06:29:08 yeah dont add that 06:30:15 biased here but for comparison: monero.town has been around longer than them, doesn't handle any funds and isn't on the site either 06:31:06 biased here but for comparison: monero.town has been around longer about as long as them, doesn't handle any funds and isn't on the site either 10:22:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/nOvRFKuySdFqvkWXlgTeRskZ 10:35:11 Horrible and manipulative 10:56:46 They don't exactly accumulate good karma right now, do they? 11:01:53 any reason for sharing .avif files? 11:03:12 simply better than jpeg 11:04:05 can't view it in 🪟 11:04:56 another reason to uninstall windows for you! 😄 11:05:24 almost all browsers support avif format 11:05:46 i guess it doesnt work with apps 11:06:16 using Nheko 11:06:50 i guess you mentioned that earlier 11:07:50 https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues/1070 11:08:13 but its for linux 🤷 12:56:31 truth has been told 12:56:48 but still 12:57:07 as much as I love AV1 and their works, JPEG-XL is our savior 12:57:22 A shame chrome decided to deprecate it despite being the ultimate format for images 12:57:45 AVIF lossless encoding sucks 15:07:41 would like to use jpegxl but not widespread yet 15:07:51 i already use avif for getmonero.org 15:14:40 v 15:14:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/mgSKrUnqlqotxWfDxBuzduaB 15:18:02 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2351/files 15:18:09 avif icons ^ 15:18:35 so beautiful 15:18:42 (svg is still superior) 15:30:21 we need to replace .svg files 15:30:23 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2274 15:30:35 it security issue 15:30:39 its security issue 15:33:17 Can you make the avif look garbage so it blends in with our sprites lol 15:35:28 yeah i noticed that new lemmy icon is much higher resolution than other blurry icons 15:35:40 when I remember well you can use svg and a fallback in png (not 100% sure, but I think I remember that I did it for a map project) 16:09:48 tor browser is a failure 16:09:55 tor project is an abomination 16:11:12 the whole security risk is in case users upload svg themselves 16:11:56 Now we have to deal with the paranoid that think Safer is not enough on a static site 16:13:32 anyway i agree with vthor it should be possible to svg -> fallback avif 18:22:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Welcome to the interwebz 18:22:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Threat model = cia is after me 23:52:59 @plowsof:matrix.org which tool did you use to replace the image paths in the code? 23:58:11 Plowgpt