01:06:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> This doesnt aound inclusive sir 01:06:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sound* 01:25:44 Hmm. When I hit him up months ago, he set up that matrix account that is in this room and was in here for a couple weeks but then never came back. 01:26:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Scared them off 01:26:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> With work 06:06:30 im confused 06:06:36 so we have 3 designs? 06:19:05 Looks like to me. Hammerman isn't Janaka and Diego isn't either of those two. 06:19:35 do we have a link? i dont think ive seen 3 designs before 06:19:44 lol... 06:19:45 only the one from janaka ccs and diegos 06:21:53 1) Janaka's: https://getmonero-unofficial-beta.vercel.app 06:21:54 2) Hammermann09's: https://www.figma.com/file/yT4JTUfvBkAsBDPNPJL1gx/Monero-Redesign-Concept?node-id=0%3A1 06:21:56 3) Diego's: https://rimgo.hostux.net/K7Cb9cD.png; Mirror: https://qu.ax/qBut.png 06:21:58 There, 3 designs, 3 different people. 06:24:12 ah yes of course, how could i possibly confuse these two 06:25:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> janaka's seems to be the only function demo 06:27:42 Janaka's is far closer to OG design than the others. 06:28:09 Hammerman's looks so slick though... 06:28:43 I think at this point my vote would be split between Diego's non-gradient, orangified version and Hammermann's for sure. I think I'd go for Hammerman's in the end. 06:30:38 Or the non-gradient, orangified one... Hmm... 06:31:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i reckon we do rock,scissors, papper 06:33:34 am i stupid or is hammermans janaka but expanded? 06:34:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> trick question 06:34:28 No but I just implemented Hammerman design. I didn't designed anyhing 06:35:21 My browser can't figure out how to pull up the actual design on figma, unfortunately; can only see janaka's and Diego's, though I could see Hammer's via reddit's thumbnail. 06:35:32 Hammer's looks pretty, advanced. 06:35:38 Btw, Diego published his WIP Figma https://www.figma.com/design/OuY892nD4zD1CEQDvC2Kty/Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)?node-id=1-15&node-type=frame&t=1Ys7v8P02IdmtYGu-0 06:35:45 monerobull: I am sure you have not seen the non-gradient, orangified version of Diego's, have you? 06:36:10 yeah possibly not 06:36:36 Look at Figma then 06:36:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> `We can't open this file because WebGL isn't supported,` ? 06:36:48 Between the meta issue shenanigans, you didn't know there were 3, just 2 designs... I can only assume you missed that alternative design too. Haha. 06:37:33 Lot of confusions... 06:37:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> if only there was a thing on github where you can have discussions 06:37:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> oh wait there is! 06:38:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/discussions 06:38:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> mario enabled it 06:38:42 wtf is figmas problem with putting fucking () into the url 06:39:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> post all the links for the design for me 06:39:51 Anyways, I am adding it to issue 209's issue since making a brand-new news byte for just an image sounds unnecessarily complicated. 06:39:52 That happened on Firefox. Chromium seemed to load it fine but then I just saw a bunch of very tiny thumbnails that weren't expandable, clickable. 🤷 06:40:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> yeah webgl is fingerprinting for display 06:40:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> naughty 06:40:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> -200 for deigo 06:40:54 If nobody is interested by a design contest I consider opening a Kuno 06:41:04 monerobull: done, site deployed. Find the non-gradient, orangified version. We've got 3 design mockups to choose from, and one of them has a sub-mockup/alternative. Find it in 2nd news byte [here](https://www.revuo-monero.com/weekly/issue-209/). 06:41:23 That non-gradient, orangified version kinda slaps. I dig. 06:41:57 image.png 06:42:02 this is hammerman 06:42:23 can you see how i was confused and thought we have 2 concepts? 06:42:27 Ya, definitely would be between Hammerman's and Diego's non-gradient. 100%. 06:43:13 It's because in theory they _are_ the same... 06:43:44 One came up with the mockup idea, the other implemented it, hence why Janaka would implement Diego's, or whoever else's... 06:44:09 I've got an idea. I may know of someone else who could craft a new contender. Would you guys like me to ask if they'd be interested? 06:44:35 No 06:44:43 Let's do an open contest 06:44:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> these are the 3 yeah? 06:45:13 You are asking why I would implement Diego's design? 06:45:27 The more the merrier. (??) 06:45:38 Who is talking about "closed" contest at all? 06:45:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> seraphis will be here before this gets done 06:45:47 Pull your head out of your ass and re read what I said. 06:45:48 Are you all starting the day with Ketamine? 06:46:04 No, but gladly my head is still above my shoulders, is yours? 06:46:10 This is not healthy 06:46:41 I am asking if I should ask another designer to come up with another design proposal and you start talking bullshit about "open contests". 06:46:56 I wasn't the one asking if my days were started with horse tranquilizers, my guy. 06:47:04 It's not bullshit. My idea is great 06:47:29 yeah contest is indeed a good idea but we'd have to give at least a month of time 06:47:42 Yes, it's fine 06:47:43 For the umpteenth time, retard, I am not downvoting your "open contest" idea. I am pointing out the fact that I am asking if I should hit up another designer up, nothing to do with your elections. 06:47:50 We are not in a hurry 06:47:54 How can I be not abrasive with prototypes like these... 06:48:22 Don't call me retard. Maybe take some tranquilizer, it has benefits too 06:48:36 Anyways, I'll go talk to her and see if she has spare time to work on this. :) 06:48:37 Will certainly not invite her to this room. The spectrum is high... 06:51:32 Gib me non-gradient, orangified version plz. https://rimgo.hostux.net/svuUuQM.png 06:52:14 dead link 06:53:00 Works for me. 06:54:41 ...or maybe not, what's going on, let me check. 06:55:59 monerobull: try this one. https://qu.ax/OLtM.png 07:02:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/discussions/2372 Here 07:32:27 I guess I'll get some pushback on this but.... 07:32:40 I've been thinking about the website, and my thoughts are as follows: 07:32:40 Because of Monero's uncompromising pursuit of privacy for over 10 years, we've already established an ethos of "we don't give a fuck". We're at a point where our branding and tonality is not crucial to the project's success. With this in mind, we should aim to have the most open and friendly "official" website possible, to welcome anyone and everyone to the project. We're already 07:32:42 dominant on the darknet, and we don't need to reflect that in our branding. 07:32:44 So, my thoughts are that we should stick with the current sitemap and design of the website. We could make some improvements in terms of text, illustrations, videos, and possibly other elements. However, I haven't been following this closely, so excuse my ignorance—what issues do we currently have with the website? Seeing how slow things are progressing here, and nobody agreeing 07:32:46 on pretty much anything, wouldn't it be more time-saving and cost-effective to focus on what we have? Why fix something that isn't broken? What are we trying to achieve, and can we not do that by working with the website as it is? 07:36:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> dark mode and i8n i think 07:37:24 I know many people have already invested a lot of time into this but I agree with vosot, the current site needs darkmode and some changes (like that one big block of text on the homepage, culling of moneropedia, etc) but overall it is a very friendly and unique look. 07:40:23 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 07:44:51 we need people to make PR's and review them (whether the site looks nice or note) 07:45:01 s/note/not 07:46:13 the designs ive seen do not look insanely different, i still see the original getmonero site in there, just with some pretty colours and improvements to how info is displayed 07:48:25 file image.png too big to download (4828908 > allowed size: 1000000) 07:48:26 image.png 07:49:32 off topic but man, you can really tell a lot about a crypto project based on whether they put the price ticker on their site or not 07:49:57 tron is probably the worst out of all, ugly ass website plus a whole price chart haha 07:50:18 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/AnNIxpWSQaCIJrqhMwhejhzi 07:50:23 you can really see where the focus lies haha 07:51:09 well, kaspas box to buy the coin directly from the website is also terrible 07:51:27 i get it for thorchain because decentralized swapping is literally what they do 07:52:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> we are having a restructure, you position is under review. The committe will get back to you soon with their decision. 08:14:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1219369440655168734/penpot-exporter 08:14:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> "This plugin can convert a Figma file into a Penpot compatible format. This will generate a .zip file that you can import into Penpot." 08:17:20 another upvote for the new website just rolled in hundehausen awarded an emoji 👍 on MergeRequest https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 09:32:54 can we find a better term than "housekeeping"? https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site?tab=readme-ov-file#housekeeping. I feel like th readme is a mess. 09:36:03 https://www.avax.network/ looks very close to Diego design 09:36:56 at least the hero 09:38:00 funnily enough, one of my least favorite ones 09:38:11 its too dark and feels "hostile" 09:38:20 what's you fav? 09:38:38 even if it is not included in the pic u sent 09:39:09 phew 09:39:52 idk, i like the vibe of the blur site but probably cant do that without javascript p 09:39:56 idk, i like the vibe of the blur site but probably cant do that without javascript 09:40:23 dot link and ada are all so mega corporate 09:40:43 i guess eth is pretty good 09:41:29 stellars initial headline is nice but then the whole site is just a wall of text 09:46:00 cyperpunk theme lol 09:46:37 yeah i like the retro-synthwave stuff 09:46:58 looks like a fashion website 09:59:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1felb8e/the_future_of_getmoneroorg_looking_for_feedback/ 09:59:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Comments not goinf well 09:59:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Going* 10:00:34 I agree with https://monero.town/post/4289749/5870296 10:00:36 >The only real criticism is that white text on black “burns my eyes” and is harder to read, so I’d much rather an off white font is used. 10:01:22 take a look at font color here https://www.privacyguides.org/en/basics/why-privacy-matters/ 10:01:46 easy on the eyes 10:04:27 >Dark themes remind me of sinister and nefarious dealings. I never have liked them and wouldn't buy into whatever they are selling. You don't want a theme that turns people off. 10:04:28 lol 10:06:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Pg uses ghost? 10:06:45 for blog, mkdocs for general website 10:06:52 actually not anymore 10:07:00 blog is a mkdocs plugin 10:11:05 Tor friendly link? 10:11:08 mkdocs material* 10:11:52 🤷 10:12:48 Did u visit over vpn or clear? 10:14:21 vpn 10:15:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Still blocked? 10:24:38 still getting ddosed 10:26:24 its only like 1$ per tb 10:26:28 Caching? 10:26:54 Per 5tb** 10:27:11 didnt monerica get hit with like 700 TB 10:27:56 $140 with no caching 10:28:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Create kuno! 10:50:56 undefined risk 10:51:16 we dont like undefined risk, it means infinite downside 10:51:31 we dont like undefined risk, it means infinite potential downside 10:52:51 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/PnBelLevdptyvvQskeQzEMjf 10:55:40 Rate limiting, even cf captcha 10:56:03 There are plenty of things can be done that change "infinite" to "limited" 11:48:04 monerobull: The link to Diego design in Monero Town is broken. Should link to Figma. 11:48:39 but figma is broken 11:48:47 it puts stupid () in the URL 11:48:56 so that breaks markdown 11:51:21 Me when I pay half a million dollar (vercel) to run pure bloated web page (nextJS) while automating with the worst programming language on earth (python) all to pushes my ridiculous achievements to a useless db wrapper (supabase) 11:51:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ^ 11:51:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also coolify is a thing 11:52:26 needs janaka to implement it for it to host as a website, no? 11:53:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> For diego to use penpot? 11:55:08 monerobull: I think it could be solved if diego rename the file "Monero-Website-Redesign-2024-(Copy)" 11:55:28 indeed 11:55:28 I come back after 4 days and thats what Im greeted with ? Confusion in chat? 11:55:42 welcome back 11:55:49 I love you monerobull 11:57:15 aww 11:58:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You been here before sir? 11:58:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its part of our decoy algorithm 11:58:37 lmao 11:59:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> One of us is the true spend 12:08:15 As a good decoy I would tend towards saying I'm the true spend 12:10:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Doxed 12:11:02 fuck 12:11:33 for the record, I'm trying to help monerobull here. He is really not uniform with rest of us decoys 12:12:08 what 12:12:29 ssshhhh. chainanalysis will get you're the true output 12:12:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Broken the rings 12:45:37 Use my node 15:53:45 Regarding design, I think we should be light-mode first. It is cleaner, more profesional, less shitcoin vibes. 15:54:09 amen 15:54:22 As lot of people on Reddit say 16:43:47 I agree with v​ostoemisio 's perspective is one of the issues with the current website translations, and if so, can this be corrected without building a new site? 16:47:26 The proposed correction is to delete everything and start over for various reasons 17:10:17 plowsof: can this be done with the current site? 17:12:13 nioCat: sorry there was consensus that we're making a new site. you didn't see the upvotes? 17:12:55 I am not allowed a vote? 17:13:10 ofc everyone wants new, it's over a year old 17:13:51 rotten said something about a new design being slick 17:13:59 no, you missed the deadline. consensus is always something achieved in the past. 17:14:11 oh right, I forgot 17:15:31 I am just one of the ignorant masses but I do have an opinion lol 17:16:11 new or old v​ostoemisio 's perspective is very good 17:17:45 I agree with vosto as well and it pretty much matches with what I said at the last meeting 17:18:34 but I think he missed the consensus forming period too 17:21:29 ok let me try grammar 17:21:42 whether making a new site or keeping the old one, v​ostoemisio 's perspective is very good 17:21:49 language is hard 17:21:56 I mean difficult 17:23:07 redesign should include cats 17:30:13 "What are we trying to achieve?" is the key question imo 17:30:52 luigi1111 what's the purpose of the redesign? you gave the marching orders no? 17:31:35 I did not. There was a CCS for that. Then the website committee was commissioned (by me). 17:31:42 or was forming (reviving) the website workgroup a response to janaka's proposal 17:31:46 right, ok 17:32:40 hey guys, just a reminder that you will never please anyone. 17:33:05 everyone 18:07:02 Yeah, never pleasing anyone would be awfully depressing :) 18:10:32 nioCat, where can I find v​ostoemisio's perspective? Maybe I don't know where to look, but could not find it 18:15:58 rbrunner7 18:17:10 I don't understand how people concluded that dark theme = evil, darknet etc 18:19:30 Thanks, rando. Matrix web client was too dumb to locate that with its search function ... 20:09:01 scroll up a bit... 20:10:22 zoom out 20:13:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Expand window 20:38:36 get a second monitor 21:18:37 rbrunner7 I guess I'll get some pushback on this but.... 21:18:37 I've been thinking about the website, and my thoughts are as follows: 21:18:37 Because of Monero's uncompromising pursuit of privacy for over 10 years, we've already established an ethos of "we don't give a fuck". We're at a point where our branding and tonality is not crucial to the project's success. With this in mind, we should aim to have the most open and friendly "official" website possible, to welcome anyone and everyone to the project. We're already dominant on the darknet, and we don't need to reflect that in our 21:18:37 branding. 21:18:37 So, my thoughts are that we should stick with the current sitemap and design of the website. We could make some improvements in terms of text, illustrations, videos, and possibly other elements. However, I haven't been following this closely, so excuse my ignorance—what issues do we currently have with the website? Seeing how slow things are progressing here, and nobody agreeing on pretty much anything, wouldn't it be more time-saving and 21:18:38 cost-effective to focus on what we have? Why fix something that isn't broken? What are we trying to achieve, and can we not do that by working with the website as it is? 23:13:38 Issues w current site 23:13:38 1. No dark mode 23:13:40 2. Poor content 23:13:42 3. Difficulty of contributing + translation strings and structure are a total mess 23:15:01 Things ppl agree on 23:15:02 1. Want a dark mode option 23:15:04 2. Want to be able to do translations 23:15:06 3. Content needs to be improved and easy to maintain 23:20:23 I am not against dark mode but I think light mode is more important actually 23:20:45 I mean, people _want_ a dark mode 23:20:50 Not dark-only 23:32:27 so what we need is dark mode option, easy translations and be able to maintain content easily 23:32:34 is the current site able to do this and if so what would be required vs a new site? 23:33:17 thx for entertaining my ignorance