00:04:08 Hm. Why is Cypher Stack not on the sponsors page after the deployment? 00:04:40 corruption probably 00:04:52 or CIA taking over 00:05:12 Oh it wasn't merged. Lol. 00:06:20 I think the only thing merged for recent point release blog post was... just that, the CLI and GUI blog posts. 😅 00:06:42 Should've merged a load of pending PRs. Two birds killed with one stone. 🤷‍♂️ 00:07:05 When are we getting credentials to be able to see WIP progress with design? 00:13:39 Current work is on figma so we can get it out faster. 00:13:46 The saying is "pet 2 cats with one hand" 00:14:46 only possible with 2 good cats that stick their head together 00:15:02 and good cats only happen with good humans 00:15:18 so if you can't pet 2 cats with one hand you're a bad human 00:15:24 checkmates 00:15:38 2 cats head to tail works very well 00:16:07 nsfw 00:16:17 Nice circular motion 00:16:52 The Cat-omatic somehow 00:17:20 Now to read the scrollback 00:20:42 Okay, but where's it? I take it you share design subdomain because it's a preview, or just stating that's where you're working on this? 00:21:35 I shared it because someone was asking about if penpot was up yet. It'll be a community resource. 01:29:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Blog was only merged 04:34:32 @rehrar registration emails are working now for penpot. https://design.getmonero.org. 08:38:06 SyntheticBird you can start by Real-World Cryptography by David Wong Book very fun to read (https://blog.cryptohack.org/real-world-cryptography-review best review from website that teaches crypto) then read the real stuff like books or uni courses, you can search hacker news & reddit for recommendations. 08:47:18 nice, works. Btw, why tf do I have to answer a forced questionnaire? 08:48:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> For marketing purposes 08:49:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also rip weblate 08:49:34 Diego Salazar link to the design? 09:23:48 Thank you piegons. I was able to register, however disabling the little intrusive question form at the beginning would be appreciated: 09:24:03 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/ZXovHsKRFsNBRDRPvbtoPOGN 09:24:14 unskippable 09:28:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> From nioc 14:44:51 https://web.getmonero.org/generator/ 14:44:53 Why isn't this on the address generator list? 14:44:59 on resources/tools 14:45:36 It's in the user guide 14:56:33 good question, it definitely should be 14:57:23 Diego Salazar 14:59:12 Diego Salazar: At least it's linked in the bottom of this user guide. https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/Offline_Backup.html 14:59:48 Because nobody opened a pr for that 15:00:35 Whrn generator went live, some of the current contributors were blackballed by erc 15:00:40 s/some/most 15:02:54 Also linked here https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/securely_purchase.html 15:05:49 Who has Paint/Windows installed? Need a couple quick edits for a guide on getmonero.org. 15:09:53 Me but paint is hard for me 15:09:57 Photopea easier 15:12:36 Do it with whatever you need, but make it look as close as possible to original author, please. It is very simpleÑ 15:12:38 Do it with whatever you need, but make it look as close as possible to original author, please. It is very simple: 15:13:06 what is it? 15:13:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/xhxSgjMTWTlGaXKDeMOCtHFJ 15:13:33 oh update that monero.social requires email account? 15:13:37 This image is outdated: notice the 'matrix.monero.social'. I am sending you the same screenshot but with 'monero.social' for the server field. You'd just need to add the red rectangles and numbers. 15:13:39 Send it over. 15:13:42 it says it doesn't on that page 15:14:19 thankfully we still have windows users otherwise this wouldnt be possible 15:14:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/UMTsjIeKpQCvsQVQVnWbCQyL 15:14:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/WCqwLGOGDuwpsKoWsZPJKCAa 15:15:18 microsoft paint really has a monopoly on the market 15:15:19 Fuck my life, thought I had them next to each other like OP has them. Meh, should be trivial to make it look like this, no? 15:15:32 yeah, linux users sucks at paint, leave it for the Pros 15:15:54 Send me the edited message with the rectangles, numbers and both in a single image file. I'll submit PR for both address generator under tools and fixing join Matrix core tutorial. 15:16:14 lols GIMP is feature rich for linuxy. rottenwheel please learn how to eedit a simple image 15:16:16 Someone tell the brit to go grab a biscuit. Adult, hardworking people are talking. 15:16:30 plowsof If you cover the graphic design course, sure. 15:17:46 rando: fuck my life, there are yet more outdated screenshots. See here: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/join-monero-matrix.html 15:18:06 Looks like the same screenshots but replicated on Element Android and iOS. 15:18:17 sir wait, Paint crashing 15:18:26 Well, we'd need those 3 same screenshots but instead of matrix subdomain, just monero.social, raw. 15:18:34 Therein lies the error. 15:18:43 No rush, I'm just letting y'all know. 15:19:01 thanks hm 15:19:04 I'll create a new issue so this doesn't get lost in the mentally challenged chitchat in here... 15:21:37 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2361 15:22:09 an bot has auto commented sharing probaby malware, selsta 15:22:13 Oh nice, it immediately got hit by a scammer! GitHub is X now! https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2361#issuecomment-2310474309 15:22:31 The world is becoming the United Kingdom... 15:23:47 report them 15:23:57 they usually get banned by github 15:24:03 did matrix.monero.social work at one point and now not? is that why you chose the word 'outdated' rottenwheel? 15:24:09 will do thanks 15:24:14 luigi is not here to ban them from org 15:24:28 will also report 15:25:18 Yes. 15:25:46 Whoever spun up social at first had it with the matrix subdomain, then it was fixed. 15:26:06 pigeons can we make matrix and/org monero.social work? 15:26:34 backwards compatibility for our screens lol 15:34:39 No need for the first domain 15:35:02 The question should be "are there any active users on that domain" 15:36:32 i think it probably sunset a long time ago, though perhaps still serves the same resources 15:43:42 elementm.png 15:43:44 rottenwheel your pics were low quality btw 15:44:35 disabling v8 in Brave ruined Photopea, had made it spend 2x time doing simple stuff 15:46:45 can you update this part in your PR? 15:46:58 . 15:48:34 info stealer, saw it on a lot of repos today 15:49:18 I'll edit the issue so whoever makes the PR if not me, knows. 15:49:55 Probably the gay matrix compression stuff. Got it, thanks. Can you also make element android and element iOS like original blog post has them? 15:50:23 If not you, anyone else. Those two are the only ones missing. I'm too lazy to do them myself and I don't use element. Lol. 15:50:26 Nor have an iPhone. What an insult. 15:51:32 I dont element, anyone that uses it can help 15:51:49 I dont use* 15:52:23 Aye. 16:00:58 Done. 16:06:30 Rotten probably has me blocked 16:06:41 But android and ios screenshots are probably unnecessary 16:06:56 Element is being depreciated for element x 16:07:33 >But android and ios screenshots are probably unnecessary 16:07:34 >Element is being depreciated for element x 16:07:36 from ofrnxmr 16:07:50 also available on monerologs.net 16:08:14 plow why use IRC? 16:08:22 https://www.getmonero.org/community/hangouts/ 16:08:23 when u got matrix? 16:08:31 Is the discord icon not loading? 16:08:53 speed, near 0ms delay for accessing messages 16:08:59 clipboard.png 16:09:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/njXHwfkAaGmlqOzpFzdNWjkJ 16:09:48 i would suspect its a cache issue 16:10:03 the 10~ year old sprite image doesnt get re-downloaded 16:10:17 Cache issue. Worked in incognito 16:10:30 >sprites 16:10:41 saves on network as nobody redownloads it 16:11:13 are these icons new? 16:11:24 A lot of duplication going on between hangouts and workgroups 16:11:31 Only the discord 16:11:53 should we remove facebook? 16:11:57 /names #monero-site 16:12:05 any activity there? 16:12:57 Theres a pr for it iirc 16:13:25 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2348 16:13:57 plowsof: Trying to follow the request. I believe usersneed to always use monero.social, but this is delegated to actually use the machine matrix.monero.social but not at the user level which is just monero.social. If that's not the case let me know 16:14:30 Sounds correct to me 16:15:22 Any thoughts on the android/ios screenshots? Element x vs element 16:15:22 i dont use elementX because of reasons, but element is getting worse all the time 16:15:58 thanks for clarifying pigeons, the screenshots are the problem then 16:17:38 probably the most secure element client for android? 16:18:20 Both suck 16:19:17 Hmm I just tried with app.element.io and it requires https://matrix.monero.social as the homeserver, contradictory to what I just said. 16:19:51 i used monero.social IIRC when i signed up 16:20:24 Could b wrong 16:20:55 And the clusterfuck rabbit hole ensues... 16:30:10 syntheticbird: Thanks I am restarting penpot now with the disable-onboarding-questions flag. 17:44:15 thx pigeons 19:32:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Depends on the client 19:32:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fractal just needs monero.social 20:24:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Replace with myspace