00:00:08 For starters, I don't think the proposed architecture in the figma file is the way to go. 00:00:25 I don't mind changing things up, but there's a few misgivings on the proposed one. 00:22:56 Sorry had to step away for a bit. To continue. 00:23:14 I see the idea behind Individuals, Developers, Businesses, etc 00:23:37 But ultimately I think this is the wrong way for a few reasons. Several of the needs of these overlap. 00:24:22 And, on a similar note, the downloads page should always be a single click away from the home page with no drop downs or anything in between. 00:24:51 I'm all for culling the current way if it seems too bloated. But I think the foundation of the current architecture is fine. 07:17:15 i like the user story on the current site 07:17:41 this part 07:17:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/nnJRGxXzKMrjSjYOToibJCFe 07:18:57 Depending on if we want to be more like other crypto sites, it also needs the whitepaper and tokenomics within 2 clicks 07:44:03 Diego Salazar: There is no Businesses menu 07:44:38 It is: Developers / Individuals / Community / Blog 07:47:17 You can compare the two sitemaps here: https://www.figma.com/design/yT4JTUfvBkAsBDPNPJL1gx/Monero-Redesign-Concept?node-id=2-335&m=dev 07:48:05 I think we should check the websites of other cryptos to see how they organised information. 07:49:40 we have a way different focus than other cryptos 07:51:55 Not that much 07:56:38 Could be renamed Learn More / Get Started / Community / Blog 07:56:53 It is more neutral 09:17:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Carbon neutral ? 09:57:31 thx to solar panel mining yeah 13:16:16 Ah right. Several of my points still stand. 13:27:34 Upon a second look, I don't think much can be cut. 13:27:47 We can remove sponsorships by putting them on the front page. 13:28:12 We honestly should just remove merchants and leave that to a third party. Keeping it up is annoying. 13:31:36 As it is now, the current top-level architecture is superior imo. 13:31:43 Though others feel free to weigh in 13:32:35 just make a general resources page 13:33:04 wit monerica/newsletters/etc on it 13:33:09 with monerica/newsletters/etc on it 13:34:36 Conversely it would be interesting to change "Blog" ro "News" which takes to a page which highlights the newsletters as well as a link to the blog. 13:43:31 weve had some shady sponsors, id prefer not advertising them on the front page 13:47:54 That's an understandable position. 13:48:21 Which honestly means besides cutting Merchants, I think there should be a redesign, but one that works with the current top-level architecture. 13:48:52 Each of the individual pages can be redesigned, of course. 13:59:36 nah, monerica is poltically motivated with a lot of sponsors and drugs 14:00:34 whatever, still a valuable resource 14:01:06 yes, but not something to be shared on the website 14:01:30 we can either list all helpful 3rd party resources or non 14:01:59 making distinctions, THAT is political 14:02:32 bruh, I know how to evade trouble legally 14:02:51 bruh, I know how to evade legal trouble 14:04:00 please stop 14:04:09 you shouldn't imply/promote any illegal stuff, monero being private already caused problems across multiple countries 14:04:14 there are exactly 0 reasons why anyone would get in trouble for linking to that site 14:04:29 especially if its in a list of a bunch of other helpful sites 14:05:42 I don't use how monerica is useful for most users, it is a website with a lot of links 14:05:55 kycnotme with monero filter is a lot more useful 14:06:45 its a big directory of places where you can spend monero... 14:06:51 they give you slight detail 14:06:58 and it has a whole mental outlaw video about it 14:07:14 90k views 14:07:45 mental outlaw is an influcener/individual he can do whatever he wants, his opinions/ideas reflect his own 14:08:23 and? it still got a bunch of publicity, i dont see why it shouldnt be linked as a resource if it is one, a famous one at taht 14:08:24 and? it still got a bunch of publicity, i dont see why it shouldnt be linked as a resource if it is one, a famous one at that 14:08:28 he also made a video about darknet bible? why don't we also add it to monero site? I'm sure it is also useful for "some" people. 14:09:00 because its not directly related to monero? you can keep your whataboutism to yourself 14:09:26 you dont like the opinions of the guy running the site, i get it. doesnt mean its not a helpful site for many 14:09:46 you are the one brought mental outlaw 🤷 14:10:09 yeah to show how monerica is already more well known than some other sites 14:10:39 Breh 14:10:47 Does anyone even look at github? 14:10:53 Or the website 14:11:11 light theme hurts my eyes 14:11:30 https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/ 14:11:38 Right at the top, sirs 14:12:08 Send pr for monerica and/or kycnot.me 14:12:18 Separate PRs 14:12:56 ``` 14:12:58 If you are looking for places to spend your Monero, the directories below have some options. Please remember to do your own research before trusting them with your money: 14:13:00 cryptwerk.com 14:13:02 ``` 14:14:18 Localmonero and Mymonero/Edge needs to get removed, no discussion 14:14:38 Localmonero is removed 14:14:50 add monerica, replace LM with haveno-reto, remove hodl hodl, add trocador to swappers 14:14:52 Just not deployed 14:14:54 Edge has no removal PR 14:15:02 Bro go use the git smh 14:15:13 what is that https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/ ? 14:15:23 i might look into it later 14:15:24 Like, at least look at the open /merged PRs?? 14:15:30 Just not deployed 14:15:53 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2321 14:16:17 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2293 14:16:29 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2282 14:16:30 mymonero 14:16:33 sad how all "Centralized exchanges (CEXs) & Swappers" had breaches/major issues 14:16:42 even Trocador that is not mentioned 14:16:56 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2305 14:16:58 haveno + lm 14:17:24 oh seems like there's a disclaimer at the bottom of the website 14:17:28 nice 14:17:32 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2045 14:17:34 trocador 14:17:36 2yrs old 14:17:38 what issues did they have? 14:18:06 Ddos 14:18:22 lol you made it sound like they lost funds or data 14:18:43 that is a lot different than getting ddosed 14:18:44 "major issues" 14:18:46 no 14:18:48 Trocador isnt listed tho, so? 14:18:54 a few days of downtime is not a MAJOR issue 14:19:13 its not even listed... so.. 14:19:20 might have caused loss of funds idk 14:19:23 Simpleswap on the other hand ... 14:19:36 what? you have no idea how trocador works 14:19:48 They are a middleman 14:19:50 but is it better than most swappers out there 14:20:00 they dont process your trade 14:20:03 quit yapping about things you have no clue on 14:20:59 it's almost slanderous to put trocador being offline due to ddos in the same category as swappers who have lost a combined total of hundreds of millions 14:21:14 . 14:21:23 and then suggesting there could have been loss of funds... 14:22:34 Regardless.. ITS NOT ON THE SITE 14:22:56 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2045 << review it 14:24:26 Regarding mymonero: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2282 << review it. There is a discussion about it that needs to be settled. Go settle 14:25:16 hardenedsteel: thank you for putting in work on these many PRs 14:25:46 lol 14:25:52 majestic talking about selective scammers is funny when they jack up fees selectively 14:25:58 Regarding edge: it needs a PR 14:26:25 Majestics sentiment was still good, even if hypocritical 14:27:03 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2294 14:30:15 is trustpilot.com trusted when it comes to crypto stuff? 14:30:35 or I have to look into reddit threads too? 14:32:19 Open Alias is relevant? 14:39:26 "Relevant" meaning, still in use? 14:39:28 yeah, its supported by a few wallets, has some updates in pupeline via sgp, but few people actually use it afaict 14:39:30 open alias 2.0 is on the horizon #openalias 14:39:51 is Mailing List working? I'm not subscribed to it 14:39:56 https://lists.getmonero.org/postorius/lists/monero-announce.lists.getmonero.org/ 14:40:21 fixed when i last checked / closed an issue about it 14:41:13 cool plowsof should "The Monero Standard" removed from https://www.getmonero.org/library/? 14:41:17 LM will be closed soon 14:41:45 so website will be inaccessible and no longer posting "weekly publication" 14:41:49 Running 16.04 🙃 14:42:39 They said they'd keep the block explorer running, so im not sure about standard 14:42:40 recanman: 14:42:45 alex from local monero said he would leave up their block explorer at the same link , we've not asked directly about TMS but there is a pr to remove it already 14:43:05 great 14:43:35 sorry for echoing 14:43:56 site has issues / PR's open for anyone to review/submit yay foss 14:44:12 Don't be sorry, an echo is better than me yelling it loudly twice 14:45:08 there was a PR to add monerica to current site, and due to the open sourceness of the site it was nack'd 14:45:54 Hm. Cryptwerk is listed though 14:46:08 never heard of him 14:46:31 lol 14:46:55 "I am currently against this proposal to be merged since the website shadow removed me and" 14:46:56 Also 14:47:49 that became personal for me when i noticed the github rep be updated - to add/change the home page, and it was later reflected 14:47:54 luigi and moneromooo still work on monero? 14:49:26 however the swapper complaining (MB) was listed in that same file but not on their page. i found it all in all strange, i dont even care if they dont list MB, just the way excuses where presented vs facts 14:49:30 Monerica has blacklisted Kyun, saying it is "Unreliable web hosting due to frequent outages and data loss. The owner Naphtha is currently MIA" 14:50:38 > What I really don't understand is the last part, "The owner Naphtha is currently MIA". What? The canary is being updated every 10 days, signed with my key. I reply to 99% of messages within the same day, and if I'm not AFK, I usually reply instantly. I have never received any attempt of communication from Monerica. 14:50:40 What I really don't understand is the last part, "The owner Naphtha is currently MIA". What? The canary is being updated every 10 days, signed with my key. I reply to 99% of messages within the same day, and if I'm not AFK, I usually reply instantly. I have never received any attempt of communication from Monerica. 14:52:12 Luigi merges community approved PRs 14:52:14 mooo works on monero leisurely / is usually available for help etc 14:53:24 librejo.monerodevs.org is hosted on kyun, and i know a few ppl who use kyun and havent heard any complaints 14:53:29 i nack the haveno-reto listing . i trust haveno.exchange to list it if they feel its appropriate 14:53:34 So they are active in Vulnerability Response Process? https://github.com/monero-project/meta/blob/master/VULNERABILITY_RESPONSE_PROCESS.md 14:53:37 H1 etc 14:54:15 because they are the go-to ones https://github.com/monero-project/meta/blob/master/VULNERABILITY_RESPONSE_PROCESS.md#i-points-of-contact-for-security-issues 14:54:49 hopefully the redesign process isn't a way to circumvent the pull request / review workflow :) 14:55:08 weird how they scrubbed any menion of https://telegra.ph/The-Situation-01-30 from their blog, it used to be there 14:55:30 should make it easier 14:56:40 Does everyone agree that maintaining the merchants list is probably more trouble than its worth and it should be removed in site v2.0? 14:56:51 No 14:57:17 My vote is for removal. Ofrn is against. Everyone else? Make your voice heard! 14:57:50 merchants where not maintained by the previous site maintainer because of the constant noise/work 14:57:57 The many people posting PRs for merchants says the opposite 14:58:55 If by merchants, you meant "shops and stores", we already dont list them 14:58:59 will site previews be alive on netlify after the redesign for a while? I would like to compare and see im something is missing plowsof 14:59:16 if* 14:59:32 We only list cryptwerk and should probably add stuff like xmrbazaar (when mature), kycnot.me etc 14:59:49 Well, regarding the site itself there are three schools of thought. The first is that it is a neutral gateway to all things Monero. That the site shouldn't make value judgements (except for obvious scams. The second is that it should be a curated gateway for things the community recommends. Who the 'community' is, and the criteria is generally disagreed upon. 14:59:50 Yeah. Also looking into coolify 14:59:59 sure, someone could host the old site e.g. coolify.monerodevs.org after transition 15:00:13 Against removal, though I'd be in favor of hosting a curated list of merchants since it's the "official" site. Not everyone gets merged, listed and deployed on getmonero.org. Criteria of longevity, legitimacy of business... 15:00:22 the third is that the site should really just point to core stewarded stuff, with rare exceptions. This was one ideal back in the day, but I think it more or less died. 15:00:36 No. 15:00:47 If this is a core-only site, let core do the work 15:01:14 ofrnxmr: I think that's more or less why the third school of thought died. 15:02:02 Smells like every other project. All corporate and centralized 15:02:25 Which would mean, remove all wallets, all merchants, exchanges, docs 15:02:26 Thought it was less about core-only, and more an ultra-conservative version of the second school of thought. Deciding on the strictest version of 'community' and 'criteria' 15:02:28 forgot about this cool website lol 15:03:40 Regardless, even literally today we see argument and discussion taking place because some people are for more curation and some are for neutrality. 15:03:46 This is not a resolved discussion by any means. 15:03:49 We are already conservative 15:03:50 We reject a lot of things 15:03:52 Like exchanges that havent been running with xmr for a solid period of time 15:03:54 Monerica being an example 15:03:56 prefer if monero can maintain its own 15:03:58 Wallets that contain trackers 15:04:02 merchants already causing discourse 15:04:11 wallets that have hidden fees 15:06:11 We don't list any and everything, we dont list individual merchants (shops / stores), we do list communiry approved (not community recommended) swappers and exchanges 15:06:24 well, both of my suggestions (move sponsorship to front page as per proposed redesign so we can remove the page, and remove merchants page) seem to be vetoed 15:06:24 I have seen projects that support only xmr to get CCS funds then focus on other cryptos 15:06:33 We only list open source wallets 15:06:35 so my suggestion then is to use the top-level architecture as-is when doing the redesign 15:07:19 or at the very least, if another one is proposed, it should have obvious benefits over the current one 15:07:34 off topic, but i left my 2c about unstoppableswaps being bitcoin focused in #community 15:08:33 s/Merchants/directories maybe 15:08:59 If were ok with listing kycnot.me and other directories 15:09:04 well, Monero is mostly community funded, right? especially the CCS 15:09:28 sponsors to front page is sane (theyre on the github readme of monero core , but not the up-to-date list) 15:09:30 so we should emphasis it more than companies sponsorshi[ 15:10:18 I think so too. It also adds a pretty big value add for others wanting to sponsor. 15:10:25 how? 15:10:32 FUTO grant wen? 15:10:34 generalfund sponsors the website 15:10:43 They can donate like anyone else 15:11:00 The CCS is also on top-level, so it is 15:11:05 I don't csre to see forked networking on the homepage plowsof: 15:11:25 Or globee, then we find our a year later that they pulled sponsorship and we paid BF's credit card for it 15:11:38 Cypher Stack needs to be added to the Sponsors list, fyi 15:11:38 There is 0 community insight into sponsors 15:11:45 Its "trust me bro" 15:11:59 rottenwheel: open pr! 15:12:03 Whip 15:12:10 I'm actually surprised they didn't consider monero when they granted a lot of privacy/security focused projects https://futo.org/ 15:12:38 Need better transparency reports if were going to list sponsors on front page 🤷‍♂️ 15:13:01 How do we know that some of these sponsors arent just buying BF a new boat 15:13:03 so sponsors not being on the front page gives the maintainer a bit of breathing room / less scrutiny ... albeit with less value for the sponsors. but currently we're not charging huge amounts to be listed either. monerokon makes more from sponsors than the project does 15:13:47 "monerokon makes more" << bf's 10-15k credit card bill tells me otherwise 15:14:06 this is where there is a benefit in bypassing the pullrequest/review workflow - unveil the site and we can complain later 😃 15:14:08 Where did that 15k go? who knows. But globee supposedly was going to foot the bill, then didnt 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ 15:14:36 Did we ever see the bill? No 15:14:48 Globee under Past sponsors is also a dead link btw 15:15:13 Should adjust so it's just a name and not a link 15:15:20 any volunteers to fix ^? 15:15:32 oh we had a globee removal from gui/core but not site :'( 15:15:35 also current sponsors page for active sponsors is just Tari, Majestic, MacStadium, Cake, and symas 15:15:37 Or open an issue 🥲 15:15:40 yes I'll fix 15:15:59 ( i was joking, but thanks) 15:16:07 I was serious about opening issue 15:16:27 We had cecilia run a scanner on the website for dead links, but we havent finished the work yet 15:17:29 s/we had cecelia/ cecelia did us a favor and 15:24:45 year of Monero desktop 15:25:20 Is the standard for translations to put the new translation string in all of the languages and just paste the english one temporarily? 15:25:44 Or do we not put that in (it auto falls back to English) and let the language people put it in? 15:26:32 I'm just going to add it into every language yml file so they just need to adjust the string and not need to put in the tag 15:40:37 Trying to test my changes. Building the site takes literal years. :P 15:56:36 talking about weblate? 15:57:06 for the website in a non english lang, unstranlsated componenets should fall back to english 15:58:00 Yes. I know they fall back. Mostly talking about putting the t.cypherstack string there as a courtesy for the others so they dint have to find where to paste it. They can just translate. 16:04:31 https://www.getmonero.org/legal/#viruses-and-malware should be updated to mention reproducible builds and also update github link as it points to bitmonero 16:08:47 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/ 16:37:21 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2331 16:39:48 based diego 2x 16:40:25 wait there's no PR for this yet 😔 16:41:16 @plowsof ack on the tl strings added for other languages: 16:42:00 Iirc, when removing you only need to remove from english. how about when adding? 16:42:39 s/:/? 17:23:01 Yes edit only the english (add/delete( 17:24:29 Weblate (when working) will auto add the new key to all tr files (as blank) 18:06:42 ofrnxmr: I don't know either unfortunately 18:14:14 Ok ty 20:12:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof super saiyan merge powers when? 20:13:32 i need to enter the hyperbolic time chamber first (currently in use by tobtoht) 20:18:27 Tobtoht is going to blow up the good one when he's finished (like vegeta) 20:18:42 Oh wait, thats the healing pod 20:19:07 i think i meant healing pod then lol 20:19:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No your goku 20:19:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> S1 20:22:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Offtopic, but how much mulla does cyper make from ccs? 20:34:10 I dont think cypher gets anything directly from ccs (aside from the research ccs' that they do) 20:59:40 I would like to be a hosting provider so I can invest in monero and mining 20:59:40 https://cs.mojohost.com/aff.php?aff=345 21:19:45 Sorry but you're request isn't clear? 21:26:42 I don't understand 21:30:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Neither do we 21:30:34 spam/scam 21:30:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Test for the new mod team 21:31:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also i have seen that nick before 21:32:32 What kinda bs link is that 21:33:51 blackcoin: where u go foo 21:34:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Umm 21:34:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You can retroactive ban 21:35:30 Me? 21:35:40 Why specifically do they only use hosting from certain companies and not others? Are there employees of those data centers inside Monero? 21:35:45 We only have the research CCS and my personal one. 21:36:02 There is nothing wrong with a hosting provider more like the others that are already used 21:36:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> @pascoalpsjunior:matrix.org 21:36:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Is this you hector? 21:43:54 blackcoin: whats up with the link you sent? It redirects to the homepage 21:44:58 Who is they? The servers that getmonero runs on are hosted on a variety of provider 22:15:48 ... ? blackcoin: is that a tracking url? 22:16:26 @diego ^ 22:19:02 (assume its an affiliate link, and spam) 22:28:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> @erciccione:haveno.network ^ 22:28:54 Thats a dead account 22:29:08 On a dead homeserver 22:31:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> fork it and make it great again 22:36:33 ./upgraderoom 11 23:21:32 tldr: blackcoin doesnt run that website, and he was just shilling his affiliate link 23:23:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> mbll competition?