14:52:37 Sorry, I'm not aware the full context. Sounds like we're discussing claiming Monero did BasicSwap on our site's timeline? 14:53:33 I'd say NACK without the BasicSwap developer's explicit consent, and that'd I'd personally be pissed if Serai was added to the Monero site's timeline. 14:54:23 Even with the CCS, the only claim of the Monero project is to the work sponsored by the CCS. That's not "BasicSwap". That's some odd list of deliverables/improvements that I'd need to pull up. 14:56:30 The Serai comment was as context/color for the BasicSwap discussion as that's the one I can personally speak on. I'd even be frustrated if monero-serai, our Rust Monero lib *which is general purpose and now underlies Cuprate* was claimed on the site. 14:57:13 We really should be ensuring we respect developers in all regards. Hence my statement the BasicSwap developers should be asked and their consent obtained. 15:12:53 it was added 15:13:35 Has anyone reached out to them to ask their thoughts? 15:13:52 I said "maybe", because without, imo, its a NACK/grift altogether 15:14:58 Let me double check this ... 15:15:45 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2360 15:15:56 Serai not added yet, but is in this PR 15:16:42 i NACK serai and basicswap bcuz ^ 15:16:43 Yes I just saw that 15:17:37 I think its slimy 15:21:38 ^ 15:33:47 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2360#discussion_r1730382482 15:34:49 I ACK "Integration by Serai DEX". I obviously don't see Serai and Monero as hostile, would appreciate the marketing, and it lets Monero advertise the DEX integration. 15:35:06 NACK to being claimed as a Monero project. 15:39:30 my previous comments on old pr about basicswap ACK'd something similar for bsx, about monero bi-directly swaps going live on the platform, but i think its wrong to claim ownership of a project that _we wanted nothing to do with, and even called the devs scammers etc_ 15:44:31 Also, boog900: is apparently reading messages. I think they have less footing to complain about Cuprate, it being a Monero-funded Monero node :p But still good to sync with their thoughts on the representation. 15:45:14 It also brings up the topic of spinning monero-serai to a new governance structure again but that's for a separate room. 15:45:34 SyntheticBird: ackd so far 15:47:04 Oh cool 👍 15:50:10 Hardenedsteel dont make pr's adding things that haven't been merged 15:51:47 how can we avoid merge conflicts then? 15:52:26 is it possible to merge ofrnxmr's PR then mine? 15:56:59 Or if it will conflict, only merging hardened's pr (containing both commits) and ill close mine 15:57:49 But hardened, either way, first need to remove serai and basicswap from the pr 16:17:01 How can we avoid merge conflicts -> we sponsor people to lead the website workgroup xD 16:17:12 Very simple solution I have in mind, maybe add a *External projects we're enthusiastic about* section. Then put Serai and BSX under it ? We can therefore give marketing to external projects not funded by monero, but still related and important enough to be considered a global improvement. A sort *ecosystem* roadmap 16:17:44 Ill have a look at merges soon 16:17:53 I'm sure BSX devs and @kayabanerve:matrix.org would more likely accept to be included in such sections 16:18:56 The Less politics / subjectivity the better 16:20:41 We'd inherit the maintenance load of monerica probably 16:21:08 That implies some sort of endorsement 16:21:38 Who is the "we" in "we're"? 16:22:04 Basicswapdex is listed on the decentralized exchanges section of the merchants page 16:22:05 Me, myself, that guy there and his friend 16:22:34 So "ofrn and his sockpuppets" 16:22:42 Projects we're excited about**** 16:22:45 Lol 16:23:08 the "we're" was directed at synthetics "we're enthusiastic about " 16:23:50 @monero twitter is the most excited twitter. Always excited about something 16:24:14 If basicswapdex forked or dropped their token for monero that would be note worthy for the roadmap 16:24:39 Thats why i said _maybe_ after ccs 16:25:18 Ofrnxmr is taking over the world should be listed instead of bsx 16:25:23 but right now? Its a particl project with 0 insight from monero except "you guys are scammers" and "we dont trust you" 16:25:33 "in orogress" 16:25:41 100. I agree 16:25:46 Progress* 16:25:57 add that to the inprogress / ongoing 16:26:37 pessimistic minds you all. obv there will be some endorsement but yk its for projects with potentially big impacts, Serai is without doubt one. and I believe we can misjudge some projects for inclusion without turning it into some blood bath. 16:28:29 if everyone discussing it do some efforts there is no reason it turn bad (turns into drama). 16:31:56 "Monero" does not and csn not endorse anything 16:32:39 Monero has no partners either 16:34:30 To quote @fluffypony 16:34:31 > In case it wasn’t obvious, nobody has a “partnership with Monero” just like nobody has a “partnership with Bitcoin”. Not Zerononcense, not CryptoMedication, nobody. 16:34:33 > You can’t partner with a decentralised cryptocurrency. Anybody claiming otherwise is a scammer." 16:34:35 https://x.com/fluffypony/status/1161520196449906691 16:35:53 To claim "we're" excited or enthusiastic, is to claim that all of monero users and contributors agree with you 16:36:25 woooo "Partners", threw the big words 16:36:49 ah yes because all monero users care about the website and go in the matrix channels 16:37:08 exactly 16:37:17 this was ironic 16:37:32 the website is important for the people who dont follow news strictly 16:37:46 Just rewrite monero in rust and make your own site in astro 16:37:53 Problem solved 16:38:09 why, you'll do it anyway at some point 16:38:17 rewrite in astro i mean 16:39:33 for me this proposed section is at the same level of endorsement as *Featured page* on wikipedia 16:40:06 done 16:43:17 I gave an explicit alternate phrasing I'd prefer as I'm not calling for removal. Whether or not that phrasing is acceptable and worthwhile/optimal can be itself discussed. An external projects section could also work yet is a larger effort. 16:45:50 I just don't want anyone to see the timeline and think Serai is a Monero project. We've been dismissed on that premise before, and it creates beliefs Serai will always do what's best for Monero when that isn't true. It'll do what's best for itself which is largely in parallel to what's best for it to do for Monero. 16:46:17 If the decision is to remove it, at least for now, ACK. It wasn't there prior so eh, nothing lost. 17:00:16 Adding "upcoming integration to seraidex" is a better line, but that can be done properly. when serai is released, jt woukd make sense to have "live on seraidex" 17:00:57 We just NACK'd a cex swapper for claiming to be featured by monero 17:01:42 ? 17:02:08 I mean, it seems obvious to me that cex and proprietary or commercial projects were out 17:02:27 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2330 17:02:32 serai or bsx can't be compared to a cex 17:03:07 Bsx ks listed on the decentralized exchanges section pf the website 17:03:14 Only dex and p2p get large sections with their logos 17:03:23 Cex just get a text line 17:08:16 https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/ 17:19:32 But i agree with kaya that "integration/integrated by __DEX" could be acceptable 18:10:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Need to start having criterias for adding stuff 18:10:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Makes it less complicated 18:24:03 💯💯💯💯💯 18:24:24 less repeating same thing when someone ask "Why...." 18:24:41 top 1 priority addition to the website 18:56:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Job creation for workgroup 19:33:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> When is next meeting? 19:41:56 2 more weeks 20:44:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> PG grants ™️ has something at the bottom of there pages for criteria? 21:56:47 at every recommendation page 21:57:09 for monero it will be for only merchant and wallets page as far as I know 21:58:02 https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/ and https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/ 22:08:28 Wallet criteria we have a pr suggestion 22:09:24 Cryptogrampy wanted us to clarify and only list foss, non tracking wallets, and erc wanted to loosen language so we could yolo list anything 22:10:05 I'm with grampy on only listing wallets that are foss and dont do funny business 22:10:38 Edge wallet has trackers = i dont think it should be listed 22:11:29 Agree 22:12:22 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2143#issuecomment-1722306067 22:12:34 but I heard mixed opinions from you on the need of LWS to evade syncing everytime ofrnxmr 22:12:50 edge doesnt support lws 22:12:52 adds convience 22:13:18 convenience* 22:13:19 i asked them a long time ago to remove trackers and support lws, they said asap, then never did it 22:13:55 This wallet charges users a random fee 22:14:23 Wonder how MyMonero & Edge keeps the lights on? 22:14:30 they have subscription options etc? 22:14:42 someone needs to pay for the servers and all of that traffic 22:14:57 and of course development 22:15:01 Mymonero used to charge a fee to restore a wallet 22:15:11 lol 22:15:13 Or to create one. I dont remember which 22:15:19 Something like $10usd 22:15:40 EA moment 22:17:39 Mymonero apps supposedly supoort lws but i couldnt tell you tbh. Havent tried in years 22:18:02 What we need is a foss lws wallet like mysu 22:19:03 or for monero.com to add support for lws 22:20:23 this is totally the wrong room for this discussion, but lws would save me a lot in mobile data and battery and make spending when at the grocery store much easier 22:20:25 need to be accessible through to clearnet and no nsfw stuff 22:20:38 basically fire the creator 22:20:53 hes on vacation 22:21:06 And monerochan is disable-able 22:21:23 The websites are all down, as are the repos 22:21:32 lol very bad 22:38:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> High security 22:38:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not home, pull lead 22:43:42 mysu has potential but he won't do what it takes 22:46:15 What? 22:46:39 Mysu is literally still my daily driver and the most bug-free monero mobile wallet, period 22:47:24 LWS is supposed to add convenience and mostly likely top choice for normies, but access requires Tor and using all the time as far as I can tell 22:47:42 why would lws need tor? 22:48:05 talking about how you can download the wallet 22:48:32 and update it 22:48:39 oh mysu. Mysu isnt an lws wallet, its a full wallet. 22:48:41 my point was mysu ui would work well with lws 22:50:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vtnerd lws in gui when? 22:54:24 Never 22:54:49 i want to see monero-project/monero-lws (lws become "official") 23:05:57 Maybe after a few years 23:07:50 Its been a few years 23:08:30 Kovri is on moneor-project and that ish was doa 23:08:43 expectation? I see... 23:09:06 Lws _needs_ "official" status for true adoption and community development 23:10:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Soon™️ 23:10:38 not really he can have adoption without being "official" and community development depends on vtnerd. it's their project not ours 23:10:47 it can have* 23:10:58 XMRChat uses LWS, works great 23:11:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I have it running, but never use it, lol 23:11:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> #homelabber life 23:11:48 So does kuno if i read correctly 23:12:02 #danisusinghashtagquestionmark 23:12:17 Yup! 23:12:23 separate repo, different license, but funded by the CCS and presumably some MAGIC(tm) if he worked on it during his time there none the less 23:12:47 Magic poached him, doesnt count 23:12:49 lol 23:12:53 Probably gf funded anyway 23:13:04 LWS is now MAGIC copyright and other contributors 23:13:07 thank you for playing 23:13:18 Hahaha 23:13:41 Im dying 23:13:52 Its hilarious because its plausible lmao 23:15:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vtnerd is magic ™️ now 23:17:11 Kovri was replaceable, if something replaces lws I am fine with it; maybe paul finally delivers 😂 23:18:22 he's working on it 23:19:02 Seraphis or paul's lws, place bets 23:19:30 .pbl (place bets later) 23:20:02 Betting opens up aug 2025 23:20:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ad that to seraphis and new website 23:20:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Add* 23:21:08 Unrelated but having the new website launch at Seraphis mainnet launch would be ideal 23:21:34 🤣 23:21:47 Website will finish like 2+n yrs before seraphis 23:22:01 oh wait my bad I didn't meant to joke 23:22:03 Cultrate will finish before seraphis 23:22:05 the content is being wiped so it'll be quick 23:22:08 I didn't meant seraphis 23:22:14 I was talking about Jamtis 23:22:36 Not carrot? 🙃 23:22:39 Cultrate? Is this a typo? 23:22:49 Yes 23:22:52 no 23:23:29 trolling i see 23:24:40 you think seraphis will come b4 cuprate finishes? 23:24:45 I don't 23:24:56 learn to read 23:25:00 Seraphis meetings dont even have agendas 23:25:01 ^ 23:25:21 Ok, but i asked "carrot? Or jamtis?" 23:25:25 seraphis codebase + fcmp++ (seraphis is complete already don't worry) 23:25:38 Whatever comes after FCMP++ 23:25:48 because it will be in the window where the website could finish 23:25:52 Both 23:26:06 Jeffro wants to do carrot > jamtis 23:26:20 But idk if anyone else on on board with carrot 23:26:37 carrot > jamtis means carrot then jamtis or carrot over jamtis 23:26:42 if content/translations starts from scratch and we have a few main pages, then site will definitely be ready quickly (in my non site dev/designer opinion) 23:26:57 Then 23:27:04 ok 23:27:23 yeah I hardly see the website taking more than 1.5 years 23:27:37 but I also hardly see the website being finished at FCMP++ mainnet launch 23:27:47 Website will take 2.5 months if we ever merge it 23:27:54 anyway point is aligning the website release with a hardfork would be ideal 23:28:27 ? but design isn't ready and janaka ccs not even accepted 23:28:52 janakas ccs was accepted my community 3 months ago 23:28:53 By* 23:29:08 It wasnt merged bcuz luigi is blind and thought there was no website workgroup 23:29:28 Had to have 2 meetings to decide to use the current design 23:29:40 ah ok I did understand that janaka was waiting for design to be ready. I thought the CCS was put on hold 23:29:41 (the design is ready) 23:29:57 afaik style is ready but @diego:cypherstack.com haven't finished 23:30:03 yeah, but after 2 meetings we decided to use the initial design 23:30:19 I can edit the website with "inspect element" 23:30:27 The changes needed arent anything major 23:31:00 Different menus, moving content, removing some content 23:31:20 Uh no we didn't. 23:31:35 ? 23:31:37 The general style yes. 23:32:05 The general style is being used as the basis for what I'm currently designing. 23:32:15 But it's still going to be quite different than what's presented. 23:32:45 then we vote again :P ? 23:33:12 General style meaning mostly flat, slight gradient, continuous, and unblocked. 23:33:46 I'm not knocking it til i see it 23:33:55 I mean sure, I can all but guarantee mine will be objectively better. 23:34:06 Design is not a subjective thing like most dev types like to think. 23:34:08 we're merging janakas proposal now right? https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 23:34:19 No. 23:34:58 I thibk zano's website is 🚮 23:35:17 There is subjectivity to preference, sure. 23:35:28 I think hammermans basic design style is 🔥 23:35:41 But if a change of color or size helps the most users, accomplish their goals in less time and with less confusion, it is objectively better design. 23:36:03 Design is not just wallpaper or veneer. 23:36:10 can we not just raise the 45 xmr for the website dev who we need to work on the design (soon)? 23:36:58 He requested we don't because there's no guarantee that what I create will be 45 XMR worth of work. 23:37:01 It may be more. 23:37:25 He is not committing to a price until the new design is approved and he specs it out for development. 23:37:34 ah yes, the designer will reveal pandoras box to the dev 23:37:46 understood, lets wait xd 23:39:21 don't be too creative sir 23:39:23 lol 23:39:26 We started the design process proper. Done with exploratory portion. 23:39:46 can we get the dopewallet logo in there? 23:39:52 🦆 23:39:55 Easter egg from my goose 23:40:15 penpot is working? 23:40:28 Got some good ideas in exploratory phase. I'm glad we did it. 23:40:32 Lol. I wish. 23:40:35 or the design will be finished and website too befoe it starts working? 23:40:39 It is. But we're starting this in figma. 23:40:41 🦢 23:41:02 Penpot is up and going man. 23:41:09 design.cypherstack.com 23:41:11 so what is the point of penpot? 23:41:13 Oh lol 23:41:15 Not Cypher stack 23:41:22 design.getmonero.org 23:41:30 I'm so used to typing Cypher Stack. 23:41:52 We are going to put the design in penpot as well probably for people to iterate on if they please. 23:42:12 Have penpot registration been fixed btw? 23:42:30 But people are wanting this design fast. Don't want to make janaka wait for too long. 23:42:41 Dan Miller ^? 23:43:12 no email 23:43:49 Need to buy a sysadmin course on Udemy to get this stuff together 23:44:41 It's a good job maybe. Look into bro. 23:45:05 But what we really need is more cryptographers. 23:45:14 All yall nerds start studying math. 23:45:31 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/bOXgqGihrzuaYXJcCXyETkyO 23:45:54 I would like but finding introductory maths-based cryptography resources are hard to find 23:46:26 Flappywallet* 23:46:40 search reddit 23:47:23 https://pll.harvard.edu/subject/mathematics/free 23:48:44 my anon in christ 🙏 I meant introductory cryptography resources. I'm good enough at linear/general algebra 23:48:57 https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-03-differential-equations-spring-2010/ 23:49:23 https://www.coursera.org/learn/crypto 23:50:41 https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Mathematical-Cryptography-Undergraduate-Mathematics/dp/1493917102/ 23:51:12 Shamir sharing sarang secrets 23:52:00 Thanks for the links will look into it