00:05:40 looks corporate with all of that stats 00:07:03 but this design might fit Monero with info focus changed 00:07:14 however current redesign looks good too 01:40:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/MpmcFloGlPKyHlKhhOrbbpeo 01:40:40 why this icon looks different? 01:57:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wdym 02:09:36 Literally a conspiracy 08:31:50 Instead of hiring an agency, maybe we can organize a contest, to design only the home page, and win a prize. 08:32:12 It should create community engagement, it's fun, etc 08:56:54 so there will be choice to choose from 09:15:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> anyone know this saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth" 09:30:50 i think it would be more like masterchef where the judges taste the food 09:33:13 Haha 10:45:24 monero show 17:34:17 https://cointelegraph.com/news/chainalysis-leak-monero-traceability 17:34:18 >Cointelegraph approached Monero for comment but had not heard back at the time of publication. 17:34:25 how they "approached Monero"? 17:36:55 No idea, they weren't seen on IRC/matrix or Reddit 17:38:36 😆😆😆 17:42:23 email? can anyone managing emails check which address "they used" 17:42:35 to contact monero lol 17:43:56 hardware⊙go 17:49:44 bro probably asked @monero in twitter dm 17:49:59 *we're very excited to announce that we will investigate your request* 18:02:39 Lmfao 18:22:22 https://x.com/monero/status/1833205813399457908 18:22:22 @monero excited again 19:02:35 Bro manage to get infos before we do 19:02:51 i swear people are dm @monero because they think its the community manager 19:03:03 Isnt it? 19:03:33 I though @monero speaks for all of us. 19:03:34 "we" are the most excited crypto community there ks 19:03:39 (/s) 19:03:41 I don't complain tho, if we forget the ***We're excited***, he is doing a pretty good job 19:04:13 it should say "i'm excited 🤩🤩" not "we" 19:05:01 like, who is "we"? The account posts as it it speaks a collective opinion 19:05:53 It doesn't particularly surprise nor make me incomfortable. It's ok for a social account to take endorsement on the behalf of the community. 19:06:26 most of its takes are reasonable. and I think most of the community is excited about he share 19:06:40 what he share* 19:06:59 yes 19:07:04 I'm not excited, and most of the community is me and my split personalities / subaccounts 19:07:19 banofrnxmr 19:07:22 thx for reminding me i'm your alt 19:07:55 rmxnrfonab 19:08:04 I havent seen him in like 12days 19:08:22 skill issue. I saw him literally 2 sec ago 19:09:07 that twitter guy should post both diego's and hammer design 19:09:19 and see people thoughts 19:09:33 what if its a twitter girl? 19:09:56 because deigo thinks 4-5 people opinion is not enough on certain stuff 19:10:47 ^ 19:11:07 ofrnxmr, we're on the paranoid side of internet. There are no girls 19:11:20 only men that act like men or men that act like girls 19:12:28 show someone on the streets your app list, they will call cops on you 19:12:41 where's is snapchat, facebook? 19:12:56 i have snap and facebook 19:13:04 I'm sorry for your loss 19:13:31 hey officer 19:14:28 how you feel about facebook spying on your snapchat activities? 19:14:29 ofrnxmr being glowie is like minecraft movie, no one set expectations but they managed to get deceived 19:15:07 i don't feel any sort of way about facebook spying on my early morning offtopics 19:15:31 https://cybernews.com/news/facebook-spying-snapchat-youtube-amazon-installing-kits/ 19:15:43 Onavo VPN 19:16:17 They should just pay for my OF like civilized persons 19:16:47 OF coin? ofrnxmr 19:17:03 Onlyfans 19:22:33 When monero finds a sysadmin it would be cool to have a forum 19:23:46 monero.space is by SGP and looks like it is inactive legally? https://wyobiz.wyo.gov/Business/FilingDetails.aspx?eFNum=148182127005251116092123125219038058020252005207 19:24:30 monero space has an active admin cleaning up the spam every so often 19:25:06 ``` 19:25:08 Standing - Tax      19:25:10 Delinquent 19:25:12 `` 19:25:31 > Status      19:25:32 > Inactive - Administratively Dissolved (Tax) 19:26:13 >Inactive - Administratively Dissolved or Revoked (Tax): This entity has failed to file the required annual report by the 60th day following its due date. 19:26:34 thought SGP is good with legal stuff 19:28:34 unrelated to -site btw 19:28:44 #monero-space:monero.social 19:30:03 Why I pinged? 19:33:29 Rando wanted @monero to post that its excited about yours and hammermans designs 19:33:35 To spread awareness 19:37:56 we should use 'enthuzed' 19:38:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero outreach when? 19:38:17 Monero reaching out to you 19:38:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Through the matrix 19:39:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Scott cleans it 19:40:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol 19:41:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like website group is becoming bloatware 19:41:15 oh don't worry, that was initially the plan but it has very much turned into design by committee 19:41:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Workgroup prune node when? 19:44:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Tbh just create a test branch with and connect to cloolify with a base setup and go from there. 3 people in docs have this to show examples of the docs site. 19:47:21 Feature/topic branches are technically not allowed 19:47:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> On your own repo 19:47:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like 2.5 admins do 19:48:58 there are actually 3 live coolify instances service docs 19:49:27 Serving* 19:49:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 3 coolify ,1 cup 20:41:46 lol at least we made Streisand effect 20:50:59 🤝 20:52:09 hopefully monero community can fight all the incoming misinfo from feds and other maxis etc soon! 20:55:03 maybe a blog post can be helpful about it 20:58:19 Why should we publicize it 20:58:55 "hi. We are excited to confirm that chainalysis successfully used our known tracing methods to trace a transaction" 20:59:47 depends on how bad they are going with their campaign 20:59:50 yes 20:59:55 no about concerns about traceability no need to mention chainanal 21:00:40 "nothing new, it is all known attack vectors, check "Breaking Monero series"". 21:00:42 "we are also excited to say that at some point in the future we hope to have audits done on fcmp without government interference, and we will hardfork afterwards. no, development is not done yet, but we are excited tk say that we are confident that feds will allow us to complete this work without interference" 21:00:46 so everyone can shut up 21:01:12 "Dont use monero if you rely on perfect privacy. Use zcash" 21:01:46 Concerns are valid so idk why we'd do damage control to pretend like they arent 21:02:13 Theybe neem valid for many years and, as i said a few days ago, monero was stagnant for years after fluffy arrest 21:02:28 This stuff should have been done years ago 21:02:44 i wasn't active here that much 21:02:46 Instead, we had devs scamming ccs and nobody willing to speak up 21:03:22 at least now, people are active 21:03:32 Plowsof just made 1 yr of helping right the ship 21:03:45 And were ~1yr from a hardfork 21:04:09 were 1yr out getting "hacked" 21:04:36 Dont need media blitz, need to work silently and get the job done 21:49:54 design by committee? 21:49:59 oh good 21:50:44 please keep the current site so that I don't have to learn anything new :) 22:04:14 learn wot 22:04:45 do you revisit the website? how often and why? 22:11:05 As excited as I am, I still haven’t seen a simple list of requirements for the new design or areas of improvement over the current design (except dark mode) 22:11:55 Various people are putting proposals forward and we’re left to judge them by personal taste rather than some objective criteria 22:12:15 Not ideal.. 22:16:08 Criteria, criteria, criteria 22:16:30 should have been all the way 22:17:20 so we can organize, order, choose and stop being messy 22:17:29 so we can organize, choose and stop being messy 22:30:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Leave for pr department 23:27:53 mostly I visit to keep track of the CCS 23:28:03 downloads ofc 23:28:36 and occasionally resources 23:29:48 One day we'll have an onion for ccs Diego Salazar 23:30:06 Myself and plowsof have been trying to get it done for probably 9 months now 23:30:45 Ppl should be able to donate privately, without cloudflare 23:47:28 ??? 23:47:47 hard to correlated transaction with IP from web visitors 23:48:28 it is just a donation address 23:49:55 you are already using Tor in the first place 23:51:02 but it doesn't hurt if it is easy to setup and will not take another 9 months 23:51:07 And my isp 23:51:22 Have you nevwr setup an onion? 23:51:33 It takes like 4 seconds 23:51:34 nope 23:51:50 yeah, saw tutorials 23:52:02 why it took 9mnths? 23:52:11 https://github.com/nahuhh/onetouchtor 23:52:21 Cuz who knows 23:52:44 But we setup tor and i2p for docs.getmonero.org in like 2min45seconds 23:53:46 isp can't, your threat model when using Tor is relay/node operators and web server 23:54:48 isp can just know you are using Tor, but you can always connect using VPN before connecting to Tor 23:55:05 and they won't know u are connected to Tor 23:56:35 Cloudflare 23:56:45 takes me like 10seconds to get to the website 23:56:52 hmmm 23:57:13 Disrespectful to my privacy to have a cf gate on donations 23:57:20 who hosts the site? bf? 23:57:32 Www.getmonero.org doesnt have the gate, and has an onion 23:57:37 Ccs has gate, and no onion 23:58:25 Hosts ccs? Dont quote me but i think diego / cypherstack 23:58:50 Bf for www.getmonero 23:58:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The Boogie man 23:59:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We are decentralized hoster here 23:59:48 Diego ^