00:19:19 Yes 00:19:34 I am going to redesign the site. 00:24:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> with community input i suppose 00:44:43 Of course. Will get a draft 1 to the community. 04:39:48 Yeah I thought we concluded if we are doing a new site, the content should be done from the ground up with careful consideration 05:12:28 "we" = janaka 05:14:25 not sure why there is even a ccs proposal if this is a workgroup job. 05:14:27 were basically rejecting the current proposal and replacing it with a group project 05:15:53 Diego seems to be the only one helping with it so idk why so much design-by-committee is involved. no (ne else from this workgroup has contributed anything to it afaict 05:18:38 I can help you with this (if needed) 05:26:04 Vost, how long to you think it would take to redo the design work 05:26:20 And do you personally think it needs redesigning? 07:14:13 Atm I don't know, haven't looked at it properly yet ofrnxmr @ofrnxmr:monero.social: 07:15:27 https://getmonero-unofficial-beta.vercel.app/ 07:15:48 https://www.figma.com/file/yT4JTUfvBkAsBDPNPJL1gx/Monero-Redesign-Concept?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design 07:16:04 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 19:35:37 I think threat model page would be great addition to the website 20:01:01 We should hire Sethforprivacy to write the content hehe 20:03:48 I think we don't have much to say at the meeting tomorrow. 20:03:49 Diego is in charge. He wants to propose a new design. So we have to wait for that. 20:04:11 If there are motivated people to work on content seriously let me know 20:04:24 Seth works for cake now, new vp of operations 20:04:30 Yep 20:05:42 Current website content is not bad, but could also be totally different. 20:05:43 I should take the time to write my thoughts 20:07:39 I can work with the knowledge I have, but can't promise tell I see all the requirements 20:08:02 topics etc 20:08:36 Just compiling some thoughts like "I think threat model page would be great addition to the website" would be a good start imo 20:09:05 We could have a Notion or something like that 20:09:40 Also the infrastructre of monero, but that will be embarrasing for now because it is really janky 20:09:59 Oh yes.. The workgroup page... 20:10:07 illegal, we can work on https://cryptpad.fr/ 20:10:26 The basics should be landing page and downloads page 20:10:56 Cryptpad is super bad on my phone 🙃 20:11:11 Why not but we don't really need privacy in that case 20:11:21 Just limiting write access 20:12:00 Notion would be the best tool for collaborative job 20:12:06 But whatever 20:12:07 probably need a knowledge page section 20:12:26 or point it to the docs™️ 20:12:50 yes, feels like loading a whole OS sandbox 20:13:21 depends 20:14:02 Yeah, this should link to docs 20:15:48 The knowledge base of localmonero was great. 20:16:02 Don't know if it's still live somewhere 20:21:56 https://localmonero.co/knowledge 20:22:00 can we yoink it? 20:22:28 I mean monero was their whole business 20:22:39 so can give back to monero project 20:24:05 Yes it's an idea 20:31:35 I dont think this needs to be on getmonero.org 20:34:15 monero-docs? 20:34:39 We should link to it at least 20:34:45 could work i think, under an "articles" heading 20:34:58 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/ or https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/ 20:35:13 User-guides >> docs 20:35:29 Moneropedia >> docs 20:37:06 some of these are terrible or outdated 20:38:26 yes 21:23:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also the rpc guide too 21:25:05 getmonero's isnt even in order 21:25:18 Random rpc command sprinkled all over the place