05:03:02 Are website workgroup meetings going to be weekly, biweekly, monthly? What's the frequency? 11:42:20 I'd say every 2-3 weeks, weekly is too much 11:45:49 We'll have to wait and see what dictator Diego says about that! 11:46:27 monerobull add IRC to the agenda, you racist! 11:46:32 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1049#issuecomment-2278441448 11:48:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Isnt mbllwebsite ceo and diego is plowsof’s pa for community 11:49:39 what was the channel again? 15:08:03 Hi 15:08:39 Lol 17:15:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/zoRfJJkHWXBJYyncqkkmcXvo 17:15:51 I hate Weblate 17:26:29 Did you try blowing on it? 17:26:57 I did, but then the dust blinded me 17:40:23 it is Python, easiet language to read bro 17:44:02 issue isn't python. issue is weblate 17:44:12 Major version migration isn't supported 17:44:18 Easier than english? 17:44:40 JSON is syntaxically superior to english in every aspect 17:44:44 "Easiet" << must be 👾 17:45:54 cmon, you can't let Weblate test you 17:46:25 Build a wall? 17:47:18 Weblate like "illegal immigration 🚫" 17:47:47 Can you import into same version it was built with? 17:48:55 Let's just start fresh then, eh? 17:49:14 Meeting in 10 minutes unless people are for moving it back a week 17:49:29 Not sure who is here right now 17:49:33 I mean. I just have to wait until Dan give me what was the original version of weblate installed, then with sweat and blood I might be able to migrate 17:49:35 it's not hard 17:49:40 just very long 17:49:49 Oh he hasn't gotten that to you yet? 17:49:58 I haven't asked tbf 17:50:34 I'm at last day of defcon, but if there's a meeting I'll be here. 17:51:09 enjoy 17:51:12 Unless there is something critical, you can probably use your time more effectively at defcon 17:51:51 I have been. Met with Tor, privacy and crypto (Cryptography) village has had great talks, excellent content. 17:52:03 Believe it or not, I want to pitch a blockchain (read: Monero) village for next year again 17:52:52 Does anyone insist on doing the meeting today or do we reschedule for next Sunday? 17:52:57 you hotel room got searched yet? 17:53:10 I'm saying quite a ways away from the convention center 17:53:22 specifically for this reason 17:53:39 4D chess opsec 17:53:43 Defcon always has the fastest free wifi /s 17:53:45 *staying 17:56:05 risky to go there with a normie phone, need GrapheneOS 17:56:07 or dumb phone 18:00:07 Meeting time: Hello hello 18:00:09 Agenda point #1, do we actually hold the meeting or postpone? 18:00:38 I propose we postpone 18:00:51 seems like people are still confused 18:00:56 Since there aren't that many people here and Diego is at defcon, I'd also vote for postponing. 18:01:06 SIR 18:01:19 Next week I'll post more reminders leading up to the meeting 18:01:51 Yes please 18:03:46 Ok see you all in 7 days 18:04:08 Have fun with the remainder of defcon Diego! 18:22:11 Diego Salazar: 18:22:13 > Saluton everyone, we are distributing right now Kastelo enclosures free of charge in Las Vegas at the Defcon Cryptocurrency area. We are in the West Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) this year. 18:22:26 U sure there isnt one? 18:22:34 Yeah I saw Michael yesterday. 18:22:39 It's not a village. It's in the vendor area. 19:26:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I wouldnt be using wifi at defcon 19:26:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They have a wall of shame for that 19:37:42 Fedcon* 20:04:54 run a node on it