00:07:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Part of the “committee” 18:36:32 monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org did we get an issue up for the meeting this sunday? 18:36:36 And/or reddit post? 18:36:44 Or shall I do it? 18:37:13 I'll do it once I get home 18:39:03 Thanks. 18:42:52 Been whining about how sloppy that has been for weeks, he doesn't fix it or change it. 🤷 18:43:09 ^ 18:43:20 smh. 18:43:27 The meeting last week was impromptu 18:43:58 It is impromptu because neither of you make up your mind on a set time and date, e.g. community meetings happen bi-weekly, every other week. 18:44:04 Make up your mind and update the issue, or let someone else take care of that, please. 18:44:12 This is one of the reasons people don't make it out. 18:44:34 And I am not alone. 18:45:27 It is impromptu because neither of you make up your mind on a set time and date, set frequency, e.g. community meetings happen bi-weekly, every other week. 18:54:22 when is the meeting? 19:00:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> August 11th 19:06:31 after thanksgiving 20:49:49 we wanted to do every 3 weeks but then diego was done with his concept, should we have waited another week? 20:50:57 I don't know, just a matter of settling on frequency. Bi-weekly or monthly sounds fair to me, but it's up to you both. All I'm saying is, update title accordingly and have logs posted, that way you open/close issues like any other meetup head of helm does... plowsof can assist with his logging bot or whatever. 20:56:23 Among other things, having the logs posted would deter jerks like geonic stepping in and down voting something that was already decided on by consensus in previous meetings since you can just link a line # or copy&paste a quote. :) 20:56:49 That way Diego isn't going back and forth with no end between the ones who don't stick to consensus. 20:57:12 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1073 20:57:14 yeah we should get the log bot 20:57:55 Diego Salazar: can you please link your design, i'd like to make a reddit post asking for opinions for the next meeting 20:58:34 It's in Revuo. Use those links. One sec. 20:59:08 https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-209/ 2nd news. 21:01:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Need to get more organised 21:02:26 was there one with extra assets as well or am i confusing something? 21:03:26 more of a manual copy and paste from monerologs with a janky file. hinto made an example of an actual bot 21:04:04 why not post it on reddit sooner so we discuss opinions in the next meeting? 21:04:22 yeah im on that right now 21:04:35 whats reddit 21:04:45 it was supposed to be meant im gathering feedback so we can talk about it at teh meeting 21:04:46 we don't want to discuss the design for half a year... 21:04:54 He said that wasn't public or whatever. Just to show he had more elements to be possibly integrated. 21:04:55 plow: monero.town but with a report button 21:06:09 ah yes, let me buy some coins and give you a nice emoji 21:12:21 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1felb8e/the_future_of_getmoneroorg_looking_for_feedback/ 21:12:23 this good? 21:14:00 post content is fine, but what do you think of when reading "The future of getmonero.org | Looking for Feedback" 21:14:18 janaka = hammermann design? 21:14:40 typo 21:14:50 should mention hammer instead on jana 21:15:12 jana is the dev that implemented some of the figma design by hammer 21:15:28 idk, we are looking for feedback that could impact the future of getmonero.org 21:16:18 changed to hammermann 21:16:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like monero.town 21:18:04 https://monero.town/post/4289749 21:46:55 at some point, the website workgroup (who decided already) has to decide and be held accountable for improvements down the line 21:47:18 just spinning wheels and going backwards 21:48:16 the meeting tomorrow will be the meeting number 1 or 2 21:48:58 geonic just let them give us a darkmode only site when we expected both (is this true?) and then the feedback will roll in 21:49:25 everyone will be a design UX expert when its done 21:50:16 4 21:50:51 next week back to 3, then dejavu 2, then we can ask about getting weblate online @ meeting 6 21:51:06 16 22:51:45 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2371 22:51:49 updated to PR 22:51:54 updated the PR 23:17:27 The monero.town post is great, but I still want to push the design contest idea. 23:20:42 Did anyone PM hammerman on reddit yet? Lol. 23:20:56 Also, why is janaka's design not in the list of possible redesigns? 23:26:35 I contacted Hammer few months ago. I think he completely lost interest in Monero