00:45:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/lSVEMdBFArjjsrKQRQLxnJrx 00:46:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> you know 5 out of the 7 are bad for privacy 01:33:59 facebook already dead 01:59:42 Twit, reddit, fb, github, telegram, discord, matrix and irc 01:59:53 > <@321bob321:monero.social> sent an image. 01:59:54 Twit, reddit, fb, github, telegram, discord, lemmy, matrix and irc 02:00:04 I think all are 06:19:54 erm akshually, durov said that Telegram was the best privacy messenger 06:20:13 and since the CIA is after him he is right 08:33:46 clipboard.png 08:33:53 They are too dumb 08:51:06 least glowie kim tweet 12:29:16 Well, I am not looking charts on coinmarketcap. Also, look at XMR/BTC 12:31:45 Well, I am not looking charts on coinmarketcap. I suppose you don't know technical analysis. 12:31:46 Also, look at XMR/BTC 12:33:22 idk what you're looking to but its not from coinmarketcap and its XMR/BTC chart 12:35:41 39000% more to go folks 12:39:42 Or btc can fall by 99.75% 🔥 13:10:14 I can be wrong but I believe we will breakout the 2 years range soon and surperform BTC 13:11:44 We suffered enough!! 13:13:48 Until 18.5m xmr is worth more than 19.5m btc, i dont think we've "broken out" 13:14:13 1xme = 1xmr and SHOULD = 1.1btc 13:15:12 Anyone selling 1xmr for 0.0002 btc is simple insane and loves to be taken advantage of. 13:15:12 Someone's going to whack me for being offtopic 14:53:47 do you use reddit? seems like mass block there 15:03:43 they block tor users 15:03:59 ive been banned from reddit for yrs 15:04:04 You can use monero.town 15:04:50 Were having a meeting right now in #monero-community:monero.social 15:05:02 You should come sit in 15:07:07 havent used tor, still banned( 15:10:07 audio call or just texting? 15:19:27 Text 15:47:18 spirobel: hi 15:47:42 Stack only supports sending and receiving of Solana atm. ETH sending and receiving of ETH as well as ERC-20s. 15:47:52 I know that's very limited but it's all we got right now. 15:48:03 Now onto website stuff 15:48:20 I don't think there was any serious consideration given to things like Wordpress given its security issues. Or anything with a dynamic backend, really. 16:00:18 Hey guys, I have written a Monero wallet criteria. 16:00:18 Minimum Requirements: 16:00:20 * doesn't require any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) 16:00:22 * non-custodial wallet 16:00:24 * must receive regular updates. 16:00:26 * client must be open source 16:00:28 * No tracking / can opt-out 16:00:30 * Can lock wallet with passcode & encrypts database 16:00:32 Best Case: 16:00:34 * software received a security audit 16:00:36 * provides hashes and binaries are signed 16:07:06 name me a reproducible xmr wallet lmao 16:07:30 feather 16:07:32 aside from wallet cli and gui 16:08:28 and feather ofc 16:08:39 reminder you are looking at "Best Case:" 16:08:44 Socks support has nothin 2 do with monero 16:09:01 Providing hashes doesnt either 16:09:17 bruh it is a criteria for wallet 16:09:27 security audit 16:10:02 Stack and cake had monero_c audited 16:10:14 by who? 16:10:38 by cyoherstack 16:10:48 cool 16:10:57 audit/reviewed Diego Salazar: to confirm which 16:11:07 Its not 16:11:21 wym? lol 16:11:22 "Lets delist everything mobile" 16:11:34 How do u provide hashes for iphone 16:11:46 hence why "best case" 16:12:02 you don't necessarily need to meet those, but it would be great if it does 16:13:33 Brb 16:13:43 Driving 16:15:59 i spend a lot of time looking into wordpress security. wordpress core is solid. even sqli will be limited in scope because of all the defenses. if you dont install lots of garbage plugins it is going to be more secure than the current mess 16:16:38 it is dynamic too.. the ci is building this stuff. just slower. there is still a weak link that can be infiltrated. 16:17:30 use something like phantom or backpack. do onchain swaps of new memecoin shitters.. use pump fun 16:18:13 send and receive is practically useless if that is all the functionality that the wallet offers 16:18:23 most users will want to interact with dapps 16:18:53 you have to be turbo out of touch to not realize this 16:19:39 if we want to compete with this we need to go in the same direction or get fdd 16:19:45 monero will have some disjoint dex projects and thats it 16:20:06 that have to be built natively with complex toolchains for a plethora of platforms 16:20:22 we could just target the web instead and focus our energy 16:28:48 Monero will have serai built into cake and that offers about everything you can do with xmr 16:29:34 send, receive, Swap, provide it as liquidity 16:29:56 so cake own monero. too much centralization that does not need to be 16:30:11 much better model to make it more open 16:30:21 Cake is foss 16:31:26 everyone works for cake though 16:31:39 Exvept rotten 16:31:51 oh, i thought we where in -offtopic sorry 16:32:12 And everyone can make their own serai powered monero wallet 16:40:42 just because something is foss does not mean it is not centralization 16:41:03 in practice if i fork cake 1. nobody would use it 16:41:12 if it catches on or my changes are good 16:41:28 they will just copy it and take all the rewards 16:41:33 game over cake has won 16:41:44 limited innovation 16:43:24 if you use solana for a bit you start to recognize the difference in UX. its super close to a CEX ux 16:43:29 in some ways it is better 16:43:40 and there is more variety 16:44:14 and it is only possible because they use the web as the basic platform 16:44:55 sure we can close our eyes and cook serai there and haveno there and ofrn cooks particlr 16:45:28 so you install 3 apps fractured liq. maybe trocador papers it over a bit 16:45:44 but that means we are more centralized than solana which is not good look 16:46:19 we shouldnt have to have a centralized web service with a hot wallet inbetween to connect all this stuff 16:46:39 and i dont buy that steiner will bring all of this in order with flutter and dart tomorrow 16:47:26 there are just fundamental limitations to these technologies that will never be overcome. google fired the flutter team for a reason. the ship is sinking for this platform. 16:48:23 stack abd elite wallet forked cake 16:48:46 a lot of evm chains forked eth 16:48:49 a lot of bitcoin forks, forked bitcoin 16:48:50 case in point 5k downloads 16:48:57 I dont believe in first mover = best or most uaed 16:49:04 agree 16:49:16 Btc isnt used as much as ltc, eth isnt used as much as solana or tron 16:49:28 but web platform and dapp connect is just not going to be beaten. just my 2cents 16:50:01 Elite is trash. Stack was very beta-ish until recently 16:50:12 Idk which one has 5k downloads 16:50:38 it makes the iteration cycle super low. we practically have to rebuild everything from the bottom and with new p2p protocol just to flip some coins back and forth 16:50:42 Mysu > monerujo and easily one of the best ive used, and was only available over tor and i2p 16:50:55 if we continue like this this shit is not going anywhere 16:51:19 thats my 2cents 16:51:27 cuz iteration cycle for innovation too slow 16:53:03 You just need to start a psyop 16:53:44 After you copied their entire wallet, so unfair 16:53:48 The decentralization of money is nothing without staking, dApps and web3! 16:54:19 Lmao what 16:54:54 3 separate apps vs 1 and you say option 1 is more centralized? 17:01:08 the decentralization of money is nothing without trustless decentralized exchanges. 17:01:31 and the ability to innovate on new wallet interaction UX without having to have the ressource of the largest player in the ecosystem 17:01:42 and the ability to innovate on new wallet interaction UX without having to have the resources of the largest player in the ecosystem 17:02:14 go to jup.ag . do what trocador does but completely trustless. 17:02:30 all of this shit works instantly 17:02:40 for sure you can clown on me here 17:03:03 He's always talking web3 nonsense and whining about financial matters, be nice to him. 17:04:34 he is taking computer literacy classes so he does not get scammed again, be nice to him. 17:06:20 Yeah bcs it's on Solana 17:06:30 lets talk dms 17:06:37 we dont need to shit up this channel 17:06:38 Which has went down how many times, 11? 17:46:27 usually u would open a PR, no need to fork if they are willing to merge in. 17:46:55 thanks for explaining open source to be rando 17:47:02 thanks for explaining open source to me rando 17:47:19 do you have a github? 17:47:24 yes/no why? 17:47:44 hopefully it is not dick measuring contest 17:47:48 https://github.com/spirobel pls give me a follow thanks 17:48:15 show us your weiner 17:49:00 yeah okay cake does not merge the PR. what do you do next rando ? 17:49:10 join elite and stacks wallet 17:49:21 creme de la creme on google play 17:50:16 you fork it, unless there are a lot of changes you want to make, so you make your own wallet 17:50:40 they won't be able to "steal" your changes that easily 17:50:40 take over the world. 17:50:58 you want sarcasm or being serious rn? 17:51:44 nah i am not serious because I doubt you are able to understand my point even if I explained it in every single autistic detail 17:52:20 talking in that way makes you feel better? 17:52:57 the fact that browser wallet UX is superior to 1000 half baked abondonware projects littered all over the community is self evident 17:53:06 yeah it is healing 17:53:14 💊 17:54:09 and? 17:55:58 yeah so instead of your plan of forking cake / building your own p2p protocol and building a native app for iphones, android, mac linux and windows ... you just deploy one webapp 17:56:12 which ecosystem wins? 17:56:14 first or second 17:56:37 lol you think webapps are superior? 17:58:32 you think an ecosystem is going to win where you have to do all this garbage (and never be able to finish it properly) instead of deploying one webapp? 17:58:42 just to innovate on one small thing? 18:00:39 in monero you have to practically be a cake employee and get thumbs up from daddy vik or you can basically gtfo with your innovations 18:00:53 thats what I mean by centralization around cake 18:01:49 if it cant be used within cake 99% of monero users will never see it 18:01:52 Sure, lets build non reproducible website that might turn one day to steal all users data, and increase attack vector 18:02:08 nah you misunderstand 18:02:23 these apps are non custodial 18:02:24 lol 18:02:29 and they get only limited abilities to execute transactions 18:02:49 website can be served with malicious JS 18:03:04 owww we have another expert developer here 18:03:12 link github or fuck off 18:03:13 can you stop whining? 18:03:19 meds 18:03:22 can you stop being stupid 18:03:41 whats your favorite programming language:? 18:03:48 do you know anything? 18:03:50 HTML of course 18:04:08 thats a markup language 18:04:14 no shit sherlock 18:06:59 English 18:07:54 what is your favorite programming language rottenwheel ? 😄 18:08:08 Docs.getmonero.org behind cloudflare ❤️🔥 18:08:26 no problem 18:08:47 you are not entering user credentials there 18:09:04 rando our new cypherpunk expert here 18:09:06 Do as you preach, retard. 18:09:12 Im working hard to unknowingly plant these backdoors tho 18:09:14 almost as much of an expert as rottenwheel 18:10:36 Rotten cant even edit screenshots. He hs me on ignore. You guys are unlucky 18:10:44 plowsof thoughts? 18:11:04 did you write this with ai? 18:11:25 you should be our new project manager here monero inc 18:11:29 you are hired 18:11:44 too many Monero heros wannabe nowadays 18:11:52 you should be our new project manager here at monero inc 18:12:09 true. glad we have a true expert like rando on board now 18:12:43 I never muted someone before, because I always knew that meds can fix people 18:12:47 you got vaxxed? 18:13:00 1. Yes 18:13:00 2. Of course 18:13:02 3. No. 18:13:04 4. Yes 18:13:06 5. At least mush ship a trackerless version 18:13:08 6. If you trust the passcode. I broke cakes b4 18:13:10 best case? 18:13:12 - no 18:13:14 - no 18:13:16 - no 18:13:18 - no 18:13:24 no fr plowsof maybe ban this rando guy he seems ai generated 18:13:46 🤣 18:14:02 I did, and what 18:14:21 hey everyone show vax passport to officer rando immediately 18:15:00 We already follow these standards 18:15:25 3, 4 (opt out) in setup etc, 6 can you elaborate? 18:15:38 hidden exactly where? 18:15:47 cake had a passcode > i bypassed it 18:16:00 In my heart 18:16:30 We just dont delist stuff bcuz its work and ppl argue about merit 18:16:34 Also 18:16:55 3,4? 18:16:59 Wallet must exist for or 6mth, and be recommended by community 18:17:17 and you seem to not still get the idea of how a criteria works? 18:17:18 "best case" 18:17:26 I already explained above 18:17:46 who tf are you btw? 18:17:56 3 = monerujo does major version upgrades and maintains functionality. You cant extort them (and their userbase) by threatning to delist just bcuz they dont want to implement socks proxy 18:18:10 minimium is what should all be checked, "best case" no 18:18:11 Too many ofrn alts nowadays. 18:18:15 i am intrigued by your knowledge and wisdom rando 18:18:29 I was driving, but best case = my opinion for bonus points = irrelevant 18:18:32 This idiot 18:18:44 how? 18:19:00 because they dont make or break anything 18:19:14 bruh it is not "bloat" or whatever idea you have in your head 18:19:17 If a wallet has none, its not a blocker, it has all, its not a merge 18:19:39 The top list of blockers is all that matters 18:20:05 idk on what order wallets are listed, but if some meets one of these bonuses it will be order higher than others 18:20:37 If a wallet is foss, community tested, not brand new, ships a version w/o trackers, then it should be listed 18:20:44 in what* 18:20:59 yeah, so? 18:21:02 Forcing a passcode is nonsense. do we have to rm -rf cli wallet? 18:21:16 Alphabetical 18:21:41 look at merchants page 18:21:51 Where you can see DEX and p2p 18:21:52 anyone have other opinions? 18:22:13 its not my opiniob 18:22:20 Cli wallet does nkt require a password/passcode 18:22:42 Cant make rules for every wallet and then make an exception for cli 18:22:43 I doubt I will try to make a criteria for the merchant page 18:22:53 I mean 18:23:02 The "best case" is just liated next to them 18:23:22 "open source? Onion available? Non custodial?" 18:26:00 we can move passcode to "best case" 18:26:01 easy 18:26:07 Anyway i agree with 18:26:08 - foss 18:26:10 - noncustodial 18:26:12 - uses standard tx generation 18:26:14 - we only link to trackerless version 18:26:38 - not brand new / in use by community for 6+ months 18:27:32 Cake's background sync used to unlock the spend keys to sync in the background 18:28:03 I called them out for it 100x, and got pitchforked by the community for giving them a hard time 18:28:42 Eventually (recently) they rwkoved bg sync, but only did it because of bugs, not because of the security gaffs 18:29:23 depends on the severity of the issue, they can be removed from the listing, but need to contact them beforehand 18:29:35 Not vik btw. if i had dealt with him directly, im sure hed have handled things promptly. His team wanted to act stupid about it tho 18:29:54 well, monero.com have google tracker 18:30:04 No it doesnt (?) 18:30:11 Oh the website? 18:30:23 yes 18:30:51 I think that is part of why i wanted to link to cakewallet.com instead 18:32:04 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2342#pullrequestreview-2233984922 18:35:36 sounds easier to just contact them to resolve this issue rather than pointing to a multi wallet 18:36:08 .... did you read the comment 18:36:29 > Also cakewallet.com has fdroid link. 18:36:30 Cakewallet.com and monero.com/wallets both offer cake and monero.com 18:36:32 Cmon rando 18:36:50 Why u making me copy paste 18:37:39 Both websites offer both wallets. Makes no difference which one we link to 18:37:41 was replying to 18:37:46 And dont tell me whats easier 18:38:02 i literally fight with these nerds for weeks/months 18:38:02 ah ok 18:38:28 easier to just ignore their stupidity and do the sane option 18:38:45 easier to just ignore their stubbornness and do the sane option 18:39:25 They added a "status bulletin" that would call come to cake over clearnet 18:40:47 Asked them nicely and quietly to revert that bs, and they make it "opt out". So i asked again a bit louder and they didnt like my tone, so i called for it to be removed from getmonero, and ppl like SyntheticBird: put me in the bad actor category 18:41:28 Now they made this _useless_ feature opt in. All because they are hardheaded 18:42:17 luigi1111: are you available again to update hashes.txt.sig? 18:42:24 Its still clearnet, still contacts cakewallet.com regardless of whether youre using any of their services. Totally stupid feature 18:42:44 Everybody, get back on topic. The boss is here 18:43:57 Good, that they made it opt out 18:44:04 Under strict criteria, i would say it would be fair and proper to promptly delist any wallet if they added a new feature that called home 18:44:27 They made it opt in* after i made a big fuss 18:44:39 if they insist on not making it opt in 18:45:08 (disabled by default) 18:45:08 incase of new update, should be prompted with a toggle 18:45:28 Opt out is stupid. Why should my fully privatw wallet, wirh fiat and exchanges disabled, using my own node, start connecting to cakewallet everytime i open my wallet 18:45:38 And the only was id know, is to run a sniffer 18:46:14 Should be, but wasnt (and still isnt). They just turned it on for everybody in an update 18:46:34 remember you are listing someone's else wallet, if you don't like something you point it out, they won't follow anyone roadmap etc 18:46:40 Its opt-in now though 18:46:56 otherwise just list Monero developed wallets and have no mobile wallet 18:47:07 then forget about it lol 18:47:08 Its not about like/dislike 18:47:10 its about "surprise" doxxing users 18:47:42 What if i live somewhere that crypto is illegal, and now my isp see's me connecting to cake everyday? 18:48:02 And i dont even know that its happening? 18:48:18 No. They did this more than once 18:49:06 Stacks INITIAL release did this, but they added a first-run setting that allows you to choose "incognito" mode (disables all external services) 18:49:37 If stack just decided to add a new service that ignored incognito, id call the out as well 18:50:17 Im not mad with cake about it, im saying that, in principle, i think a wallet should be delisted if they pull stunts like that 18:50:27 (for at least as long as the stunt is active) 18:57:13 great, stack wallet saving their asses 18:57:27 but their Duo wallet barely gets updates 18:57:42 Diego Salazar Duo wallet is even mentioned on the website? 18:58:54 No 18:58:56 bruh 18:58:59 Stack was just listed recently 18:59:08 It's not on the getmonero.org website no 18:59:36 It's updated less frequently because many of our Stack updates update other coins like ETH or Namecoin, which don't affect Duo. 18:59:51 stackwallet 18:59:59 soon diego will release `Stack XMR` 19:00:10 Or some more creative name 19:00:21 oh, Stack Wallet is on the getmonero.org website now 19:00:25 Yes it is 19:00:39 where? only blog posts 19:00:54 Cant you do like cake, and build all releases at the same time? 19:01:09 On the wallets page 19:01:26 https://stackwallet.com/index.html#download 19:01:30 Duo???/ 19:02:01 oh, youre looking for duo on stackwallet.com 19:02:14 yes 19:02:20 not there :( 19:02:23 Also 19:02:24 https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/ 19:02:26 tf happened here 19:02:28 I dont see stack 19:03:05 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2081 19:03:31 https://deploy-preview-2081--barolo-time-757cf9.netlify.app/downloads/ 19:03:39 I dont even see it on the or preview 🤔 19:04:17 clipboard.png 19:04:18 gm sir 19:08:02 Ah 19:08:12 The pr was incomplete 19:08:35 Didnt add line 297 19:09:19 I didnt review it, so dont blame me 😂 19:10:23 Diego, do you want to fix it or should i take a jab at it 19:14:35 also mention Duo on the website? 19:14:43 No 19:14:57 stackwallet.com 19:14:58 Either or, I'm out atm until the evening 19:15:05 Does Cake also have monero.com? 19:15:10 no 19:15:14 yes 19:15:16 People might get upset if they don't and I have both 19:15:18 We rejected cake for having both 19:15:22 One or the other 19:15:57 clipboard.png 19:15:58 I mean on stack website so people can find it 19:16:02 Id prefer a monero-only wallet, or the better maintained one, so in this case its stack wallet 19:16:35 Cake only has cake listed on getmonero, but there is a pr to replace cake with monero.com 19:16:39 pink promise from stack team to maintain Duo and have both? 19:16:47 pinky* 19:16:50 Rando is referring to stackeallet.com though 19:17:02 Ill go for it 19:17:21 ah yeah, Duo on stackwallet.com is something I've been meaning to do, for sure. I'm just.....extremely busy. :P 19:17:30 But yes, I need to get my butt in gear regarding that. 19:17:40 You prefer Duo rando ? 19:18:52 yes 19:19:15 Monero only 🙃 yes yes? Pls 19:19:17 but depends on how you buy monero, you might need stack wallet 19:19:42 I think bitcoin only and monero only are better than duo 19:19:46 I dont use bitcoin and likely never will 19:20:06 which I think swap LTC to Monero is most popular way 19:20:13 Also dont need electrum stuff in my wallet 19:20:44 If stack builds anything like cake, you _should_ be able to disable other coins from being included at build time, and only maintain one codebase 19:21:22 (no need for a stack duo or stack xmr etc repo) 19:23:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Duo is stuffed for me, now it just shows syncing with my node, no block left or progress 19:23:30 Diego Salazar: does stack support hw wallets 19:23:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I tried with cake its works 19:24:00 Did you try "rescan blockchain" 19:24:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yep 19:24:53 Yes. We have a fix coming in a couple of days. Sorry. 19:25:12 Not yet. 19:33:14 https://deploy-preview-2365--barolo-time-757cf9.netlify.app/downloads/ 19:33:20 Merry christmas 19:34:02 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2365 19:56:33 where's wally, i can't see what this changes. is it meant to add Stack wallet under the hardware wallet lists? 20:12:22 no 20:12:28 Its not on getmonero website 20:12:42 The original pr was incomplete 20:13:21 This adds it to the remote sync section 20:13:43 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2081 20:13:44 https://deploy-preview-2081--barolo-time-757cf9.netlify.app/downloads/ 20:13:46 https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/ 20:14:00 Original pr, original preview, live website == not listed 20:14:28 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2365 20:14:28 https://deploy-preview-2365--barolo-time-757cf9.netlify.app/downloads/ 20:14:30 new pr, new preview == listed 20:18:48 should also add Desktop. When the PR was made there was no desktop cuz Windows didn't work but now it does. 20:18:49 I forgot about that. 20:19:02 I'll do that when I get home 20:21:41 I think that section includes desktop 20:21:59 Yeah, cake, feather, monerujo 20:29:01 ah you mean the X on desktoo 20:29:18 what os does it work for, ill fix now 20:29:28 iirc cakewallet works on tails an others. waddup wit dat 20:30:02 also ofrnxmr has discovered the secret mobile page view, where we didnt list stack wallet oops 20:31:00 so mobile users cant see that stack wallet is available Diego pls forgive us 20:31:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Used cheat code? 20:31:46 Yeah I noticed a while ago too. Forgot about it. Too busy. 20:31:47 definitely 20:32:15 What os on desktop 20:32:50 You mean what OS is Monero supported in Stack? 20:32:58 Windows, MacOS, Linux. All of them. 20:46:41 done 21:01:20 Yes soon 21:08:10 selsta 21:08:45 nice 21:33:40 Visiting ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required gives an error. https://ccs.getmonero.org:8080/funding-required/ 21:33:40 Just type it in your browser URL bar, without www. or https:// 21:33:48 Wen fix ser? Diego Salazar 21:36:59 I think because they website forces HSTS? 21:37:05 the* 21:37:27 so on port 8080 or http it wont work? 21:38:39 https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ -> works 21:38:40 https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required -> doesnt work 21:39:09 its just https://ccs.getmonero.org/what-is-ccs/ vs https://ccs.getmonero.org/what-is-ccs nothing to see here folkd 21:39:14 I do literally everything around here. 21:41:08 They both work for me 21:41:51 > SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG 21:42:00 > `SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG` 21:42:17 https://serverfault.com/questions/351212/nginx-redirects-to-port-8080-when-accessing-url-without-slash 21:42:23 cap 21:42:43 Maybe matrix fixed rhe links 21:42:48 Cuz i clicked em and they loaded 21:43:00 Ye matrix adds http 21:43:14 Etm 21:43:19 Still worked for me breh 21:43:25 visit URL without "/" at the end of the url 21:43:28 I removed http 21:43:32 https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required 21:44:47 Siren / Stnby also reported this, they offered a reason but i forget 21:44:55 Ye i did that 21:45:09 Try it on mobile 21:45:23 Maybe yall desktop browsers just suck 21:46:02 On desktop it fails 21:46:06 Even in tor browser 21:46:16 Doesnt even hit the cloudflare gate 21:46:41 Siren: Stnby: 21:47:16 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/XONLCApqnRbEjqmqPZicRRjr 21:47:24 TLS 1.3 isnt supported? 21:48:08 Sounds like nginx has a / in or smthn 21:51:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> fractal doesnt like that file type 21:54:38 < HTTP/2 301 21:54:38 < date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 21:52:07 GMT 21:54:40 < content-type: text/html 21:54:42 < location: http://ccs.getmonero.org:8080/funding-required/ 21:54:44 People don't know how to configure Nginx and I don't blame them. Its a shitty web server with an illogical config and no sane defaults. They should use Caddy or reach us at Digilol to help with it. 21:55:25 \< HTTP/2 301 21:55:26 \< date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 21:52:07 GMT 21:55:28 \< content-type: text/html 21:55:30 \< location: http://ccs.getmonero.org:8080/funding-required/ 21:55:32 People don't know how to configure Nginx and I don't blame them. Its a shitty web server/proxy whatever they call it now, with an illogical config and no sane defaults. They should use Caddy or reach us at Digilol to help with it. 21:56:04 \< HTTP/2 301 21:56:04 \< date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 21:52:07 GMT 21:56:06 \< content-type: text/html 21:56:08 \< location: http://ccs.getmonero.org:8080/funding-required/ 21:56:10 People don't know how to configure Nginx and I don't blame them. Its a shitty web server/proxy whatever they call it now, with an illogical config and no sane defaults. They should use Caddy or reach us at Digilol to help with it. 21:56:12 A small hint: port_in_redirect off; 22:03:12 Dan Miller: 22:09:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> free plug 22:10:27 Dan Miller ^^ 22:14:00 Fkn echo 22:25:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> neg should be 22:25:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Diego Salazar>Dan Miller 22:25:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> then Dan Miller 22:30:10 I did it as a PR since we have a new plowsof 22:58:49 plowsof version that is written in Rust? 23:11:29 Luigi1111 so you need reviews ? 23:12:15 And wat happened to the old plowsof 23:14:14 .bbl 23:14:36 What do i need to do 23:15:31 okay 23:19:02 selsta https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2366 23:20:07 plowsof: how does that work now? 23:20:10 i also approved it 23:20:40 thanks 23:36:19 Dan works for CS now! 23:37:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> has to ping the manager > worker node 23:39:23 Is CS composed of bots and computers now? 23:40:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> seems like it 23:40:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> danmiller runner