02:35:43 "I know we missed ccs meeting, but community already decided yes" <= wut? 02:49:16 The ccs is 3 months old, the design years 03:07:00 its gone through like 5 meetings and was closed even though consensus said merge. Do i personally like the proposal? I didn't vote for or against it. Just stating that red taping without clear objections isn't how ccs is supposed to work. 03:55:35 "The ccs is 3 months old, the design years" <= not a sign of consensus 07:08:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Please sign this consent form ____ 08:30:48 3 months and only 1 (recent) downvote. "not consensus" says the guy with a marketing campaign for his proprietary movie that had a 50:50 ratio of votes 08:45:14 I think the proposal is unclear in "who's doing what" / what work is being commissioned. 08:45:15 I'd argue that the objection claiming we didn't have a function workgroup was false / incorrect. The _new_ website doesn't have a workgroup, and why should it? 08:45:17 I think community voted in one direction on the proposal because they like shiny new things (a dark theme), not because they read or understood the proposal. 08:45:19 The majority of the work needed appears to be content based, with a few design fixes. My "vote" has always been "this has nothing to do with monero-site workgroup (yet). Treat it like any other community ccs project". Meaning, more clearly figure out what is even beibg commissioned. 08:45:21 Agreeing to make this _the_ getmonero is misguided imho. We shouldn't be getting so far ahead of ourselves, putting the cart b4 the horse. Those decisions should come closer to completion. 08:45:23 Questions for now are what is the money going towards? Content, by who? Graphics, by who? Limited to Implementation of content and gfx? 08:45:25 ..A marketing campaign 🫠? Paying a PR guy? Submitting it to festivals? Purchasing theater time? 08:45:56 >proprietary movie? wot is that and how does that work 08:46:04 >proprietary movie 08:46:05 wot is that and how does that work 08:46:45 https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/monero-to-the-oscars.html 08:48:14 I heard that someone proposed featuring monero to a movie but never showed it once in the entire movie, is it this one? 08:49:20 Yes 08:49:34 lol L 08:49:49 "monero", the word, isnt even in the script 08:50:03 Bitcoin is though 08:50:04 someone could sue 09:01:34 Oh, come on, you are unfair, the protagonist does flash a Monero "coin" once or twice. Very heavy with meaning, piques interest. Gives the film a whole new meaning :) 09:02:23 An M coin is not a "Monero" coin 09:02:36 Could be an upside down wownero coin 09:03:07 Ah, I see. Yeah, maybe a Wownero movie after all. Very sneaky. 09:04:21 How much more boring the history of Monero would be without episodes like this one. And hey, nobody *forced* anybody to donate. 09:04:25 Netflix gave is a real plug 09:04:25 https://read.cash/@cryptotexty/monero-xmr-is-featured-in-the-new-netflix-movie-the-lorenskog-disappearance-32fbc7bf 09:04:50 Just like the website ccs, right? Except the votes here are 11:1 instead of 7:7 09:06:44 Geonic was merged with dekiverables of 1. "pay to distribute my movie snd pay people to watch my movie" 2. "win at any small festival so i can pay people to market my movie some more" 09:09:52 Anyway, offtopic (movies). 09:09:53 the relevant part is that one of these ccs had little to no objections and is open source, while the other was 3x more expensive and funds used entirely for personal gain 09:12:53 interesting, you watched it? https://libremdb.iket.me/title/tt15264452 09:13:08 this is an imdb privacy frontend 09:13:24 😅 nope. Havent watched it 12:19:28 I feel like discussing WEBLATE is more important rn than website redesign 12:20:12 there's always people asking wtf is happening with Weblate when they try to translate monero componenets. 12:22:54 One of my points above is that the ccs website isn't really a workgroup discussion because there is no guarantee that we will actually use the resulting website.. and its not a workgroup project. 12:22:55 weblate rests with SyntheticBird: in trying to recover the broken db 12:24:34 Spent an entire meeting on 1 ccs. And new agenda is supposed to talk about it again. Such a waste of resources imo 12:28:18 I left my comments above regarding the ccs. https://matrix.to/#/!pBnQQFvuFhLffbKZpY:haveno.network/$_W38fKNZV8fw5Z8YKFvTFucI09JlMGQ7EK1guOQozkE?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=kernal.eu 12:28:19 The biggest thing going for the ccs is probably doing away with jekyll, starting eith a clesnsn ate (..and adding a dark mode) 12:31:41 I left my comments above regarding the ccs. https://matrix.to/#/!pBnQQFvuFhLffbKZpY:haveno.network/$_W38fKNZV8fw5Z8YKFvTFucI09JlMGQ7EK1guOQozkE?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=kernal.eu 12:31:43 The biggest thing going for the ccs is probably doing away with jekyll, starting with a clean slate on tl strings / removing cruft ..and adding a dark mode. (I wonder "will there be a light mode" 🙃) 13:06:35 The only thing that website redesign is useful for is removing enhacement table language https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/blob/master/get-started/faq/index.md this will prevent anyone new to monero to contribute 13:09:24 Theres a learning curve but not too bad to bad i dont think 13:14:37 Dw. Docs dont use em 13:15:37 (yet) :D lolol 13:15:52 the one that only less than 5% of visitors will look at? 13:16:19 No, the new monerodocs.org 13:16:41 yeah it is still "docs" who looks at any documentation? 13:16:46 Docs.getmonero.org 13:16:47 currently at 9.md.monerodevs.org 13:17:20 docs even has download instructions 14:20:56 forced reading 14:23:49 I just reread this 😂 14:24:02 YOU DO lmao. You're the king of pointing out doc errors 14:24:41 you mean having outdated copyright year? 14:24:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mhXQEnbbFQsalofSvOWGLsWt 14:25:34 also tf is qertoip.com? 14:26:08 sorry, you provoked me 15:23:06 The old maintainer 15:23:58 the this hasnt been updated yet 15:24:27 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-docs/pull/13 15:26:13 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-docs/pull/11 15:31:42 inherited that skill 🔥 17:18:20 you’re forgetting the monero song in the strip 17:18:33 club, courtesy of crypt0_bear 17:34:06 proud about commiting copyright infrigment 19:41:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like magic ©️ on copied docs 19:52:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like new age people issue.” Plz sir hand it on a silver plater” 19:53:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Every other day someone asks about monerod issue they have. 19:54:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Getmonero.orgy is useless for that 23:45:55 need to upload docs on TikTok 23:49:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero got a tiktok yet?