02:41:00 merge powers are not on the table <= this is correct. luigi wants a functioning workgroup first 02:41:51 and it's not because I'll whine, but because powers are not bestowed by ccs 02:45:52 I think "translation coordination" is a fake position. it got us nowhere. better to pay people to "own" certain languages and trust them to do the work. anhdres is willing to do it for the Spanish version, for example 02:50:40 hire him and find a few more like that. we don't need every language under the sun 02:52:53 Geonic - i didnt imply that mb or diego should have site merge powers 02:52:54 I said plowsof should 02:53:40 Which has nothing to do with vote by ccs, and evetything to do with gtd 03:59:29 +1 for plowsof if he wants to do it 04:59:18 Playing around with Astro 05:35:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> who is astro and why are you playing with her 06:41:41 id like to own german thanks 06:42:14 my references are previous work proof-reading weblate stuff and translating bigger chunks of trocador.app 06:43:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/PcFvMgzJrOmvrgGNnmNninOW 06:43:42 wikipedia got darkmode before getmonero 🤣 06:44:50 Don't be racist! Take hugo for a coffee! 06:52:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://docs.astro.build/en/recipes/i18n/ 07:03:55 https://h0bbl3s.port0.org/setting-up-a-secure-blog-using-hugo-certbot-haproxy-and-crowdsec/ 07:04:11 https://gohugo.io/ 07:04:42 > Hugo provides full i18n support for multi-language sites with the same straightforward development experience Hugo users love in single-language sites. 07:07:19 https://themes.gohugo.io/ 07:07:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> This is going to turn into which linux distro is the best 07:08:12 ofc it is arch linux 07:08:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Show me t-shirt sir 07:08:44 no shirt sir 07:18:01 #monero-afterdark 08:59:45 "But I know Astro has no markdown. You write HTML" 08:59:46 Lame. 09:06:23 In terms of easiness of contribution, it is far easier to edit files in markdown than raw HTML. You should know this, considering you like UI/UX quirks a lot, Diego Salazar. 09:30:51 geonic I would like to own french translation. 09:36:38 For content Astro have the MDX markdown format. You write content in a specific directory and it you generate pages for it. See https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate-website/blob/main/src/content/blog/meeting-2024-07-16.md?plain=1 09:40:29 Diego Salazar: Hello! I have updated the CCS proposal. Of course I forgot to update the frontmatter the first time so made 2 commits. 09:41:51 2 weeks ago, also arch linux wiki a couple of months ago 09:55:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> “Btw i use arch dark mode” 10:11:39 I know this isn't related to the website but can we revamp channel icons ? 10:12:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/HwuTfxZfSVuydmdUCrQiOXml 10:12:31 It's always enjoyable to see design match up in between channels 10:12:45 monero research rooms are the only one that got a unique design 10:13:02 community workgroup also 10:17:05 i know 10:17:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qCWmbqJmnjoHvwusCqJSmCpo 10:17:47 its w for website 10:18:01 i know: 10:19:01 W 10:28:08 Would be cool to come up with a template logo from which you could make one for each room's profile picture depending on the workgroup, one for community, website, space, dev, markets, pools... Like GrapheneOS did for theirs. 10:37:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Doc has cool one already 10:37:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also turning monero upside down, is like turning a horse shoe upside down. 10:40:13 Matter of preference between AI profile pictures and actual crafted ones. 10:41:34 suchwow 10:42:44 Who made community, lab and lounge logos 10:52:25 Probably the same artist that made the drawing in the current website 10:52:33 seems like the same art style 10:52:43 We need to find them and kidnap them 10:58:57 Plot twist: they were kidnapped a long time ago 11:10:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They are my locked in my basement with selsta 11:15:04 SyntheticBird: which drawings from current website? the video? 11:51:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WxfmKWFVZOceoPLVkkiZjaDp 12:01:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> World coin 12:02:10 World Wide Web 12:28:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/jwrrNssoidwMgkJSDgDXlLsu 12:28:53 🤷‍♂️ 12:32:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> White works better with dark and light mode 12:33:54 did you just yoink it? 12:34:31 looks good 12:54:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/IoOapBeFGcyIVswAVDRERwWX 12:54:24 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup: like this? 13:00:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RQvzMEOjkRmcmDSunVRFQDFl 13:43:03 eww 13:43:21 why green lmao 13:49:25 cuz we gotta glow 14:02:43 It glows. 14:02:54 Monero is the cryptocurrency of choice for glowies. 14:10:36 File_not_found_404.png 14:41:16 Hell yeah, looks slick. 14:43:08 neat 14:48:47 imo the outline should be clearer instead of darker now that you set it up as the channel picture 14:50:05 i didnt set it as channel pic, the outline is white 14:50:42 I mean the global/circle/planetoid lines my bad 14:51:20 Okok 14:52:16 rando: 14:52:56 based rando the designer 14:53:34 now I need to open a CCS asking for money 14:57:51 you mean increase the opactiy of the globe? 14:58:19 opacity* 14:58:45 it looks great imo 14:58:47 I mean the planetoid lines should light up below instead of shadowing. So ig increase opacity if the planetoid lines were white at the beginning (which don't seems to be) 14:58:49 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qKtqUrNYhDPSBWiTZyCkUdKL 15:00:45 moneroweb logo.psd 15:01:10 you send a psd 15:01:14 lol 15:01:16 source file for photoshop, play with it, cuz I don't understand what you want 15:01:48 if you mean the globe color, it was black, I decreased the opacity so now it looks grey 15:02:23 yep 15:04:39 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/CPsDJgCdROcNPttfjvridDQS 15:05:30 cool, but now it looks like an orange lol 15:05:39 lmao true 15:05:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wFeIkJQmgktckxtuFvlODyqg 15:06:22 issue with the current one is that we hardly see the lines on matrix menu 15:06:43 hmmm, looks fine for me on Nheko 15:08:15 is this what u mean, syn? 15:10:18 yes 15:11:49 Looks fine for me on SchildiChat m 15:12:19 Looks fine for me on SchildiChat. 15:12:32 Ignore these clowns, they're high. 15:13:48 im high 15:13:54 on sugar 15:14:06 🍰 15:14:42 you are literally forcing me to load Element to check how it looks, it have been loading for the past 2 mins 15:15:03 god I hate Electron 15:15:09 everyone hate web 15:15:15 even tho I'm suffering on Nheko 15:15:22 I hate Nheko 15:15:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/UwmgWktQnFAVSZySvwnVmWiF 15:15:51 #metoo 15:15:54 I am your sugar. 15:16:03 *very progressive* 15:16:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/GMGrhdLFKsKHaNLQHulIeqLT 15:16:34 What lines can't you see, retard? 15:17:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/NSyLYUiTsEHuawmzMQeQXioL 15:17:23 chill, also it looks worse in your pic lol 15:17:34 I figured that was going to be the case lol. 15:18:01 99.9% of the time I sling an insult I am cracking up in real life; I do it for the people's reaction, not because I mean it. 15:18:07 Fancy people call it banter. 15:18:08 Nheko with 2x scale rocks 15:18:22 even tho half of UI is broken cuz of scaling 15:18:32 Fix the profile picture! 15:18:33 Or ban! 15:18:34 go back in your cage, ugly UI cabal 15:18:48 Monero needs CoC 15:18:56 Ur mom needs a CoC. 15:19:08 avg KDE fan 15:19:16 Completely agree, you should show support for SyntheticBird's CoC proposal in monero-meta 15:19:21 🔫 15:19:34 im a gnome fan actually 15:20:16 GTK 15:20:20 QT> 15:20:40 we are now wildely off topic 15:20:42 idk bro, I hate gnome so much 15:21:18 no way Diego Salazar looked at the chat 15:24:42 I dont even like the CoC but it says i should have been unbanned 4 months ago. Wen offtopic unban? Diego Salazar: 20:40:22 he has been unbanned 21:33:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Who 22:01:45 geonic I would like to own french translation. <== great, I’d +1 your ccs 22:23:33 Avec grand plaisir 22:32:32 I really seems to be the only french speaker in all the monero community 22:38:48 Je ne comprende pas 22:39:01 what part? 22:39:06 I hope just the french part 22:39:22 Avec grand plaisir => *"With great pleasure"* 22:39:58 Yeah 22:41:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/ZoCAekUeHCSUyonvovpgdbmF 22:41:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> french test 22:44:15 Accepting monero for businesses 22:44:16 This method is for businesses willing to accept monero in an automated manner. This also includes: 22:44:18 - Marchants 22:44:20 - Service providers 22:44:22 - Exchange 22:44:24 We have prepared a comparison website for you to explore the available website accepting Monero, since 2019-01-28: 22:44:26 [PDF] Accepting monero like a business - Comparison table 22:44:34 sry for english typo 22:44:57 s/since/at 22:46:11 s/comparison website/comparison table 23:59:34 Ok I've been doing a combination of poking around Astro and going over the current site.