05:56:08 Asks for a login. What are the credentials? 06:24:58 can we merge pending PRs? 06:39:08 hardenedsteel which ones? Have they had a couple reviews yet? 06:39:59 most PRs and yes they got reviews 06:41:35 Ping plowsof so they get added to the .merge list and luigi will merge when he pulls another merge-athon, like it happens in -dev. 06:43:38 luigi is at vacation ig? 06:43:52 and we dont have anyone that can merge 06:44:13 @plowsof:matrix.org 06:44:25 I believe so, he is going to be mia for a few days. Precisely, time for us to work on getting some PRs added to the .merge list. 06:45:06 I'd suggest pinging plow with rhe lost of PRs ready to be merged, so he (and now Diego?) can go through it and upkeep .merge bot. 06:45:41 Should be possible for a couple other volunteers to get permissions to manage the bot, for when plowsof or Diego aren't around to add PRs ready to go. 06:46:24 The problem is merge conflicts 06:54:59 (rotten probably has me on ignore) 06:55:01 but .merges / merge lists is not how site is supposed to be run 07:39:36 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2350 07:40:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Everyone can hang there? 14:02:40 Does monero-site mention "Breaking Monero" series anywhere? and if there have been any mitigations/improvement done over the year? 14:05:30 They unbanned ofrn, one hell of an improvement imho /s 15:31:28 looks like Cypher stack team did the needful https://github.com/cypherstack/pup-monero-analysis/releases/tag/final ❤️ 15:31:44 https://github.com/cypherstack/pup-monero-analysis/releases/download/final/final.pdf 18:09:06 How often are the meetings going to be held? 18:18:27 yes, https://www.getmonero.org/get-started/faq/#vulnerabilities 18:33:58 .merges 18:33:58 -xmr-pr- 2287 2321 19:48:11 monerooutreach lol 19:48:30 still missing "if there have been any mitigations/improvement done over the year?" 19:58:22 There should be an outreach overtake, or revamped workgroup to host their resources somewhere else and carry on with their objectives, imho. I'm sure Diego Salazar and some others may agree. 20:04:28 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2352 20:10:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You got non yt links instead ? 20:17:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Need to get one going first 20:26:36 i dont have 20:26:58 i didn't want to download from youtube because they're compressed 20:30:30 youtube links where deemed OK , moving on 20:31:44 i noticed monero observer using the sass stuff :) we really are in the stone ages with our css and spritesheets (quake1 era) 20:33:39 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2351 looks like it will be the first addition of a dedicated social media icon after our deep dive into the spritesheet. 🥳 20:39:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Never liked quake 20:40:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Google shill! 21:14:57 Gh really screwed the pooch 21:15:22 When i click the link, the mobile app doesnt show the comments/replies on 2351 21:16:36 Their objectives were a bit weird lol 21:16:53 the latest outreach ccs was funny, to say the least 23:55:48 Ok just letting you guys in on the process a bit. 23:55:50 https://dribbble.com/shots/24260126-Web3-Active-Liquidity-Management 23:56:03 This is what's super in right now. Gradient stuff. We've come back full circle. 23:56:22 Especially with dark modes, flat is out. 23:58:59 You'll see similar at other projects like zano.org 23:59:12 Most logos are going in that direction too. 23:59:53 Monero is different, logo-wise, branding-wise, and just "built different" in general as you all know.