03:31:05 ok 03:31:18 which ones of you lucky losers are awake to see the homepage design? 03:32:54 Link ? 03:33:07 A few disclaimers: 03:33:16 1. The icons are (obviously) not final 03:33:25 2. This whole thing isn't final. Subject to feedback. 03:33:56 3. Hero image at the top isn't final, but could be. We're still experimenting with some things. 03:34:10 So talk mad shit as soon as we see it. Got it. 03:34:16 4. May add some more images here and there, like in the About Monero section. Going back and forth on that. 03:34:31 5. You can talk mad shit, I won't be offended. It just means you have terrbile taste. ;) 03:34:34 Without further ado 03:34:36 https://imgur.com/a/PcoYHcs 03:38:00 I think we struck a very good balance between slick but not showboaty 03:40:47 Thoughts rottenwheel? 03:40:51 dave.jp: 03:42:00 {"data":{"error":"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."},"success":false,"status":403} 03:42:22 damn it's that popular 03:42:25 Gnite 03:42:26 I dig. Looks modern yet minimalistic. The only thing my eyeballs seem to be missing is more prominent monero logos everywhere, but the colors, Monero in Monero font top left all look decent to me. 03:42:49 I am sure upon further reiterations it'll look just dandy for the site. 03:42:59 I can upload a PNG for download on Cypher Stack's nextcloud? 03:44:22 The current getmonero.org has a placeholder image for the video before it plays that says "What is Monero?" with three people. 03:44:42 I'm thinking the placeholder image of the new video will be a Monero logo of some sort, which will really help that section pop also 03:45:13 You can just send it here 03:45:36 file monero-homepage-demo.png too big to download (2596723 > allowed size: 1000000) 03:45:36 monero-homepage-demo.png 03:45:57 My first impression: i dont like the gradient. Maybe its just the red coloring 03:46:05 done 03:46:41 we have tweaked that hero endlessly for a week. :P We're probably not done tweaking it. 03:46:57 though I think it's kinda fine as is, I think it can be improved. Will tinker a bit more there. 03:47:05 its red tho. Thats so like, not monero 03:48:01 I have two monitors of different make and white balance 03:48:12 on one it's redder, on the other it's much orangers 03:48:14 *oranger 03:59:38 Who is "we"? 😂😜 03:59:46 My wife and I? 04:00:35 I'm looking at it on my phone and its def red 04:00:54 Your monitor that shows orange is broken :P 04:01:18 The orange circles are orange, the gradient is red 04:01:34 I'm only color blind in one eye 04:01:56 alright no worries. We can orangify it more 04:02:11 But i personally dont like the extreme gradients (in general, not your design) 04:03:42 i just pasted the background to be solid and it looks good to me 😶‍🌫️ 04:04:00 any other thoughts ofrnxmr ? 04:04:24 the top most section too big 04:05:35 and like monerobull said, i think the start using monero section should be first, including download button 04:05:58 Money means money slogan us unnecessary imo. 04:06:04 Before About Monero, you mean? 04:10:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/WIKjtlWkizDxpPNSywbvcAer 04:11:48 (i didnt intentionally delete the graphics, just an overzealous paint bucket) 04:13:56 Use pipette to get the orange color from the monero logo and apply that to the text and the neon red(:P) logos 04:15:27 No. The orange of the logo is too saturated 04:15:56 no, the orange circles and the neon red are too saturated 04:16:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/JgVIfLWlvhkCUUhwMjjHfjLg 04:17:07 Tip = pipette, monero orange 04:17:08 bottom = neon red-orange 04:17:38 The the red text is like, super red 04:17:50 The top is too bright. Causes fatigue. 04:17:52 This isnt firo.. were orange here 04:18:17 The contrast is very harsh, particularly on a dark background 04:18:22 The bottom is too bright! Lol! 04:18:45 I agree that the top should be softened more, but the bottom is even worse 04:19:14 Yeah, i know, thats why im speaking about how bright the red-orange is 04:20:14 In addition, the hero section may seem superfluous, but it's fairly standard for a reason. Quick glance you see where you are, primary CTA and secondary if needed. Slight scroll for more. 04:20:16 Would you like some social media posts and Revuo's mention of the sneak peek? To gauge further feedback from the community? 04:20:35 rottenwheel: I don't mind feedback from the community, of course. 04:20:58 There are just many disclaimers above that should be included. :P 04:21:08 Roger, will add it to this week's Revuo and make couple social media threads looking for feedback. Will share results with you later this week. 04:21:10 In addition, while I am taking feedback, this isn't really design by committee. 04:21:26 I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say. 04:21:34 Diego the new Mussolini! 04:22:33 Well then i vote hammerman 04:22:36 Lol 04:23:23 Its not design by dictate either. Nobody says we have to switch designs, and nobody says we'll merge a new one if "committee" doesn't like it 04:23:42 This is all correct. 04:23:44 Youre free to design whatever you want, doesn't mean the repo has to accept it 04:23:51 This is correct. 04:25:38 I am presenting a design. I am taking feedback about making tweaks to this design, but not everyone's ideas or wants will be reflected. My end goal is to deliver a quality, state-of-the-art design. The workgroup is free to reject it. 04:28:02 My feedback isnt anything too crazy, but to sum up: 04:28:04 1. Really dont like top section 04:28:06 2. Really dont like red 04:28:08 3. Really dont like _strong_ gradients. Maybe wouldn't mind if they were softer (and not red) 04:28:10 4. Dont like order of information presented / prefer the get started section at the top 04:28:12 5. Dont like wording for exchanges (probably not final anyway) 04:28:30 That said though, I would advocate for current, live design over hammerman (i.e. no switch) and just tweak current ia of live design. 04:29:07 No, no. I want shiny, brand-new design. Yours looks great, will be even better after further feedback and iterations. :-D 04:29:49 Will Janaka help out once a homepage design is decided upon? When does he come into the plan? 04:29:57 problem with the current design it that it has become overly complicated and unmaintained in many places, like translations and guides 04:30:00 1. Can be tweaked, but current design standards and research says hero sections are helpful. 04:30:00 2. Will orangify more. We agree. 04:30:02 3. Can reduce or eliminate. Again, not done tweaking the hero section. That was one of the disclaimers. :P 04:30:04 4. Get Started can be above About Monero, but see point 1 04:30:06 5. None of the wording is final. Just wrote stuff up quick. 04:30:25 I agree. It has bloated. If we decide to keep it, there are several cuts and changes that need to be made. 04:31:01 Once a design is finalized (of the whole site I'd wager) he can look at the amount of work it would be to make and do the CCS with the price. 04:31:51 Diego Salazar: So you are merely designing the mockup from which an actual front-end developer will work to deliver something actionable with, is that correct? 04:32:03 Idk what a hero is (sounds like just some landing page that takes upnreal estate and is annoying 😬), but i dont like the top part 04:32:15 i wouldnt like it on any website 04:32:48 Correct. I would be able to do the development as well and can contribute in that area also (also have that skillset), but Janaka seems keen and will do a good job. I'm available to assist as needed. 04:32:51 And i can't think of a website that has one that isnt annoying. Except maybe bing's mobile app or smthn else annoying 04:34:09 A hero section is the first section above the fold 04:34:10 I say annoying, because, why would i want to scroll through that for no reason 04:34:23 above the fold here meaning the thing you see without needing to scroll. Everything you need to scroll down to see is below the fold 04:34:43 It provides nothing, and is only beneficial for people who are first timers on the site 04:35:38 and not even really, as they need the start using monero section 04:35:52 Start using monero should be "above the fold" / the hero 04:37:13 To be pedantic, a hero is specifically a sort of 'full screen, minimal immediate info, less than 3 call to action' thing that is typically placed above the fold 04:37:32 Putting Using Monero at the top would make it "above the fold" but it would not be a "hero section" given the content 04:37:46 I know nobody cares but me about these things, don't worry. :P 04:38:56 So to be precise, you are calling for there to be no hero on the site, and to replace the hero with the Using Monero section, which would be above the fold 04:38:58 It would be a superhero* 04:39:56 There is merit to your statement that hero sections are primarily for newcomers. They act as funnels. Principal navigators. "If you must see anything on this site, these two CTA buttons will take you there" 04:41:22 The reason hero's are important is because if most users don't find what they need or something interesting fast, they leave. The two CTAs distill the site's main sections for newcomers so they know what to check out FOR SURE (which for us is Download, and Learning about Monero) 04:41:52 Start using monero section has everything a user could need 04:42:18 1. Link to downloads 04:42:20 2. Link to exchanges 04:42:22 3. Link to guides 04:42:34 Among lots of other text, imagery, and buttons fighting for their attention, yes 04:42:37 Right below that is introductory video for ppl who dont read 04:43:26 A suggestion with merit might be to retool the Using Monero section into a sort of hero-lite sort of thing 04:43:34 No, its the superhero. Nothing else there but 3 big fat buttons 04:43:47 Useful ones, instead of 2 very vague ones 04:43:52 We can put the three CTAs (link to downloads, link to exchanges, link to guides) and eliminate most of the text 04:44:35 That said, it doesn't solve the new user's problem "I keep hearing about this Monero, but what is it? What's the benefit?" 04:44:45 Yeah, the text descriptions dont need to be as long 04:44:58 Thats right below, with a video 04:47:04 bitcoin.org is a middle ground between our two thought processes 04:47:06 "with more than 2300" should say "more than 15000" 04:47:11 :D 04:47:43 Still a hero, three CTA buttons, and a FOURTH CTA (generally not recommended) answering the "What is Bitcoin?" problem I had just above 04:48:20 Though Bitcoin is (rightly) being a bit pompous here. "You KNOW what Bitcoin is, so get started, choose a wallet, buy it". 04:49:19 Monero _is_ money, i think were the most self explanatory 04:49:20 It doesnt just mean money, it is money 04:49:32 Yeah that's just the tie in with Daniel Kim's thing 04:49:43 I agree with you that those not in the inside would have a hard time parsing that sentence 04:50:00 I'd also change it Monero Is Money 04:50:02 "send monero" should be more pompous "spend monero" 04:50:45 (which btw, answers "what is monero" above the fold) 04:50:49 The ticker "XMR" even follows internationak standards for currency tickers that arent tied to a country 04:52:05 well, regardless, the design, when finished, will be released openly on figma for remixing, and we'll probably be doing a penpot of it as well 04:52:15 so anyone is free to take, remix, and tweak to their heart's content 04:52:28 and if any of the derivatives "wins", then I'm glad to have been a stepping stone :) 04:53:25 "theyll step over your dead body" is something i was told today 😆. Being a stepping stone might be better 04:54:36 either way, sorry it wasn't everything you were hoping for. Thanks for the feedback! Having a great time working on it. 04:54:38 This was just a sneak peak. 04:54:51 rottenwheel: will probably make a few more tweaks in the next couple of days before I think it's ready for community input 04:54:59 so hold off for maybe one issue methinks 04:55:14 otherwise some people may rehash what's already being worked on or actively changed 04:55:29 this sneak peek was mostly because I promised you guys I'd show you something this past weekend 04:55:32 If you have it ready by Thursday, can be added to this week's issue, if not, till next week. No problem. 04:55:42 and the weekend is two days behind us :P 04:55:43 You know me. Is it ever enough? I always have 2c to add 04:56:01 we also made a lot of icons because the drop downs aren't going to be boring 04:56:27 so still more in the file that we haven't showed you yet ;) 04:57:29 proof 04:57:32 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/cypherstack.com/cXmrPyLiwWCdMMzkxHFjsEfw 04:59:18 Resourced developer guides and user guides can link to docs.getmonero.org probably before site launch 05:00:51 Resources > developer guides and user guides can link to docs.getmonero.org probably before site launch 05:01:38 Should put sponsors under "reach out" 05:02:01 And list sponsors on "about"page 07:32:14 It is clean, simple layout. I am dubitative this hero will work on a mobile phone. 07:32:14 Do you plan to make a light mode as well? 07:33:49 Even though the hero is interesting, I would go with a more classic layout. 07:42:07 this is beyond unfair. 07:45:34 I like the background gradient a lot but I agree with ofrnxmr that the hero still needs tweaking. I couldn't tell what to do tho. I'm doubtful about the full circle button, i don't hate it but i don't like it either. also please replace RSS icon. Otherwise good work. 08:02:04 Incorporate the logo more, maybe add the inner "M" to the circle in the hero with little transparency 08:03:48 Oh there is an M already but I can barely see it 10:23:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Is this “cypherstack™️ grants” ? 10:24:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Use magnifiny glass 10:29:23 you mean the Big circle at the top? 10:30:53 "Start using Monero" could link docs for further ways on obtaining and download page for wallets etc 10:32:36 we should also change Tor, RSS icons to modern ones like https://32.md.monerodevs.org/ 10:32:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hHQZKbgHcEQlhKklYtzUagJV 10:34:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Pants on or off for i2p? 10:37:52 wrong way to tell people use something that is completelty different from all other crypto coins with no introduction on what it is 10:41:03 tbh, I don't think most btc users know that the website exist or ever visited it, they just want to buy BTC and get rich 🚀. So don't add it as reference when designing monero because they definitely didn't put the time in it. 10:44:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Get rich buttcorn 11:08:10 also change the font inside the circles? increase font size a bit? 11:09:59 we can add shadow and a bit of gradient to the circles because they look really off compared to the whole design? 11:12:56 If youre landing on getmonero.com, chances are that somebody already explained monero to you and youre trying to use monero 11:15:08 no 11:15:31 Yes 11:15:34 everyone thinks BTC is untraceable 11:15:45 everyone explained it wrong 11:15:54 you can only trust yourself, read. 11:16:06 and those people have never heard of monero 11:16:40 so, they were chosen to land on getmonero.org and enlightned 11:16:51 The people who have heard of monero, were told about it or read something about how its better than btc 11:17:25 unlike btc, you dont need a 100 step introduction to learn to use it 11:17:36 You "just use it" 11:18:03 then make it a single webpage only a download button for all wallets 11:18:39 thats the first link of "start using monero" 11:19:15 Second link is a link to an overview of how to buy it, third a link to how/where to spend it 11:19:53 Below that is short introductory info, incl video, for ppl who want to learn more 11:20:18 hey bro look at this Cool new VPN that doesn't logs, you listen to them and download it 11:20:39 just to find out that in their privacy policy they log. 11:20:47 you are an NPC 11:20:51 a* 11:22:05 you dont need to take a mentorship to use cash 11:22:10 you dont need one for monero either 11:22:44 Monero is not cash 11:22:59 monero is digital cash 11:23:06 this is a marketing term but not a physical reality 11:23:22 Its not some multi level marketing 11:23:49 It is literally digital cash. 11:23:55 real cash doesn't have tx fees 11:24:12 Yea it does 11:24:15 wtf is digital cash then? 11:24:15 haha 11:24:27 people ask 11:25:14 Debit and visa are digital cash, just more expensive than monero and use usd instead of xmr 11:26:59 xmr is just a different currency, like USD, CAD, EUR, you have XMR 11:27:48 requires KYC, have to work for it (can't mine), can be traced, can be blocked, can be down (technical issues) 11:27:49 can't be compared in that simple ways 11:28:03 "why use xmr"? Because its faster, cheaper, more private, and not controlled by a centralized entity. 11:28:05 today's digital cash in inferior to crypto "digital cash" 11:28:10 is* 11:28:12 No it isnt 11:28:42 Todays digital cash in infinitely better than btc or any other transparent blockchain 11:33:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We have a .com too ?? 11:34:09 🙃 typo 11:34:41 If youre landing on .com, you might be getting phished 11:35:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or owned by sgp? 11:37:55 redirect to real site 11:42:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Buy all getmonero sub domains 11:44:38 getmonero.cat 11:45:12 and like any `political` project make it a copy of getmonero but there is uwu everywhere 11:46:53 PRO scammer 11:47:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Owned by nioc 11:54:32 real 11:54:56 He needs to upd8 dns 14:59:04 "Get rich" as the primary call to action button. Bro you're a genius. 15:00:36 We'd design something for mobile to switch to at a certain screen size. 15:02:24 Aw really? Don't like the circle buttons? I thought that was pretty inspired. 15:32:23 We can add somewhere that Monero is producing blocks since 2014 and was in the top 5 on coinmarketcap in 2017. 15:32:45 We can add somewhere that Monero is producing blocks since 2014 and was in the top 5 on coinmarketcap in 2016/2017. 15:36:51 ignoring tokens, its still a top blockchain 15:36:58 Only like 1b less than ltc 15:47:08 Diego Salazar https://monero.town/post/4205270?scrollToComments=true 15:49:13 oof the top comment con of it not looking like a community driven project 15:49:50 I also designed and built the firo site fyi :P 15:50:44 lool 15:51:15 The current website does make it look like a community-driven project :P 15:51:57 youch, I never looked in-depth at Zano website. It's bad. 15:52:58 doesn't work correctly in mobile view 15:53:37 dude bullied zcash s hard 15:54:14 Litecoin looks like it was made by old school wordpress theme 15:55:40 to be fair, I agree zcash site is very boring, I really don't care for the "full screen" video thing, their animation above the fold adds less than nothing, their actual video "Be Free" tells me literally nothing about Zcash (besides maybe some philosophy) ESPECIALLY for taking so much real-estate, and the last sections are nothing note-worthy. 15:56:16 >Cons: It’s childish and doesn’t onboard new users well. 15:56:16 inclined to agree lol 15:56:49 not to mention the irony of the "Zcash is supported by industry leaders" section and half of those leaders are Zcash specific organizations, so it doesn't give the POW that they think it does given its circularity. 15:57:04 Firo looks like the best out of all crypto websites mentioned 15:58:24 Why thank you ;) 16:01:08 Any Zcash people chilling in this room. Don't be sad. Hire Cypher Stack. ;) 16:01:30 https://firo.org/get-firo/download/ shills Stack was first option in 3rd part wallets 16:01:36 also links are wrong 16:02:09 for Web 16:02:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ORlvDzgvLRdCOAPmpArzQKXQ 16:02:43 nice typo lol 16:05:41 Campfire is also stackwallet 16:06:37 cyper stack is a big company that keeps a low profile 16:06:56 Wen monero? 16:12:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Go from duo to uno 16:36:13 yeahhh shhhhh 17:13:21 Small in terms of personnel, but big impact, I like to think. 17:13:22 I try to stick my hands in as many privacy pies as I can 17:14:40 But we have Monero.com? 17:15:54 Any monerujo, and mysu, and xmruw, and anonero 17:16:28 stack is the only non-custodial, open source, monero wallet that makes us share a seat 17:16:59 And monerujo, and mysu, and xmruw, and anonero 17:30:13 mysu guy MIA 17:30:40 when will tob learn Android development? 17:33:38 xmruw might have some potential 17:38:03 Everyone would exclusively switch over to Stack if we make an Uno? :D 17:38:56 i like stack wallet 17:40:23 honestly i don't know, just dont mind my opinion on this one. I too think its pretty inspired, but I couldn't find whats wrong. I need to re-look at it tomorrow 17:40:55 well you're not the only one. Someone else in the monero.town post didn't care for them. 17:41:26 indeed, im SomeoneElse4955 🤓 17:41:30 jk 17:41:47 IMO, cypher stack team designs are unique, there is no noticable pattern unlike https://scidsg.org/ 17:44:14 So they have to innovate for the Monero website 17:44:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZjFfTWqKMWIfQJmWEHWnTsTI 17:44:54 you guys are so harsh with poor diego. 17:45:23 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/OIgmRQdkypeuPFobMAxMwsar 17:45:27 bruh, can't highlight their text 17:50:07 oh, rando comment wasn't a compliment? 17:50:08 ree 17:50:17 it is 17:50:29 wee 17:51:28 but I feel the current design can be better, and CS have the potential 17:51:51 current design meaning the one I presented yesterday? 17:51:52 but I feel the current design can be better, and CS have the ability 17:51:57 yes 17:51:59 or the one that is currently live 17:52:34 we don't talk about the live one lol 17:52:59 At least its not an eye in a cage, right guys? 17:55:14 Not MIA. He's around, simply does not want to get involved with anything crypto-related until god knows when. 17:55:28 It is such a shame, though. Mysu is the best Android wallet, by far. 17:55:50 rip 17:56:23 Why so? Interested to hear. 17:56:26 His bosses are still in home for jail, or whatever they call it stateside... He's just playing it safe. If only we had access to the code, though. I've heard it's coded in Kotlin and Java. 17:56:44 home arrest? 17:56:47 Try it and find out. I bet you'll hate it because some UI stuff, but it is the best, and it is not open for discussion. 17:56:53 He worked for Samourai... 17:57:04 oh.... 17:57:20 I want YOUR opinion though. :) 17:57:24 Shame I can't link you to the hidden service to download the .apk, you'd have to fetch the latest stable/beta .apk from someone like me... 17:57:28 hopefully Cake doesn't get in trouble lol 17:58:05 No crypto-to-crypto swapping services built-in, no fiat APIs, no NFC, no bullshit. Just three tabs: send, balance, receive. 17:58:19 but won't be as much damage because *some* have good opsec 17:58:30 Ah, the dream! 17:58:53 file base.apk too big to download (18016431 > allowed size: 1000000) 17:58:54 base.apk 17:59:00 2 mysu fans in room 17:59:10 rot, ofrn 17:59:43 Heres mysu 17:59:44 best coincontrol, very smooth and stable ui, opt-out monerochan, monero them, built in tor (but can specify your own proxy) 17:59:50 illegal apk 😱 in Monero room 18:00:37 No electrum wallets, nothing to leak 🙃 18:00:49 "churn" button on coin control outputs 18:01:29 Autonrotate subaddresses, but can generate a new one manually if you'd like (cake cant) 18:02:34 And its like a 17mb apk 18:03:08 cake can't manually generate a subaddress? 18:03:19 sounds cool, I like minimalism 18:03:52 if "auto generate" is enabled, cake retardedly doesnt even show rhe first subaddr, and yes, cannot manually generate a new one 18:04:28 if autogen is disabled, cake does let you generate a new one manually 18:05:12 https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/issues/1645 Diego Salazar: 18:05:18 huh, I wonder why. I don't recall that being particularly difficult to add for Stack 18:05:31 i2p web accessible? 18:05:37 https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/issues/1646 18:06:05 No. All repos are down 18:07:00 can't live normally without archiving anything you use/care 18:08:07 should have been mirrored some where 18:08:10 had a copy once upon a time. I think it was lost with a vps or something. I didn't have a post-kotlin fork tho 18:08:36 Because theyre retarded 18:08:57 Not vik. Vik isnt retarded. 18:09:11 But i shoukdnt have to bark at the ceo everytime they fuckup a feature 18:10:19 So im waiting for seth to respond so i can bark at him. tux prefers to do things his own way and i have bad experience with getting him to make the right calls 18:10:34 So not wasting my time w him 18:10:40 Cyjan might have a copy of mysu code 18:14:12 Nope. 18:14:17 R4v3r may have it. 18:16:13 Someone go take the Mysu source code off of anyone who has a copy! 18:19:26 https://codeberg.org/r4v3r23/mysu 18:19:28 you are right lol 18:19:33 5mths guess it is the latest? and archive 18:19:45 ofrnxmr 18:23:07 SyntheticBird Librejo's certificate expired 2 days ago, monerodevs site. cc. plowsof 18:26:08 Thanks. Bag has been secured. https://git.nowhere.moe/rottenwheel/mysu 18:26:22 Syn knows 18:31:31 I know, ofrnxmr told me 18:31:53 I'm busy I'll replace it in friday + weekend 19:32:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Certbot or caddy -.- 19:35:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> On the run in a campervan 20:29:30 I won't. I like to make the task harder. where is the fun otherwise? 20:33:25 decreases you social credit 20:33:37 2 days offline looks bad on your resume 20:34:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> -200 for syn 22:30:07 Can't beat me. I'm in the social credit top 5 22:30:08 file socialcredit.mp4 too big to download (1025981 > allowed size: 1000000) 22:30:10 socialcredit.mp4