04:51:43 sort by OS and features 04:53:07 this was my leaning too 04:53:25 https://docs.featherwallet.org/guides/features 04:53:32 feather vs GUI vs CLI 04:53:51 Choose operating system which opens a tab. Below: reference at the top, remote sync, light wallet? 04:54:15 still thinking on it though. Doing a couple of other "easy" pages like FAQ 04:54:22 Monero is a big site. :P 04:54:28 https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet?step=5 04:54:30 I like this one 04:54:37 but it uses javascript 04:55:21 current download page is overly mentions GUI and CLI but near to nothing for others 04:57:16 Dude, the fact that GUI and CLI take like 2/3s of the page is kinda funny 04:57:37 yes that's what im saying 04:58:23 https://web.archive.org/web/20180104090243/https://getmonero.org/downloads/ 04:58:35 Here's what it used to be. My original design. We've also outgrown this by a lot. 04:59:34 I kind of like by feature with a chart actually now that you've shown me that BTC thing 04:59:42 Monero has a lot of wallets these days 05:02:02 too big 05:02:08 (bloated) 05:03:15 agree 05:03:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/uEASeZIIOopnmyLQUejdOZNh 05:04:44 i can see everything in one look instead scrolling a lot 05:04:53 I need to look into getting Stack on flatpak 05:11:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> gl 06:38:47 They ship _nodes_ 06:39:15 Stack ships _bitcoin_ 06:39:39 CLI isnt just a frikken wallet. Smh 06:40:32 its cli, rpc, monerod, and all of the block chain utils 06:40:57 And why would feather get special treatment over cake or stack? 06:43:39 ^ 06:43:45 ^ 06:46:28 GUI and CLI are the only downloads that include Wallet/Node/Miner(and more) 06:46:51 just sent as example, it wouldn't 06:48:57 Why would wallet-only solutions that ship bitcoin be recommended over monerod/wallet-rpc/wallet-cli/monero-blockchain-*? 06:50:36 Why would wallets that ship bitcoin,bch,ltc,doge be listed with monerod(gui/cli)? 06:53:52 How many of these wallets are built reproducibly? How many DONT have centralized services built in? 06:56:52 CLI and RPC take up 2/3rds of the page because they are the are "monero dowloads", not "wallet-only downloads" or "bitcoin / changenow / sentry tracker / mymonero / localmonero plugin downloads" 07:22:36 Thank you for speaking up. I am optimistic it will evolve in the right direction as more people get interested by the project. 09:41:59 https://www.getmonero.org/community/hangouts/ 09:42:08 >Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects, like a Matrix server, a Taiga board and the translation platform Weblate. 09:42:08 "Taiga board" ???? 09:42:36 https://taiga.getmonero.org/discover 09:42:51 are these spam? lol 09:44:42 We need to also improve the wording for https://www.getmonero.org/community/hangouts/ & https://www.getmonero.org/community/workgroups/ because a lot of people get confused and join rooms and ask offtopic questions. 09:44:44 Yes 09:44:52 Breh 09:44:59 Y u never look at prs 09:45:38 ^ 09:45:49 Hardened even posted here looking 4 feedback 09:46:48 Oh, there was no results when searching for taiga 09:47:20 hardenedsteel can you add these feedback? 09:54:21 remove taiga from site, and shut it down (no one uses it). 09:55:30 . 09:55:35 can we have a list of all services monero hosts? Diego Salazar 09:55:48 Dan Miller 10:09:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The fluffy made a post 10:10:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Taiga doesnt get used anymore 10:40:14 where? 10:40:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Meta issues 10:41:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Explaining all the services 10:44:54 can't find it 🤷 10:44:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wait for pr 10:46:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> #monero-gui 10:47:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I’d invite you but the room settings are stupid 10:48:00 nvm, don't use GUI anyway 10:49:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip selsta 10:50:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The hangout needs to be merged 10:50:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or sorted 10:50:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its missing support &gui 10:52:14 Workgroups/hangouts need to be split* 10:52:30 from subdomain finder: 10:52:32 https://pb.envs.net/?0ae5c6eb42b273c5#8GXQX5uvGfYfYwAVone2kjR54u8nsk5opwHLpJ43Tkny 10:52:40 Support should probably be "neither", and be on faq or footer 10:54:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yalla yalla 10:54:17 missing penpot and docs 10:54:28 But has the 16.04 lists 10:54:57 Sorry, design* and docs 11:02:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.getmonero.org/community/hangouts/ 11:02:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> On the bottom how come its got “Reach Out”? 12:29:43 Should we write a blog post about the chainanalysis video? 12:30:03 or post about it on Monero official social media accounts? (twitter) 12:35:33 Why would we post about it 12:35:52 Why would we even talk about it in public? 12:36:09 Why are we counting eggs before they hatch and making kayaba a target? 12:36:20 Fks sus behavior. 12:36:48 Rings are trash, and we'll never do anything about it by writing blog posts and trying to turn kaya into a martyr 12:38:26 people will post about monero traced1!11!!1 12:38:45 misinfo everywhere 12:39:59 Daniel Micay is the closest thing to kaya, while also living in Canada 12:40:11 he dedicated his life to f with forensics companies 12:40:54 Its not misinfo 12:41:13 in crypto currencies, chain analyses companies are the forenscis equivalent 12:41:50 Daniel micay works on phones, not financial privacy tools 12:42:33 people should really stop larping about fcmp and let kaya work in peace 12:42:44 And stop defending rings 12:43:05 yeah, but kinda need a decent OS, to make sure your finance is safe 12:43:22 If usgov wanted togive me 69m + immunity, id trace monero 12:43:37 But they aint bout that life. Brokies 12:44:21 Monero isnt perfectly private. I'd argue it has majorly flawed privacy assumptions 12:44:57 also if Monero is developed to to be so untraceable and reduced all attack vectors, they will start pwning your device 12:45:15 Nobody is taljing abt daniel 12:45:28 Or what feds want to do with the cash under my mattress 12:46:16 Im talking about busy-work blog posts that do nothing but spread misinformation/cope or paint targets on fcmp before its ready 12:46:38 1m on zerodium and they can pwn most devices 12:46:47 10m to be safe 12:47:34 ok ok 12:48:18 will see how how to goes, feds will use this vid for their gain 12:48:27 psyops 12:48:36 69m or 6.9b, those are the options, aside from that i'll let them squirm and try to figure it out on their own, and hope monero fixes the issues before they figure it out. 12:48:36 we all know the easiest route to victory is for them to fk with development, audits etc 12:49:06 Fcmp will die a dogs death id feds decide to compel auditors to do poor jobs 12:49:24 Or if they pay off some devs to add flaws 12:49:57 Id rather these jerkoffs not even know about fcmp until its too late 12:50:22 Let them think were naive and that we'll have rings for 4 more yrs 12:50:41 Let them focus their tracing techniques on ringct 12:50:43 they know, see how fast they acted when the vid was shared in monero rooms 12:50:58 It was shared on twitter 12:51:05 Had nothing 2 do with monero rooms 12:51:08 that's their job, keeps them in business 12:51:26 their job is to fake it til they make it 12:51:45 was up for like 12h+ nothing, until I shared direct URL link 12:51:53 If we hand them the answer on a silver platter, they have to take it 12:52:23 they even started censoring it on reddit (sech post) 12:54:36 fcmp is known, stop acting like it underground development, there's already a blog post about it https://www.getmonero.org/2024/04/27/fcmps.html and Monero twitter account posted about it like million times 12:56:20 OPSEC mistakes will always be num #1 method to trace people 12:56:52 and they developed their tools specifically for that, like encryption, they are not trying to break anymore 12:57:12 break it* 12:57:52 Seraphis is known too 12:58:23 exactly my point. The media marketing blitz for fcmp is retarded 12:58:52 I'm not speaking out against _your_blog comment, but about how many time @monero has been tweeting about it 12:59:31 Just begging, taunting feds to come eat our lunch 14:14:38 you can't search in rooms in https://libera.monerologs.net/? 15:13:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its so luke’s rep goes to the moon🚀 15:14:02 simple suggestion but it would be perfect to have a little "I have an issue" section. That could avoid these issues: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9474 15:14:38 bro asked for Monero customer service 15:15:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wei wei 15:15:46 Synthetic is mt french alt 15:16:01 Monero Support 15:16:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Check website for li k 15:16:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Link* 15:16:28 lol forgot about this channel 15:31:08 can also add missing room links like gui and support etc 15:36:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There a pr for it? 15:36:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Please check pr for link 18:24:16 i think we need a "support" page 18:24:42 that links to stackexchange, matrix rooms, reddit etc. 19:46:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Jut create a faq 19:46:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> In support page 19:47:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> “My node isnt syncing” 19:47:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> are ports open????? 19:48:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> “ i have a wuestion” 19:48:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Dontask.com 21:15:28 What time is the meeting tomorrow? 21:28:35 Tomorrow? 21:29:23 Oh right, it is tomorrow 21:29:27 Check meta 21:39:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bookface? 21:41:51 Last issue I see is for august 11 21:50:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip ceo doing their job failboat 21:50:42 The date is wrong on that one 21:50:58 It was aug 18 21:51:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Create pr for issue 21:51:44 Create issue for missing issue :D 21:57:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/zQSUYUKIfEHxqsmBIKocWaqD 21:57:31 from chainanal vid 21:57:38 edge 21:57:41 get it 21:57:42 MyMonero, Edge less privacy 21:57:48 because its one the edge of the screen 21:58:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip tob 21:58:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Create pr too add feather wallet 22:00:09 for the big boys https://greydynamics.com/the-rise-of-monero-in-terrorist-financing/ loool 22:00:12 Rip selsta 22:00:21 They said "less user friendly" fkn assholes 22:00:29 >The more versed users will likely be using the open-source Feather Wallet, which by default creates 10 subnet wallet addresses for the user once a wallet is created. 22:00:33 😄 22:00:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah sir selsta make it easier for irs 22:01:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I hope the irs is pring fixes to gui 22:01:39 Im lmfao 22:01:46 " it adds a delay in synchronization to the blockchain, thus taking longer for transactions to be verified in the mempool, or colloquially known as the queued transaction pool." fake news 22:01:47 Yo, theyre fkn RUDE 22:02:10 someone in chainanal really dislikes selsta, calls his GUI wallet "less user friendly" and removing his reddit comments 22:02:27 Wonder what it is... 22:02:32 Lmfao 22:02:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Well they can create prs to make it user friendly 22:03:14 github.com/irs 22:03:19 never used gov app/website? 22:03:21 they suck 22:03:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah 22:03:37 No, because (according to chainanal) if its user friendly it can't be private 22:03:44 Fkn RUDE lmao 22:03:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> http://www.bom.gov.au/ 22:03:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Example 22:04:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No ssl required here sir 22:04:14 lmaoooo still no https in 2024 22:04:38 Remember when government websites were getting hacked left right and center 10yrs ago 22:04:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its so if the weather is wrong people can change it 😁 22:04:48 why need ssl? what u trying to hide? 22:04:57 :D 22:05:02 Bitcoin website 22:05:26 heres another one 22:05:28 http://cakepay.com 22:05:53 They dont have a redirect setup 😆 22:05:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anyways, selsta “r u ok “ with irs comments?? 22:06:06 Fkn seth 22:06:08 HSTS 22:06:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I can give you a hug 22:06:13 Where are the irs comments 22:07:09 https://hstspreload.org/?domain=cakepay.com 22:07:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They still use google anayltics? 22:08:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> New rule: all website url submissions need https:// 22:08:34 Only if we use cloudflare 22:08:51 Docs.getmonero.org has onion and i2p, cuz were based af 22:09:27 I asked for "no cloudflare captcha" but was given a strange response 22:09:38 I asked again and was given no response 22:10:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Use cloudflare wildcare sir🚀 22:10:52 Would b better if we blocked all tor traffic /s 22:13:53 basses: what reddit comments did they remove? 22:14:12 the one with vid link 22:14:13 I haven't used Reddit in a while, or was that unrelated to me lol 22:14:29 wait I got confused with sech lmao 22:14:43 sorry 22:14:52 right they removed his comment 22:15:37 GUI is more friendly than feather tho 22:15:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ban 22:16:03 this 22:17:17 Cat only uses CLI 22:18:16 with her own node 22:18:46 and no way to know the location of the ip 22:19:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 22:19:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ? 22:19:43 2nd attempt, only 1 guy will fail for this 22:19:51 **location of her 22:20:08 Do you use --tx-proxy? 22:20:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> In bunker under rock 22:20:21 fall* 22:20:32 Niocat 22:20:52 she says no 22:20:58 If not.. pwned 22:21:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mission successful 22:21:27 can you come here and instruct her? 22:21:37 Chainanal has a lot of the linkinglion nodes in their lists (blackballs) 22:22:06 --tx-proxy=tor,,disable_noise 22:22:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats what she said 22:22:59 ^ all of your rpc tx will get sent to an onion peer, and that peer will broadcast it. Killing any change of dandelion being attacked 22:23:30 do I use rpc? 22:23:48 wallet connection uses rpc 22:23:56 ah 22:24:17 So tx that you broadcast yourself will only be relayed to onion peers 22:24:45 Those peers will be the ones to relay it to the rest of the network. Those peers cant know who sent it to then 22:25:43 In cat terms. Its like shitting in the other cats litterbox when nobody is looking 22:26:02 the nose knows 22:27:08 But not the catsitter 22:43:01 cake wallet and monerujo doesn't support proxies for i2p and Tor 22:43:06 TLS should be must 22:43:52 ??? 22:43:57 cake wallet support tor proxy 22:43:59 Cake does 22:44:07 Monerujo is broken af 22:44:17 SOCKS5? 22:44:29 Socks4,4a or 5 idk 22:44:32 yes 22:44:37 socks5 22:44:40 I think its whatever monero is 22:44:46 high programmer socks 5 even 22:45:48 For cske, its on the node details page / edit node 22:46:18 Cake needs to stop shipping their stupid ass service bulletin 22:46:34 If youre running cake, click the bell in the top corner and see what it says 22:47:12 SyntheticBird 😡 don't get mad at me this time 22:47:14 it says "Ofrnxmr is watching us" 22:47:29 you didn't say bad words, I've no reason to get mad 22:48:02 Does it say "disabled" or does it say "nothin 2 report" 22:48:10 You got mad at me when i got mad at cake about this stupid bell 22:48:21 idk my phone don't have power 22:48:34 madception 22:48:55 I just realised the other day its still connecting 2 cake in the clear 22:49:48 So, unless you take time on setup, it will connect to cake everytime you start the wallet and tell your isp all abt it 22:50:03 ? 22:50:06 And what does the feature do? Nothing 22:50:32 its a simple DNS TXT record request, if you don't use a vpn you would have connected to cake wallet node anyway 22:50:37 The bell is a service bulletin. It connects to service.cakewallet.com everytime you open your wallet 22:51:51 If you decide to be private, you go to the privacy page and add your own node, turn off the fiat api, but nobody knows what this service bulletin is and its mixed in with "auto gen subaddresses" 22:52:33 I asked what yours say, bcuz, my ber is that most ppl dont touch the setting bcuz they dont know what it does. 22:52:34 the feature does nothing other than leak your privacy. 🚮 22:53:58 theres no good reason to connect to an rss feed over clearnet. You can run simple checks to know if the services are reachable (without connecting over clearnent to ANOTHER service) 22:54:02 documented on docs? 22:54:21 on cake's docs? No 22:54:57 They added it without any notice, and it was enabled by default. 22:54:58 they changed it to disabled on existinf installs but still enabked in new ones 22:55:10 Morpheus are you in charge of cakepay.com? 22:56:01 Http website doesnt redir to https 22:56:54 No... I worked on it but a long time ago. Cake has someone in charge of it now. 23:22:13 Ok 23:52:50 feather also has this 23:54:58 Feathers's websocket is opt-in 23:59:16 (and is useful) and, iirc, connects over tor automatically tor is enabled 23:59:22 If* tor