20:30:30 Are we using Weblate? This crap is always down. 20:30:48 It'll be fixed 20:30:59 ETA is 2 week 20:31:07 Let's take the opportunity to use better tools imo 20:31:21 I don't know a lot about translation world 20:31:32 what software do you have in mind ? 20:31:38 I know that it is a pain in the ass 20:32:05 I don't have software in mind 20:32:31 But you said let's use better tools. What is better than weblate ? 20:32:45 a) Skip all translations prep 20:32:46 b) Add final milestone to prep for translations 20:33:32 Here's the thing... I know if translations going to be a second CCS proposal no one will ever pick it up 20:34:05 Weblate is the best out there 20:34:23 Translation ccs are not allowed either :D lol 20:34:24 Great. We have two teams the ones for immediate translation and second for a separate CCS. Can we project that on the current american politic situation ? 20:34:47 I mean localization support for the website CCS 20:34:59 ikik. Im saying 20:35:07 Fund it with current ccs 20:35:24 Chch can contract someone else to do the work/final milestone 20:35:56 Money on the table = incentive for someone to pick it up 20:36:11 I think that is the bounty 20:36:12 My 2c 20:36:47 unrelated but bounty website could see a little improvements. Written in ruby ? really? in 2024? 20:37:09 This was my first proposal with a milestone for translation https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450/diffs?commit_id=a87347a9747f5db14f26b2df47c5c694b18f0005 20:37:10 Should we reopen that proposal? 20:37:45 Diego Salazar 20:38:07 always ping, poor diego needs the infamous notification sound 20:38:36 Probably without milestone 2 20:39:22 can save the actual translations for after the website is finished, but to wire it all up / prepare it for tl and migrations = god 20:39:49 s/god/good 20:40:49 what does that syntax mean? im pretty sure its not a pronouns 20:41:18 sed "s/old/new" 20:41:31 oh alright thx 21:19:42 reeeee 21:22:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Knock down , rebuild 21:37:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> This room needs a pfp to