02:42:29 Ok, on the Downloads / Wallet page. There's a couple of different ways we can construct the hierarchy. 02:44:17 We can sort by OS/architecture, or maybe "Official", "Third-party" 02:44:40 there is no such thing as official 02:45:24 there the "reference" software (cli/gui) and everything else 02:45:33 right that's what I meant 02:45:47 The sorting should be by type 02:45:47 remote sync vs light wallet 02:46:02 Light being stuff like mymonero or lws 02:46:43 Remote sync being full node wallets like feather, stack, cake, 02:47:23 each section alphabetical 02:50:01 A filter might be nice. Ability to filter by os 02:52:35 And by reference, i mean both in regards to the codebase and because they are full solutions (include monerod) 02:53:46 GUI would arguably be "just another wallet" if not for shipping monerod 03:39:43 Diego Salazar: Hope it drags few more eyeballs on it. https://www.revuo-monero.com/weekly/issue-209/ 06:37:38 Should we do a meeting this sunday? 06:46:17 i like this except for the orange circles, they are kinda jarring 06:49:32 yes re meeting 09:55:20 I think filters are confusing and there aren't many options 09:56:49 it is official, because it is developed by the monero project https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui 09:57:02 Android/ios/linux/mac/windows 09:57:02 all guides use it as a reference 09:57:14 Monero-project is not official 09:57:44 And developed by "monero-project" is bs 09:57:49 Core doesnt develop anything 09:58:44 selsta and tob not considered core? 09:58:56 no 09:59:12 moneromooo isnt core either, nor hyc, tevador, sarang 09:59:21 Jefro, jberman, kaya 09:59:42 Core is luigi, binaryfate, articmine 09:59:48 "Core" is just a term 10:00:01 no, core is a team of peopke 10:00:14 That used to include fluffy, smooth etc 10:00:28 it is a community project 10:00:34 Its "the core team" 10:01:27 core is not "just a term" 10:02:08 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/921 10:12:26 what 10:12:28 core drama 10:12:36 on my website focused channel 10:12:38 again? 10:12:47 I like core 10:13:29 What do you like about them 10:14:32 The "core" convo was about official vs non-official 10:17:48 Remember when core paid diego 7500usd/mth from generalfund, didnt tell anybody, and even used other ppls (ccs) monero to make the payments, then blamed diego? 10:19:56 or remember when they put out yearly transparency reports after that? (i kid. Its been 1.5yrs since the last one) 10:24:04 Or remember when they were "stewards" of the project, until fluffy got arrested, then most just disappeared and the remaining ones reduced their involvement to a bare minimum? 10:24:06 the years of abandonment equated to years of stagnation and an extremely direction-less blockchain. Only recently have community devs and leaders been willing to fill take charge and get things done without waiting for core's permission 10:28:19 and that last sentence comes with an asterisk, as jrs hard to say "willing" and also hard to say "took charge", because none were willing and none took charge, just added a bit more responsibility to their plates, yet still essentially work within core's boundaries 10:28:30 s/jrs/it's 10:36:14 Case in point: we needed fluffy's permission to "disband core", and still seek core's permission and guidance on doing so. 10:36:16 I'm not calling to disband core, but i am making note of the irony in requiring core's guidance on the matter of moving to a system that doesn't require core's guidance. It's like pretending to be independent, while living at your parents house and not paying any bills 11:11:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How to apply for infrastructure ceo? 11:21:17 i have a mug 11:21:21 that says #1 Monero CEO